Urban Witcher

Chapter 500

Ye Qingyun lowered his head, his whole body became listless, and his voice became low and weak:

"I confess that the method failed because some of us lost the chain at a critical moment... I don't want to recall the process again, anyway, the result was a failure. We were ashamed to see Xiaoshuo, and we all left home the next day and hid in other places , Not long after the flash flood broke out, I heard that Xiao Shuo and Xue Qi died together..."

In the past, he, a seven-foot man, actually choked up, and tears kept falling on the photo in his hand.

Ye Shaoyang said lightly: "If you don't tell me, I can roughly guess what happened. The biggest use of heart and blood is to lower the head. In the Nanyang head lowering technique, there are some powerful curse spells that need to be done with the heart. I Although I don't know how Ye Xiaoshuo cast the spell, it is certain that he wanted to use the power of the curse to replace the gradually disappearing ancient seal.

To put it bluntly, this is a way to fight poison with poison. Ye Xiaoshuo probably knew that with his own magic power, he could not complete the task in normal ways, so he chose to use the power of curse. You must have left the formation arbitrarily when your blood was running out, which led to failure. "

Ye Qingyun lowered his head in shame, and used silence instead of answering.

Ye Shaoyang sighed, "This Ye Xiaoshuo is really ruthless. With his magic power at that time, it is probably impossible to forcibly refine the hearts and minds of three people. Since he knows the Nanyang head lowering technique, he must also be able to sacrifice it." , he must have sacrificed himself to complete the formation..."

Ye Xiaomeng didn't quite understand, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ye Shaoyang spread his hands, "It means that he did this with the determination to die. He will die if he fails, and he will die if he succeeds..."

Everyone was stunned.

Ye Shaoyang noticed that Ye Bo was standing at the back, with his head down, rubbing his eyes constantly.

Ye Xiaomeng murmured: "So, Xiao Shuo is a good person. In order to prevent the disaster from happening, he is willing to sacrifice himself. How could such a person work for that evil star?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Ye Qingyun, "Then I have to ask him, what happened afterwards?"

Ye Qingyun shook his head, "I really don't know. At that time we had no face to see him, and at the same time... feared that he would retaliate against us. After all, he knew magic. We all hid in other places. Later, we heard that there was a flood in our hometown, and the two of them died. I just came back, and I really don’t know anything about what happened after we left.”

Speaking of this, Ye Qingyun sighed, and murmured: "We thought Xiaoshuo and Xueqi were both dead, and the matter was over, but we didn't expect Xiaoshuo to still be here... For the past ten years, Jialiang and I have been secretly funding three Mom, it's just to make up for my conscience, I didn't expect that after ten years, Xiaoshuo still doesn't want to let us go."

Ye Xiaomeng asked in surprise: "Are you supporting Sanniang?"

"After Xiaoshuo died, Sanniang went crazy. Do you really think she can live for ten years by begging?"

At this time, Mr. Wang Dashan came forward, cupped his hands to Ye Shaoyang and said: "Mr. Ye, now you know the truth of the matter, I hope you can save Qingyun's life. It was justifiable for him to do that. Besides, it's been so many years..."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, not to mention that Ye Qingyun has been supporting Sanniang for so many years, even if he is a heinous villain, he can't let ghosts come to claim his life and destroy the order of the two sessions of Yin and Yang, so he took out Taiyi Whisk, dipped in cinnabar, He drew a talisman, handed it to Ye Qingyun, and said:

"Now Ye Xiaoshuo has become a fierce ghost with extremely strong cultivation. With this talisman, I can only keep you safe for six hours. You go back and tidy up and leave immediately. The farther you can go within these six hours, the better. Don't come back until the matter is over, or you will die."

Ye Qingyun took it, thanked him, and said that he would inform his relatives and take them away with him.

After Ye Qingyun went to the back room, several people recalled what he had said before and carefully analyzed it, but no one spoke for a long time.

After a while, Ye Shaoyang looked up at Uncle Ye and asked, "How did Ye Xiaoshuo die? Don't say you don't know, you know a lot of things."

Ye Bo looked troubled and said nothing.

Ye Xiaomeng also *asked: "When is this, why are you still hiding it, Dad, didn't you do something wrong, don't you dare to say it?"

Ye Bo was taken aback, sighed, finally let go, and said: "I can't explain clearly, I'll go back and get something, and then I'll talk about it." After speaking, he hurried out regardless of other people's objections.

"Let's go back to my house too, it's more convenient." Ye Xiaomeng suggested.

Ye Shaoyang nodded, turned to look at Mr. Wang Dashan, who smiled tactfully, "Then I won't go, you guys, if you need help from Mr. Wang, just ask." After finishing speaking Very politely sent them to the door.

Ye Xiaomeng led Ye Shaoyang and Xiaoma home, entered the main room, Ye Xiaomeng called Ye Bo, Ye Bo agreed in the bedroom, let them talk first, and go out after finding something.

Ye Xiaomeng poured two glasses of water and gave them to Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Ma. The three sat down in front of the Eight Immortals table. Ye Xiaomeng looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "After I came back yesterday, I thought about it all night and came up with a few doubts. Write it down in the notebook, let’s discuss it together.” After speaking, he took out a notebook from his pocket, opened it and read aloud:

"First, who is that fairy lady? Second, what is the purpose of Ghost Fairy Village? Third, after the female ghost who possessed Mrs. Liu made the golden R, who did she give it to?" , is that the Fairy Lady? Now add another question, Ye Xiaoshuo and Xueqi are a pair of mages, even if they are dead, why would the ghost work for the Fairy Lady?

Hmm... I feel that once these issues are clarified, other issues will be easily solved. "

Ye Shaoyang smiled. He had thought about the questions Ye Xiaomeng raised last night, so he took the notebook from Ye Xiaomeng, looked at the questions listed on it, and said, "Let me start with a simple answer, As for the golden R, it’s obviously not for that fairy, it’s very simple, the jar is picked up by a car, Liangjie Mountain is not open to traffic, if it’s really a fairy who wants to eat golden R, old lady Liu can send it directly, there’s no need Seek far away.

We still don’t know the person who created the two Hanbai and the purpose of creating the Hanbai. This matter is far from as simple as we thought. The so-called fairy lady is probably not the only enemy we have to deal with.

Regarding the matter of Ye Xiaoshuo and Xueqi, I will ask your father later, and then I will analyze it. Now there are no clues, and there is no result of the discussion. As for the fairy girl, I can tell you what she is. "

The last sentence made Xiao Ma and Ye Xiaomeng stare at him together.

(I can't bear it anymore, I'll go to rest for a while, get up and write again, and I will update it tomorrow afternoon.)——

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