Urban Witcher

Chapter 395 Wall

The primordial spirit is the essence of the soul, without any cultivation, can hardly do anything except walk around, and no one can see or feel it.

Ye Shaoyang didn't open his eyes, so even he couldn't see where the primordial spirit was, but thinking of Hu Wei's primordial spirit, he could actually attract wind and blow on himself, which shows that his mana is not bad.

Lying on the bed right now, I recited the double body mantra, pinched my fingers with my right hand, and tapped on the Yintang, a wisp of purple air was pulled out slowly by my fingers

Ye Shaoyang glanced back at his body, he was lying down slowly, with a peaceful expression, as if he had fallen asleep.

Sibao appeared in front of him, staring at Ye Shaoyang dumbfounded, "How can you pull out your soul by yourself?"

"I left a touch of spiritual consciousness in my body."

"Awesome, let's go," Sibao turned and floated away, complaining in his mouth: "You are really slow, my mana can only last for an hour, don't trick me."

Ye Shaoyang said dissatisfied: "I still want to go to the bathroom, I didn't go because I was afraid you would peek at me, and when the soul returns to the body later, don't pee your pants."

The two flew out directly through the wall, Sibao led the way, and Ye Shaoyang followed closely, flying towards the abandoned mining area in the body of Yuanshen.

On the way, Ye Shaoyang asked about the fight with Hu Wei today, and learned that Sibao had been staying outside at that time to guard Hu Wei so that he would not be blocked by reinforcement agents, so he knew why he did not participate in the battle.

"Cracking head, have you found Hu Wei?" Ye Shaoyang asked while flying.

Seeing Sibao nodding, he asked him again: "Didn't Hu Wei find that Guagua is in Litou's body?"

Sibao shook his head.

Ye Shaoyang felt relieved, frowned and said, "Why don't you keep talking?"

Sibao opened his mouth and said with difficulty: "Don't keep me talking, I can't speak when I don't have enough mana to control the wind."

"Oh, so." Ye Shaoyang flew as if nothing had happened, while humming a song that he often heard recently: "You laugh at me as exaggeration, exaggeration is only because I am afraid"

Sibao wants to cry but has no tears, comparing people to others, making people angry.

Led by Sibao, they came to a mountainous area. The two stopped flying, landed on the mountain road, and walked quickly.

In less than ten minutes, I came to a mountain basin. On the mountain wall in front, there was actually a cave made of cement. The entrance of the cave sloped downward at 45 degrees, and there was a ladder made of cement, which continued to extend down.

"It was done by Hu Wei," Ye Shaoyang said in surprise.

"Hu Wei is not so generous, nor will he be so ostentatious," Sibao replied, "This used to be a small private coal mine, and it has been abandoned for almost twenty years. , no one will come at all.”

While talking, the two walked down the steps for about 30 meters. Below is a concrete wall. Ye Shaoyang guessed that this was probably used to block the mine, but there is a one-meter wall on the upper right side. Square notch.

"Hu Wei and I go in here every time." After Sibao finished speaking, Yuanshen went directly through the wall and walked in.

Ye Shaoyang also followed in.

It was pitch black under the mine, but the biggest feature of Yuanshen was that he could use his soul power to peek into the darkness, so he didn't have to worry about lighting.

It was the first time for Ye Shaoyang to come to the mine. He turned his head and looked around. It was probably because of the presence of coal. The surrounding rock walls were all black, fixed with wire anchor nets and anchor rods, and some coal mine supplies were scattered on the ground. Mostly decayed or rusted, it looks like it hasn't been touched in years.

There are many two-way dampers along the way. When the two of them passed through a damper, a green face suddenly appeared in front of them, with its head tilted to one side. It was covered with broken glass stubble, densely packed, and looked very disgusting.

In the hands of the zombie, a lively mouse was pinched, and it was sent to the mouth of the criss-crossed teeth. It chewed and chewed, and the mouth was covered with blood.

"Zombie," Sibao said with a glance, "Let's go, it can't see us."

Ye Shaoyang stopped and said: "No, this guy eats mice because he can't find anyone to eat. It's a disaster to keep it, so we have to clean it up."

Sibao said: "I also want to clean it up, but we are Yuanshen now, so we can't get rid of it."

"There is still a way." Ye Shaoyang floated in front of the zombie, with his left hand twisted into a finger, he held it with his right hand, and made the most basic spell opening gesture, chanting a mantra in his mouth, and the purple energy flowed out one after another. Spread out from between the two fingers of the left hand, and hover above the zombie's head, slowly forming a Tai Chi Pisces figure.

Sibao looked dumbfounded.

The zombie didn't feel the danger at first, and was still chewing and enjoying the delicious mouse. When it realized something was wrong and wanted to run, it was too late. A puff of purple air entered each nostril of the zombie.

The zombie didn't react violently, but shook a few times like a goat, fell to the ground, and turned into a pool of green corpse water.

"Damn it, Yuanshen can kill zombies, Ye Shaoyang, you are awesome!"

"What is this? My Xuanqing Mountain Technique has been cultivated to the extreme. I just saw you dead."

Sibao was stunned, "Really or not?"

"Fake, let's go." Ye Shaoyang didn't want to be too lazy to talk, and it was important to do business.

In the depths of the mine, there are many forked roads. Four Treasures led Ye Shaoyang to walk in disorder. When Ye Shaoyang could hardly figure out the direction, the road ahead was divided into two, left and right, extending outward in an arc. It is a circular building with a smooth outer wall, glowing with a dark red light.

"This is it. This is a circular wall. It took Hu Wei two years to build it. In the middle is his old lair. It is also inside the formation for the people in white to temper their souls."

After Sibao's voice faded away, a burst of faint crying came from the opposite wall. Ye Shaoyang was startled, and listened carefully. Although the crying was not loud, it was several voices intertwined, including men, women, old and young. , It sounds so sad that I dare not listen for a long time.

When Ye Shaoyang came to the wall, he found that the rock was covered with red water droplets. He hesitated, and reached out to touch it, but he didn't touch the water droplets, and went through the wall directly. Only then did he remember that he is now the body of the primordial spirit, He simply expressed his doubts to Sibao directly: "This is the Blood Soul Wall"

Sibao nodded solemnly.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, the blood soul wall is a kind of magic to arrange a seal: use human blood as water, mix it with concrete or soil, and use it to mud the wall, so the wall will appear red with blood on it. Water dripped down.

Then a hundred ghosts were arrested, integrated into the wall with formations, drawn with human blood, fixed with magic, and formed a powerful seal.

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