Urban Witcher

Chapter 3577 Chapter 3582 Moon in the water (finale)

Combating... plane crimes?

I have risen from maintaining a world to maintaining the entire plane?

"I'm not the first person you're looking for, am I?"

"It's the first one."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Then I'm going to ask, why are you looking for me?"

"Because you are the strongest."

Ye Shaoyang couldn't believe it, "People who can control the power of time and space are not weak, right?"

"No, most of them are like me, relying on Shanhaiyin or other methods to travel through time and space, they are not too strong, at least they have never had a strong person like you, of course there may be, but the number is extremely large No, at least I've never encountered one."

"So what, I'm not interested. I originally planned to wash my hands completely."

"Okay." Unexpectedly, Xu Fu answered very simply, "If you are interested in being a space-time guardian, come to me anytime."

After speaking, he walked to a time axis, marked a time node, and then opened a space-time crack and drilled in.

"He just left?" Xiao Jiu felt incredible, "I thought he would continue to persuade you."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and looked towards Daofeng, "What do you think?"

"Didn't you already choose?" Daofeng replied casually.

"not at all."

"You can't stay idle."

Ye Shaoyang snorted, "Don't act like you know me well, okay?"

"Then try it." Daofeng ignored him and continued to spit.

After he fully recovered, the three returned to their world together.

The place where it landed was slightly shifted, and instead of reaching its own community, it landed on the nearby Zhongshan Mountain.

Daofeng couldn't wait to go to Huangquan to revive Yang Gongzi.

Just at dawn, Ye Shaoyang had a whim and took Xiao Jiu to climb to the top of the mountain to wait for the sunrise.

It was very windy at the top of the mountain, but there was no other sound except the wind.

The world is silent.

The two climbed all the way to the top of the mountain, sat down at the highest place with a wide view, and looked down the mountain.

Even in the middle of the night, there are still dots of lights under the mountain, extending to distant invisible places. Like the stars in the sky, deep, mysterious, and full of longing.

"Do you know which direction our house is in?"

"Our family?"

"Yeah, my home with you."

Xiao Jiu looked at his profile excitedly and smiled sweetly.

"Shall we stay at home for a while longer? I just met my friends. Guagua must be anxious waiting for you."

"Why only for a while?" Ye Shaoyang looked at her suspiciously.

Xiao Jiu smiled. "Because, plane fighters can't stay at home all the time, can they?"

"This... I didn't promise Xu Fu."

"But I know you will agree. Daofeng is right. You are just tired and need to rest for a while, and then...you won't be able to stay idle."

Xiao Jiu moved to his side, hugged his arm with both hands, and said softly: "Shaoyang, you are a fighter, as long as you have opponents, you will never stop."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, put his arms around her shoulders, "Then will you accompany me?"

"Okay. Daofeng, the three of us... no, and Gong Zi, oh, Guagua might also follow, so there are five of us..."

"Everyone will join the Ghostbusters Alliance, there will be no one left!"

The two intertwined their fingers and looked at the white sky in the distance.

Because sitting on the ground with the long sword hanging on his waist was very uncomfortable, Ye Shaoyang took it off and put it on his knees, subconsciously stroking the scabbard lightly with one hand, he felt a gap at the position of the dragon's head.

This gap was left in the battle with Hou Qing that year, and it has been there ever since, and he didn't take it seriously, no—he suddenly remembered that not long ago, he asked Lao Guo to repair the gap with a golden hoop, Although I forgot about it afterwards.

He looked down at the blade... the gap was still there.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Jiu wondered when he noticed his abnormality.

I see……

Ye Shaoyang sighed for a moment, and then he was relieved.

If it's a dream, don't wake up for the rest of your life.

He reached out and hugged Xiao Jiu tightly.

"Look, it's dawn."

Night and day are separated by a thin line, but they are like two worlds.

—I saw a new heaven and a new earth again.

For the former heaven and earth have passed away.

The sea is no more.

This is the end of the main text of Maoshan Ghostbuster.

Thank you, thank you all.

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