Urban Witcher

Chapter 402 Master and Apprentice Meeting

Ye Shaoyang threw away the cinnabar pen, stood up, and looked down at the talisman he had written with gold powder: Heaven and Earth Guiyuan Talisman.

The talisman was drawn, but he had no idea what kind of power he could display with his own magic power.

However, the talisman can only be stimulated when it encounters evil spirits. I can't just find a ghost to experiment with. Even if I look for it, I can't find one as powerful as the man in white. I guess it will be burned to ashes in one fell swoop. There is no reference value at all, so I have to give up.

Anyway, the talisman has been drawn, so it's up to it whether it's successful or not.

Then, Ye Shaoyang began to recite the heart mantra. Each talisman has a corresponding incantation. The three in one, the incantation, the talisman, and the hand knot, can activate the power of the talisman.

Originally, Ye Shaoyang still didn't understand how to do the so-called "yin and yang into a mirror, and heaven and earth as a talisman", but after memorizing the "returning to the original mantra" and deliberating the reason for the easy number changes, he naturally thought of The method of combining the two: the yin and yang are born together, the heaven and the earth are turned upside down, all dharmas return to the original, and the universe changes.

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, it must be so.

After sleeping for a few hours, Ye Shaoyang got up before eight o'clock. He had a lot of things to do today, so he had to go out early.

When I came to the living room, I saw Zhuang Yuning sitting on the sofa with a pile of breakfast on the coffee table.

"Brother Shaoyang, you won't take me there today, right?" Zhuang Yuning looked at him quietly and said.

"As I said before, you won't be of much help if you go, but will distract me instead," Ye Shaoyang smiled, "Trust me, it will be done."

Zhuang Yuning nodded and said, "So I got up early to see you off and bought some rice. You should eat more."

Ye Shaoyang took a bun and was about to eat it. Hearing what she said, he didn't dare to bite it down. Hearing what he said, he felt a little bit anxious

Zhuang Yuning thought he was nervous, so she deliberately made a joke: "Eat quickly, do you want me to sing a song to boost your morale?"

Ye Shaoyang quickly waved his hand, "If you sing again, I won't even dare to leave the door."

After eating, Young Master Ye packed up his things, took all the magic weapons he could carry with his mountaineering bag, bid farewell to Zhuang Yuning, came to the gate of the community, took a taxi, and went straight to the University City.

Stone City University of Technology.

Ye Shaoyang stood outside the school gate, watching the students coming and going, feeling a strange but familiar feeling in his heart. Although he hadn't been to the school for a long time, he was still a student here in name anyway.

Especially seeing a pair of student couples walking in front of him, Ye Shaoyang immediately felt a wave of indignation in his heart: he is also a student, why can they live such a happy life, fall in love, hold hands, eat and go shopping together? I have to catch ghosts and subdue demons myself, why?

"Hey, little leaf" Xiao Ma's surprised voice came from a distance, Ye Shaoyang turned his head to look, he couldn't believe it, Xiao Ma actually held the hand of a beautiful woman, and proudly squeezed out from the couple .

This fat man actually has today

Ye Shaoyang felt even more indignant. He looked at the beautiful woman and saw that it was Wang Ping, only then did he realize that the pony had succeeded. Wang Ping smiled at him through the crowd, with a look of displeasure in his eyes.

The little horse didn't pay attention, and ran over happily, punching Ye Shaoyang in the chest, "You are finally willing to come to me and miss me, isn't it that I am not used to it?"

His voice was like a bell, which attracted the curious eyes of many passers-by. Ye Shaoyang coughed twice, thinking that fortunately Wang Ping was there, otherwise in such an era when gays are so popular, his relationship with him would be unclear. .

"Brother Shaoyang." Wang Ping greeted simply.

"Hello." Ye Shaoyang nodded, then turned to Xiaoma and said, "How did you go about what I asked you to do last night?"

Xiao Ma said: "I have contacted Zhang Xiaorui. She is very happy that you can find her and is willing to help. Now I am waiting for my call, so let her come here."

"Let's find a place to sit first."

Ye Shaoyang looked around, and found that the breakfast shops along the street were overcrowded, it was not suitable for talking about things, and the tea bar was not open in the early morning, so he was in trouble, Xiao Ma said: "It's easy, go to the house I rented."

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, looked at him, then at Wang Ping.

Xiao Ma scratched her head in embarrassment, and said, "Don't get me wrong, she doesn't live here, she just came to my place to play this weekend."

On the way to Xiaoma to rent a house, Xiaoma called Zhang Xiaorui and reported his address, and Zhang Xiaorui said he would be there in a while.

The house that Xiao Ma rents is a self-built house of nearby residents. It is one bedroom and one living room. The room is not bad, but it is a bit old.

As soon as he entered the house, Xiao Ma said to Ye Shaoyang: "Is this house okay, are you satisfied?"

"I..." Ye Shaoyang looked at him.

"It's not who you are, I rented it for the two of us." Xiao Ma was surprised, and then said with a smirk: "Are you really planning to live in Yuyu's house?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Wang Ping in surprise.

Xiao Ma immediately understood, and smiled, "She won't live here, we don't live together."

Ye Shaoyang felt a touch of emotion in his heart. Although he didn't hang out with each other recently, although Xiao Ma had a girlfriend, he still regarded himself as a teammate, although he had always been a pig teammate in his eyes.

After waiting for less than ten minutes, Zhang Xiaorui rushed over vigorously. As soon as he entered the door and saw Ye Shaoyang, he was about to bow and bow down, "Master, I am here as a disciple."

"Get it, get it," Ye Shaoyang held her arms, but felt that she had exerted all her strength, pressed down hard, and was stunned for a moment, so he had to lift up his strength and compete with her.

So a scene often seen in martial arts dramas appeared: a martial arts master insisted on bending down to bow down, but was easily pulled up by the stronger one.

Zhang Xiaorui took a breath, looked at Ye Shaoyang with admiration, and said with a smile: "Master's skill is still very strong."

Ye Shaoyang has dark hair, and every time he meets her, he feels like he has traveled back to the era of martial arts.

After sitting down, Wang Ping was going to pour water, Zhang Xiaorui waved his hand and said, "They are all sons and daughters of the Jianghu, so you are welcome."

The three of them looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched, and ten thousand alpacas stepped over in their hearts.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Zhang Xiaorui, who was wearing close-fitting sportswear and had a fit body, and was about to talk about business, Zhang Xiaorui said excitedly:

"Master, you haven't come to see me recently, I've almost practiced the Taishu of our Daxuanqing Mountain, and my martial arts have improved several levels, only then did I realize that the karate and taekwondo of those little devils and sticks are all weak.

And I found that our Daxuan Qingshan's martial arts coincides with the martial arts philosophy of the late great martial artist Mr. Bruce Lee "taking the impossible as the law", and there is no trick to win."


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