Urban Witcher

Chapter 567: Ye Xiaoshuo's Demon

Xiao Ma looked at the formation that Ye Shaoyang had worked so hard to arrange, and frowned, "Why didn't there be any reaction?"

Ye Shaoyang glared at him and said: "You are an ordinary person, how can you see the reaction, this formation is located at the Kun position, and it is up and down with the god statue on the mountain, one tall and one short, matching the two positions of Qian Kun, forming a feng shui formation eye, Stellar Qi comes out of the Big Dipper Zhengxing, corresponding to the dry position, the flow of air is long, and the air door is long, which can resist the invasion of most dead qi."

The head of the Wang family village came up and said, "Mr. Ye, what should we do now that there are so many of us?"

"What can I do, wait until Sibao brings the rescuers."

Ye Bo scratched his head, walked over, looked at the countless villagers, and said, "There are so many people, how do we arrange them?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said: "Si Bao estimated that it will take two or three days to come back. There are so many people, and they can't sit here for two or three days. Find a place to live first. It will only be two days. Regarding food and lodging, you will Figure it out for yourself, I don't care about it."

Ye Bo then discussed with several other village chiefs. Fortunately, there were many houses on the street, so they decided to arrange the old, weak, sick and disabled to live in the houses first. If there are vacant houses, then women will be arranged. It doesn't matter if you sleep on the grass for two days. As for food, every family in the street has food, and no one is willing to share it in times of crisis.

So after several people discussed the details of the specific resettlement, they each used their loudspeakers to announce, and then made specific arrangements one by one. In the end, only some young people who had no place to live were left in the middle of the street.

For these young people, the scariest thing is not the ghosts besieging the village, but the deadly assembly that blocks the wireless signal, resulting in no internet, and they can only sit and chat.

Ye Bo came over and told Ye Shaoyang that a house had already been arranged for them, for several of them to live in.

Ye Shaoyang was not polite to him either, he nodded in agreement, and then everyone followed Ye Bo to a small courtyard facing the street. There were only three or four rooms, and several people allocated them. Rui Lengyu and Ye Xiaomeng lived in one room, wow Yu, Lao Guo and Yue Heng live in one room, and Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Ma live in one room, so the accommodation problem is solved.

Ye Bo also brought a sack of rice and some pickled meat and sausages, which were collected from the dry goods store in Jishang.

There are all the utensils in the kitchen, and there is a well in the yard. After the owner of the house took them to familiarize themselves with it, they left with Ye Bo. Although the house was occupied, the owner's family was very happy, and Ye Shaoyang and his party It is a great honor to be able to live in my own home. After all, everyone's hopes are currently focused on Ye Shaoyang and his friends.

Although it is an extraordinary period, there is always food to eat. In the evening, Ye Shaoyang started to cook. He cooked a pot of rice, put some sausages and a piece of pickled meat on it.

A few friends gathered in the kitchen and had a special dinner. Xiao Ma was asked to stay and wash the dishes because he ate two extra bowls of rice. The rest of them went outside together and walked around casually.

Since all the signals were not cut off and the electricity was cut off, the street was pitch black, and there were many people standing on the side of the street, looking out at the dark and dead air, their eyes were dull and dull, and even the most gossipy women were in no mood to chat Now, everyone has a feeling that a rock is hanging in their hearts. No one knows what this rock seems to be falling down, and the consequences are serious or not.

Only children don't know anything, but in order to prevent them from running out of the barrier, all of them are closely watched by adults.

A group of selected young guys sat on the side of the street and watched the street to avoid accidents.

After strolling around, Ye Shaoyang and his group returned to the house, chatted briefly for a while, and went back to their rooms to rest.

Ye Shaoyang entered the room, moved out the quilt, went to the roof, made a bunk on the ground, and decided to spend the night here.

In this way, if something happens after you fall asleep, you can hear the sound and wake up in time.

After a while, Xiao Ma also moved the mattress up and lay down on the roof.

The two were chatting one after another. Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang felt a movement of breath behind him. Looking back, he saw a monster lying on the floor behind him—it wasn't a monster after a closer look, but a person squatting on the ground. A man with a long tail, a bald head, distorted facial features, and a green light condensed on his silver-white body, flickering on and off.

"Monster!" Xiaoma got up and retreated to Ye Shaoyang's side.

The monster crawled to a place three meters away from Ye Shaoyang, stopped suddenly, sat on the ground like a dog, grinned its big mouth with criss-crossed teeth, and uttered a clear word: "Ye Shaoyang, I'm done."

It was Ye Xiaoshuo's voice!

Ye Shaoyang was startled, and instantly understood that the ugly and evil "monster" in front of him was Ye Xiaoshuo's inner demon.

Demons are born from the heart. Except for the great powers of saints and Taoists and Buddhas, everyone has inner demons. At special times, people can see their own inner demons.

However, because the inner demons are not controlled by rationality, they usually appear as enemies every time they appear against themselves.

What surprised Ye Shaoyang was that Ye Xiaoshuo could actually control his demons! What kind of spell is this?

Before he had time to think about this, Ye Shaoyang hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I can feel that the ghost mother is suspicious of me." Ye Xiaoshuo's "heart demon" said, "He probably knows my plan, and she will definitely not let me go."

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, and said: "Then you leave her first and hide."

The demon sighed and said: "Doing that will only harm Xueqi. So for the sake of loyalty, no matter what the ghost mother does to me, I will accept it. I am very worried, I will lose my mind soon..." His The voice gradually lowered, full of sadness.

"Ye Shaoyang, I came to you to ask you three things. First, take care of my mother for me. My mother has always been very independent and does not need anyone to take care of her. But if she encounters any difficulties, please help her. "

Ye Shaoyang nodded gratefully.

"Second, fulfill your promise, no matter what, rescue Xueqi."

Ye Shaoyang nodded again.

"Third," the demon sighed again, "If there is a day when I lose my mind, Ye Shaoyang will kill me without hesitation."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him, hesitated for a while, then nodded. "Don't worry, I fully agree."

The heart demon looked at him, and after a while, he said in a calm voice: "It's a pity that I didn't meet you when I was alive. Otherwise, it would be fun to conquer demons and demons together. What you said in the afternoon, I I heard it, and I like it very much. Where the Tao is, even though there are tens of millions of people, I will go there." After a pause, he repeated in a weak but firm voice, "Although there are tens of millions of people, I will go there!"


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