Urban Witcher

Chapter 774 Alliance 1

"Uh...not to blame, not to blame." Ye Shaoyang coaxed her like a child.

Only then did Chengzi smile, hugged Ye Shaoyang tightly again, and buried his head in his arms, "Boss, you haven't called me for so long, but people think of you..."

"I... men and women are different, you should let go first!"

"You are my master, what are you afraid of." Cheng Zi had a strange expression.

Ye Shaoyang knew that she had no affection for him, only the absolute trust and intimacy between the master and the servant.

When Ye Shaoyang pushed her out, two figures came in from under the door: Guagua and Lin Sansheng. They were shocked to see a blonde beauty in Ye Shaoyang's arms.

"Don't look at evil, don't look at evil." Lin Sansheng covered his face with his hands and turned away.

Guagua smiled at Ye Shaoyang, "Boss really can't see... Hehe, you're busy, we didn't see anything, we didn't see anything..."

"Guagua!" Cheng Zi stood up from Ye Shaoyang's arms and shouted at Guagua.

"Third brother!" Guagua was stunned for a moment, and then recognized Chengzi. His eyes widened, and then he straightened up again, and said with his hands on his hips, "You should call me second brother!"

Cheng Zi walked over and patted his round head, "Got it, um, second child."

Guagua almost died of anger.

"Stop messing around," Ye Shaoyang straightened his clothes, and said to Cheng Zi, "Did you get the salt crystal?"

Orange nodded.

Ye Shaoyang asked Guagua to call Sibao. He wanted to call Rui Lengyu at first, but seeing Chengzi's current state, he held back.

Lin Sansheng didn't dare to look at her directly, and went out with Guagua.

Cheng Zi went to the bathroom to take out her clothes and threw them on the bed.

Ye Shaoyang's eyes were blinded at a glance...

"Then what, there is a bathrobe in the bathroom, go and change it."

Cheng Zi said unwillingly: "What are you afraid of, you are not an outsider."

"I'm not afraid, but it's inconvenient for the Four Treasures to come over later." Ye Shaoyang was speechless.

Cheng Zi thought about it too, so she went into the bathroom and put on her bathrobe, went back to the bedroom, found a small box of cosmetics from her clothes, opened it, and found that it was full of white fine powder, which reflected silver under the light. White gloss.

This is... a salt crystal?

"Just that little bit, can you deal with dozens of bronze armored corpses?" Ye Shaoyang felt a little unbelievable.

Cheng Zi said: "One or two hundred is enough, don't look too small, these salt crystals are all naturally concentrated sea salt, the concentration of one salt crystal can be dozens of times that of ordinary table salt."

"Really?" Ye Shaoyang couldn't help dipping a few pills into his mouth.

"Boss, don't!" Cheng Zi wanted to stop it too late.

A salty feeling spread along the taste buds, Ye Shaoyang screamed, ran to the bathroom, rinsed his mouth three times, his mouth was still so salty that it made people mad, he had no choice but to turn on the shower and point the shower head at it. After flushing his mouth for a few minutes, the salty taste still remained in his mouth.

Coming out of the bathroom, Ye Shaoyang only felt dizzy, and his whole body was not well. Cheng Zi watched Zhi Le from the sidelines.

At this time, Sibao opened the door and came in, holding a lunch box in his hand and putting it on the bedside table, "I just ordered takeaway, let's eat together."

"What?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"Salt and Pepper Ribs."

When Ye Shaoyang heard the word "salt", he vomited with a wow.

"How should I use this salt crystal?" Sibao asked while holding the cosmetic box containing the salt crystal.

"It must be mixed with water. For ordinary bronze armored corpses, it is estimated that the copper armor will be damaged if sprayed with this salt water, but the bronze armored corpse king is definitely not good. It must be soaked for a while." Ye Shaoyang said.

Sibao said: "You're talking nonsense, if we can catch it, what's the use of soaking it in salt water?"

"Listen to me." Ye Shaoyang glared at him, "We can set up an ambush, such as setting up a water tank and placing it in a certain place in the ancient tomb, and then attract the Bronze Armored Corpse King..."

This idea was approved by all.

"At that time, I will choose a place. I have stayed in that ancient tomb for hundreds of years, and I am most familiar with it." Lin Sansheng said.

"Then how do you use salt water to deal with other bronze armored corpses?" Sibao said, "You can't put it in the washbasin and splash it?"

What he mentioned is really a problem... Several people thought about it, and finally Guagua slapped his head, "I have a solution, water gun! We can get more water guns, each with one, and then spray on the bronze armor corpse. S, hahaha, it makes me feel emotional when I think about it."

Ye Shaoyang and Sibao looked at each other.

"I think this method is okay." Sibao said, "Keep pace with the times."

Ye Shaoyang slapped his thigh, "Just do it like this!"

After discussing the specific policy, everyone dispersed, even Guagua winked at Ye Shaoyang on purpose, and went to sleep with Sibao.

Ye Shaoyang went to close the door, went back to the bedroom and saw that Chengzi had got into the quilt, his clothes had been taken off, two shoulders were exposed outside the quilt, and he was holding a sun mirror as a vanity mirror, looking up and down at his beautiful face The next photo is up.

She is a demon servant, and she has already given her soul crystal to Ye Shaoyang, so Ye Shaoyang's magic weapon will not do any harm to her.

Ye Shaoyang stood in front of the bed, looked at her with his hips on his hips, then scratched her, and said, "Are you sure you're sleeping here?"

"Otherwise?" Cheng Zi confidently said, "Boss, if you don't want to sleep with me, isn't there another bed here? I'm your fairy, don't be so restrained, okay?"

Ye Shaoyang really wanted to tell her that it would be better if you showed your real body. You look so beautiful... It's hard not to think about it when you sleep next to you. Although I am a celestial master, I am also a man, and it was just love Little S year...

Shaking his head helplessly, Ye Shaoyang simply packed a few things, let her sleep well, went out to Sibao's door, and knocked on the door.

Sibao immediately understood when he saw him, and pointed to the next door, "You knocked on the wrong door, Leng Yu lives next door."

"Monk talkative, he is going to hell." Ye Shaoyang glared at him, pushed the door in, saw Guagua occupying a bed, pushed him away, went up by himself, looked around, and asked, "Where is that ghost scholar? "

Sibao pointed to the roof, Ye Shaoyang looked up, and saw a long figure stuck to the ceiling, with his hair untied and hanging down from above, the face in the middle was still smiling at him. Sitting up in fright.

"What are you doing, you want to scare people to death!"


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