Urban Witcher

Chapter 800 Black 2

Rui Lengyu recalled the Five Treasures Golden Lotus, Ye Shaoyang looked over and saw that her face was a little pale, and her forehead was covered with a layer of glistening sweat.

"It's amazing." Ye Shaoyang smiled at her, and continued to run wildly, returning to the three-way intersection, where Sibao and Xiaoma were fighting with another black-haired evil spirit.

Ye Shaoyang stepped forward to help out, it was too easy for three-on-one, he quickly locked Heimaosha with a magic talisman, and the pony picked up the soul-crushing stick, and smashed Heimaosha's head to death.

Everyone gathered and sat on the ground panting.

"Why is there a Hei Mao Sha here? Where did it come from?" Rui Lengyu looked at the body of the Hei Mao Sha on the ground and asked doubtfully.

"I don't know why there is a black hair, anyway, it came from there." Guagua pointed to the road leading to the main tomb, "We were resting here, and we saw a black hair running over. Let's fight straight away, this guy's head is really hard, the little master's precious sword is about to roll his mouth."

Guagua stroked the blade of the black iron ghost knife, and said distressedly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. In the main tomb...is there a black-haired evil spirit?

Sibao smiled wryly and said: "Our ghost hunting alliance is also very competitive. This black-haired ghost can beat an ordinary corpse king. If ordinary mages encounter it, ten of them can't beat one. We actually killed three of them in an instant. , brilliant record."

Ye Shaoyang snorted indifferently, the most stupid thing to deal with any corpse is to fight recklessly, the incident happened suddenly just now, there is no way.

If the situation permits, to deal with this kind of perverted zombie, you should first use various magical weapons and medicines, and lay down a formation before you can capture and kill them with one blow.

Xiao Ma suddenly said: "Hey, tell me, the bronze-armored corpses in the underground palace were just eaten by these black-haired ghosts?"

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, but...it was really possible.

"Although the black-haired evil is more difficult to deal with than the bronze-armored corpse, but if you want to kill hundreds of bronze-armored corpses, you can't do it without a dozen..."

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly became tense.

In this underground palace, is there still a black-haired evil spirit?

Sibao said: "The problem is, even if there is a corpse nest to nourish it, the zombies can't be transformed into evil spirits without more than a thousand years. This ancient tomb is only a few hundred years old, so how could there be black-haired evil spirits? Taking a step back, even if it was a coincidence, Some dead corpses turned into black-haired ghosts, and the bronze-armored corpses were originally in the same group, so they wouldn't kill each other."

Xiao Ma frowned and said, "Among the zombies, is there still a distinction between acquaintances and human beings?"

"Nonsense, the zombies raised in the same corpse nest have a common aura in their bodies, they will not harm each other, they will only establish a subordinate relationship, just like a herd of beasts, if two zombies from the corpse nest meet, they will fight for the corpse nest , will definitely do it.”

"Don't talk so much." Ye Shaoyang stood up and said, "The main tomb is just ahead, what's going on, just go and have a look, but be careful."

Everyone took out their magic weapons and walked along the straight tomb passage.

"By the way," Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered something, "You just went to the road on the right, did you find anything?" Immediately, he told his findings.

"We also have a stone room over there, but there is no mechanism on the door. It is full of armor and weapons, and there are several boxes of gold ingots and patterned silver..." Sibao said.

"Yuanbao!" Ye Shaoyang was shocked, "Have you taken it yet?"

Sibao and Xiaoma waved together.

"These are all antiques. They will be handed over to the country in the future. How can we take them? Brother Xiao Ma, I am so enlightened." Xiao Ma chuckled.

Ye Shaoyang didn't look right at first sight, but the main tomb was right in front of him, so he didn't have the heart to talk to him, so he walked quickly with the seductive rope.

There is no door to the main tomb, only a semi-circular wall to cover it. After entering, there is a road paved with white marble, with a total of 19 steps and guardrails on both sides.

Outside the guardrail are some rocks with unique shapes, and there are countless coral and stalagmite forests, which are extremely gorgeous.

Above the head is a huge dome, polished and angular, with countless murals engraved on it.

The entire tomb looked like a palace, but with an added layer of Ysen's feeling.

"You guys wait here, Shaoyang and I will go up to have a look first." Sibao said in a low voice.

Ye Shaoyang drew two hidden qi talismans, and stuck them on his body with each of the four treasures. He climbed up the stairs and walked up the stairs. At the same time, he looked around vigilantly, but didn't see any abnormalities.

On the platform in the middle of the Nether Hall, there is a huge coffin, shining silver, with various patterns of auspicious clouds depicted on it, without cracks from top to bottom.

The two walked over holding their breath, and saw that it was a coffin. After the death of the ancient nobles, they not only had to enter the customs, but also had to put a huge coffin on the outside.

"The so-called 'gold coffin and silver coffin, emperor's incense' should be like this." Sibao said in a low voice, "It's probably a gold coffin inside, it's a pity."


"Only in a wooden coffin can it be possible to grow Y-blood Ganoderma lucidum, of course not in a golden coffin." Sibao said disappointedly.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, thinking of this, Sibao was right, this is the main coffin of the Underworld Hall, if there is no Y-blood Ganoderma lucidum here, it is impossible for the entire underground palace to exist.

Immediately patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him in a low voice: "If you can't find it here, brother, I will accompany you to continue the tomb robbery. If you don't believe it, you can't find a Y-blood Ganoderma lucidum."

Sibao nodded, pointed to the coffin and said, "Looking at it like this, the Bronze Armored Corpse King is very likely to be inside, should we open it first, or make preparations first?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said: "Let's open the outer coffin and take a look to make sure it's inside, so as not to waste your efforts."

So Xiao Ma and Rui Lengyu were called up, and the four of them had a hidden energy talisman on their bodies. The function of this hidden energy talisman is also related to mana. With Ye Shaoyang's mana, it can fool ordinary zombies and even corpse kings.

He is not sure about the special form of the corpse king, the bronze armored corpse, but it is still a precaution.

"How to do this?" Ye Shaoyang said, looking at the huge coffin.

Sibao glanced at it and said, "If it's bronze or something, it will be troublesome. Fortunately, it's silver, and silver is the lightest. Let's lift it together and put something under it. It will definitely work."

After finishing speaking, he said, "Let's go to the side hall and the ear chamber at the back to see if there are any tomb bricks."

Several people bypassed the main hall and walked along the tomb passages on both sides. Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu entered a side hall. From the map, it was already the end of the ancient tomb.

Ye Shaoyang thought about the way he came from, and it was a few miles away. Such a huge ancient tomb can only be done by an emperor.

There is a slightly smaller coffin in the side hall, which has been opened, and it is empty inside. Presumably there was also a bronze armored corpse inside, and after taking shape, he opened the coffin and crawled out, most likely already eaten by the black-haired evil spirit.


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