Urban Witcher

Chapter 59

Hu Shuai was startled, and shook his head again and again, "No, as long as the two of us are willing, it's fine. I don't care, and she doesn't care."

"It's not a matter of indifference," Ye Shaoyang patiently explained: "After a person dies, the soul will go to the Yin Division to report, cross the Wangchuan River, and go to the Naihe Bridge. Reincarnation, six reincarnations, this is the road of heaven and earth, no one can avoid it, otherwise It is a violation of the law of heaven, and the consequences will be very serious."

Hu Shuai fell down on the bed, protecting Liao Qingqing with both hands. He was stunned for a while, then shook his head, gritted his teeth and said, "No, no, no, I don't want her to be reincarnated. Brother Shaoyang, isn't there a lot of ghosts wandering in the world? What a green one, why can't she stay in the world, I can stay with her for the rest of my life, until I die, and go to reincarnation together."

Ye Shaoyang became angry, and reprimanded: "After death, a person can only stay in the world for seven days, one more day, and after going to the underworld, he will be tortured in hell for one more year. If you live to be seventy and eighty before you die, you are fine. I will go to Yin Division again when the time comes, what are the consequences? Have you thought about it for others?"

Hu Shuai was taken aback, and blurted out: "Then we won't report, and just keep wandering in the world, being a pair of lonely ghosts!"

Ye Shaoyang sneered, "It's easy to say, first, all ghosts who linger in the world will suffer catastrophe every hundred years, and if they can't survive, they will be wiped out. Second, you are a human and she is a ghost, so you can't go to bed. You can't give her a title, I don't believe that you can withstand the pressure and never marry for the rest of your life, which will cut off your family's incense."

Hu Shuai resolutely said: "First, after a hundred years, I will die too. I will accompany her to endure the catastrophe. If I can't bear it, my soul will be scattered together. Second," Hu Shuai smiled, "There is no problem, as long as there is Qingqing is here, I will not marry for the rest of my life, I can do it.” Please enter the URL in lowercase letters: .

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, and stretched out three fingers to him, "Third, I am a mage, a judge in the world, and all wandering souls I meet must be sent to the underworld. A criminal, no matter how wronged he is, is still a criminal. , that means this agent is negligent, to me, a ghost is a ghost and must be saved, there is no human kindness at all, do you understand?"

Ye Shaoyang raised his right hand, with a piece of five emperors' money between his two fingers, and said coldly: "Everyone is friends, and I don't want to be Fa Hai, but it's my duty, don't force me to do it."

Hu Shuai gritted his teeth, picked up a fruit knife from the bedside, pointed it at Ye Shaoyang, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Shaoyang, don't force me!"

"Fuck, it's against you!" Xiao Ma immediately lifted a three-legged stool and stood in front of Ye Shaoyang, "Little Yezi took such a big risk to rescue Qingqing, isn't it for her own good, in exchange for you pointing a knife at him? How dare you try to move him!"

Li Duo also persuaded: "Xiao Shuai, put down the knife and speak slowly if you have something to say, you haven't reached the point yet."

Hu Shuai sighed, shook his head, put the fruit knife across his neck, and said with a wry smile: "In this case, I have no choice but to reincarnate with Qingqing..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Duo rushed over and snatched the fruit knife from his hand.

Hu Shuai didn't resist, and smiled at Ye Shaoyang: "It's okay, it's the same if I die when I go back. If a person wants to die, he can always find a chance. Brother Shaoyang, remember to send us away together, so that we won't find each other below." .”

Xiao Ma put down the stool, took Ye Shaoyang's arm and said, "Little Ye Zi, look at them... Sigh, can you let them go, you can't watch Hu Shuai die, can you?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart softened, knowing that he could not persuade the pair of humans and ghosts to separate, he lowered his head and pondered for a long time, then raised his head, his eyes fell on Liao Qingqing's face, and said, "What do you think?"

"I also want to be with Xiaoshuai." Liao Qingqing looked at him pitifully, "I beg Grand Master, no, I beg Brother Shaoyang to be fulfilled."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Think about it, you are with him, you have no status, and he can't marry a wife. If he regrets it in the future, he can just drive you away. When you enter the underworld again, you will suffer endless torture. You think about it carefully, don't regret it when the time comes, it will be too late."

Seeing him let go, Liao Qingqing's eyes lit up, and she nodded without thinking: "I don't regret it, even if he doesn't want me one day, I don't regret it."

Hu Shuai hurriedly said: "No, I will accompany you for the rest of my life. I am going to die. The two of us will be lonely ghosts, wandering the world together."

Ye Shaoyang smiled coldly, "It's nice to say, if you can still say that in ten or twenty years, it won't be in vain to have a fight with you." After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said to Liao Qingqing, "How about it, you Let's follow him first, if he regrets it in the future, and finds a wife or something, you can quit, don't hinder his happiness, then I will send you to the underworld, find a way to go through the back door, so that the ghosts don't make things difficult for you, how about it?"

Liao Qingqing smiled sweetly, "That's the best. If he wants to marry a wife, I won't interfere."

Hu Shuai also breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Don't worry, I promise, this kind of thing will never happen."

"Who cares about you?" Ye Shaoyang untied his backpack, took out a celadon vial, and threw it to Hu Shuai. "There are many mages out there, and not all of them are as unprincipled as I am. This porcelain vase has my seal. You don't usually come out and stay here to practice. Unless you meet a mage who is better than me, I won't take you away."

Hu Shuai put the vial close to his body, stood up, and bowed to Ye Shaoyang: "Brother Shaoyang, you are not unprincipled, you have done a great deed. Our husband and wife will remember it forever!"

Ye Shaoyang sighed, "Forget it, I don't know whether this will help you or hurt you."

In the evening, Hu Shuai wanted to treat everyone to a meal, but Ye Shaoyang was not in the mood, so he let them go by themselves, came to the bedroom by himself, and lay in a daze on the bed.

After a while, the pony opened the door and came in, bringing him a meal. "Eat something, little leaf, you didn't eat tonight."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Aren't you going to eat with them?"

Pony shook his head, "Little Yezi, don't worry about it. Isn't this ending pretty good? I think they are very loving, and they will definitely grow old together. No, they have one person and one ghost, so they can't grow old together. Anyway... that What, I can't say well."

Ye Shaoyang sighed, and said: "They are fine, I am in trouble."

"What's the trouble?"

"Do you know why Fa Hai wanted to arrest Bai Suzhen?"

Xiao Ma rolled his eyes, "Fa Hai likes Bai Suzhen, he is jealous."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, "Because Fahai is a sorcerer, so a sorcerer wants to catch ghosts and subdue demons. When encountering ghosts, they don't catch them, but allow them to stay in the human world and combine with people. This is against the law of heaven. After I die, I will go to the underworld , the judge will ask me to settle this account."

Xiao Ma was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Brother Shaoyang, you are a mage, how could you die?"

"Nonsense, everyone is going to die. Of course, it's the same thing whether you can enter the underworld after death..." Startled for a while, suddenly figured it out, and slapped his forehead, "Yeah, what the hell, the big deal is that after death I won’t go to the Yin Division anymore, I’ll also go as a lonely ghost, who will take care of me?”

Xiao Ma said dejectedly: "That's true, a lonely soul like you probably wouldn't even dare to accept it."

After figuring this out, Ye Shaoyang was not so entangled anymore. He went to the bedroom where Feng Xinyu was, took out three shark oil candles from his bag, lit them, placed them on her head and on both shoulders, and wrote a blood essence talisman , Stick it on the door frame, put an incense burner under the door, and light three bunches of Tianmu Tibetan incense. -. ..


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