Urban Witcher

Chapter 36 Weird

"Put down the gun, be careful not to fire!" Ye Shaoyang glared at him, and shot the zombie with a pistol, unless you can smash its head. When the next step came in front of Liao Qingqing, he breathed into her mouth, Liao Qingqing trembled all over, suddenly put down her mother, opened her arms, and stabbed at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang dodged sideways, slipped behind her, bent down, and hit her two knee joints with his arms. The zombie's whole body was as stiff as iron, and he couldn't even hit it with an iron rod. Only the joints were the most fragile. After two beeps, Liao Qingqing knelt straight forward on the ground.

Ye Shaoyang put his knees against her back, grabbed her long hair, and pulled her head back, squeezed her fingers into phoenix eyes, and squeezed her throat three inches down, and stroked upwards, Liao Qingqing opened her eyes. He opened his mouth, exhaled a breath of corpse air, his body weakened rapidly, and he fell to the ground and remained motionless.

Ye Shaoyang stood up and said to a group of stunned detectives: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and take the corpse away."

A detective came up, glanced timidly at the corpse, and then at Ye Shaoyang: "Are you all right? It was..."

"It's all right, it's an electrostatic reaction, and it's all right after the electricity is discharged." Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ye Shaoyang didn't want to say more, so he made an excuse at random, and it was up to them to believe it or not, anyway, he didn't promote feudal superstition.

Liao Qingqing's body was loaded into a car by the detectives and taken away, and her parents also left. Li Duo and a few girls came up together.

"Brother Shaoyang, does Qingqing's death have anything to do with Wandie Xian?" Li Duo asked nervously.

Ye Shaoyang nodded, Liao Qingqing turned into a mummy within a few hours after death, it must be the work of ghosts or evil spirits. However, in order not to burden them psychologically, Ye Shaoyang didn't say too much, and asked him instead: "I didn't ask you to tell everyone that the blood essence talisman should be pasted on the windows, why didn't Liao Qingqing do it?"

Li Duo was stunned, and said: "When she was transferred to another hospital, I gave her father a talisman, and I told him repeatedly, so he probably would not refuse to do so, could it be that the ghosts are too strong, and your talisman is useless ?” After speaking, he realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and smiled apologetically, “I don’t mean anything else, it’s just what I said, brother Shaoyang, don’t mind.”

Ye Shaoyang said: "Impossible, there is my blood on the blood essence talisman, once a ghost approaches, I will notice it immediately, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, the ghost is no exception, but I slept soundly last night, I didn't notice it There is a change in the symbol."

Li Duo wanted to say something else, but Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, "Forget it, everyone is dead, and it's useless to pursue this. You guys should be more careful. It's best to go back to the dormitory together. If you are more popular, don't forget to take your blood away." The talisman is attached."

"Are you the one who saved me that night?" A clear female voice said.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked, it was the girl he carried on the back the night before yesterday. It was dark at that time, she passed out again, so she didn't look carefully, but now seeing her face to face, she felt that she was a little more beautiful than before, and was greatly surprised in her heart. She smiled and said, "It's me, your name is Xiao Lin?"

"Yeah, thank you very much that day, and I don't know how to thank you." Xiao Lin looked at Ye Shaoyang with her big watery eyes, and her eyes were full of fear. "I'll call you Brother Shaoyang too. Brother Shaoyang, is it true that Qingqing was killed by Die Xian? If so, will the rest of us be in danger?"

"I'm not sure now. Anyway, you stick the blood essence talisman as I said just now, and nothing will happen. If you encounter an accident, call me immediately."

Several girls nodded repeatedly, Xiao Lin said pitifully: "Brother Shaoyang, we depend entirely on you."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head in embarrassment, comforted them, and asked Li Duo to take them away. He went to the place where Liao Qingqing's body was lying before, and looked up, facing the rear window of 404 dormitory.

Xiao Ma also noticed this situation, and said, "Little Ye Zi, did ghosts do it?"

"It's not a ghost. Liao Qingqing was sucked dry of flesh and blood in a short period of time and turned into a mummy. Ghosts can't do this, only some kind of evil spirit."

Ye Shaoyang raised his head and glanced at the Yin Qi permeating the dormitory, and said to Xiaoma: "You go back first, I'll go in and have a look."

A female voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Little magic stick, what's your plan?"

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly turned around, a team of detectives came from the opposite side, there were four of them, the one who walked in the front was the one who had dealt with in the dormitory last night, Ye Shaoyang still remembered her name, Xie Yuqing. Today she put on the detective uniform, she looks very heroic, but her face is gloomy, looking at herself like a resentful woman.

"You look good in uniform." Ye Shaoyang looked her up and down, and said with a smile, "By the way, where is my gown?"

Xie Yuqing remembered what happened last night, blushed, gave him a hard look, and said angrily: "Throw it away! Don't mention what happened last night, or I will arrest you immediately!"

"All right, don't mention it, there's nothing wrong anyway." Ye Shaoyang smiled maliciously.

The detectives behind Xie Yuqing immediately lit up their eyes, full of curiosity. Listening to their conversation, last night... there is a story?

Seeing that Xie Yuqing was blushing and about to attack again, Ye Shaoyang waved his hands and said, "I'm not joking with you anymore, didn't your people just leave a group, why are you here again?"

Xie Yuqing's face softened, and said: "Come to investigate the scene. The deceased jumped from the 404 dormitory. That is the first scene. We have to go upstairs to have a look."

"Entering the dormitory building?" His eyes widened, "Looking for death?"

When he said this, Xie Yuqing remembered what happened last night, and she was also a little scared, her voice became a little weak: "It's broad daylight, should you be fine?"

With so many agents present, Ye Shaoyang couldn't talk too much about feudal superstition. He smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, go in and try it out. If something goes wrong, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Xie Yuqing hesitated, scouting the scene is a task, and she can’t do it if she doesn’t go, but she went... Suddenly she blinked at Ye Shaoyang, "Little magic stick, how about you go in with us?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "First, I'm not a magic stick. Second, I can't take care of you with so many people, and I have no obligation to take care of you."

"That's it...or the two of us will go in?" Xie Yuqing offered the next best thing.

As soon as this remark came out, several agents behind him immediately agreed, stepped forward and patted Ye Shaoyang on the shoulder, and said affectionately: "Yes, this is the best, little brother, you can go in with Xie team, there are not so many people up there , let’s search below to see if there is anyone acting suspicious.”

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, this group of detectives, even if they are afraid of ghosts, can find such a high-sounding excuse, they are worthy of being members of the public.

He looked up at Xie Yuqing: "You really want to go in?"

"Of course, this is a mission. You can just help me." Xie Yuqing came over with a wink.

"All right, I can't watch you die." Ye Shaoyang sighed.

"That's good." Xie Yuqing stepped forward and hugged his shoulders in a manly manner, and patted him, "After this is over, my sister will treat you to big meat buns."

"Big meat buns?" Ye Shaoyang's tone was very strange, scratching his head, his eyes swept over her. I don't know why my eyes fell on her.

Xie Yuqing thought of something, and punched him in the stomach with such force.


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