Urban Witcher

Chapter 3575 Chapter 3580 The Curtain 3

Ye Shaoyang coughed twice, "Don't talk nonsense, you release Rui Lengyu Yuanshen."


"I will exile you in a suitable world, for example... In ancient times, there were no human beings, and you didn't have to kill people if you wanted to. You have unlimited time to think about the reform plan. If you can afford it... …Maybe tens of thousands of years from now there will be humans, and then you can build the society you want for them.”

The Promise Ghost King looked at him in surprise.

"Then why do you object to me?"

"This is not the same thing. The rules of this world are already very mature. If you want to reform, it will cause huge chaos in the Three Realms. Many people will die because of this. The Three Realms will be subverted for this. Who knows what it will be like But it’s different when you go back to ancient times, where the rules of the Three Realms have not yet formed, and you can do it step by step without causing bloody sacrifices. If there are problems with the rules you set, you will have time to slowly correct them. The best choice."

Ye Shaoyang nodded solemnly at him, "You don't have to think about delaying time with me to restore your strength, you will never get out here, and... I can beat you once, and I can beat you a second time."

The Promise Ghost King pondered, then sighed, "This doesn't seem to be bad either."

"It's already fine, well, I know you're not disheartened, otherwise you wouldn't be so calm and tell me so much, what do you think?"

"What if I don't agree?"

"Then I'll seal you up." Ye Shaoyang took out a blank talisman, "Then just throw the talisman here, and I guarantee that no one will come to this ghostly place for ten thousand years."

Wuji Ghost King didn't think for too long, and walked to one side lightly, the figure was split into two, and the two were exactly the same. The one standing there suddenly fell to the ground.

"Leng Yu!" Ye Shaoyang rushed forward.

"She has just been sealed by me, and she will wake up in a while."


Ye Shaoyang found a timeline, chose a suitable time, opened the space-time crack, and made a gesture of invitation to the Wuji Ghost King.

"There are humans in this era, but the wisdom of the people has not yet developed. It is almost a tribal period. How about it, is it interesting enough for you?"

"I really didn't expect...it would be like this." The Promise Ghost King sighed.

"I didn't expect it either, but it's still a happy ending, isn't it?"

Before the Wuji Ghost King got in, he seemed to think of something, and asked Ye Shaoyang: "You have obtained supreme mana, what are your plans?"

"Me? I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet."

"Have you ever wanted to, like me, change the world?"

Ye Shaoyang laughed, "I'm not so high school, I'm just a dick...well, an ordinary person."

"Ask yourself, are you still an ordinary person?"

The Promise Ghost King showed his signature mysterious smile again, "People's desires can't be satisfied, and it will grow with the improvement of strength. When a person is hungry and cold, the only thing he wants is to have a full meal. Really full, he wants to have a house to live in, and when he has a house, he will miss women again. After giving it to him, he began to think about how to make a fortune... Human nature is nothing but this. Now you are invincible in the three realms... Your ambition , will swell sooner or later, you, will become the next me."

After finishing speaking, he didn't look at Ye Shaoyang's reaction, and went straight into the crack of time and space.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a while, and when he heard Rui Lengyu waking up, he hurried over...

The light, passing through the darkness, helped Ye Shaoyang return to reality.

What a long dream...

Ye Shaoyang sat up from the bed, and was surprised to find that he had a cast on one leg and was hung in the air with a bandage.

This is... a hospital ward?

What's wrong with me? Why do you come here?

When he was thinking about these questions, his memory filled up quickly. He remembered a lot of things, picked up his phone from the bedside, July 17th... oh my god, this is... I slept for half a month?

Leng Yu, where is Leng Yu?

He shouted Leng Yu's name.


"Have you really decided?" Ye Shaoyang looked at Rui Lengyu and murmured.

"This is my choice and the best solution for things. Come on, it's better this way."

"Are you afraid?"

"Scared." Rui Lengyu smiled at him, "But fear can make people brave, and only fear can make people brave."

Ye Shaoyang went up and hugged her, tears rolling down his cheeks.

After a long time, Rui Lengyu pushed him away and walked towards the space-time tunnel opposite.

Ye Shaoyang lowered his head, not daring to watch this cruel scene.

"Hey, Shaoyang!"

Rui Lengyu suddenly turned around and called his name.

Ye Shaoyang raised his head suddenly, almost rushing to hug her, telling her that he regretted it. Rui Lengyu just waved at him.

"Be happy!"

She got into a space-time rift.

Ye Shaoyang watched that ray of light slowly disappear, and felt that his heart was also empty.


The door was pushed open, and Leng Yu, who was wearing a beige plaid coat, came in from the door, carrying a small suitcase in his hand, smiling sweetly at him.

"It just so happened that someone from the photo studio came to deliver something, so I went down to get it." Rui Lengyu patted the box in her arms. "I didn't expect you to wake up at this time... How do you feel?"

"I... seem to be fine."

"The doctor also said the same, saying that you will wake up in a few days, as expected." Rui Lengyu came to him excitedly, opened the box, and it turned out that there was a photo album inside.

Ye Shaoyang saw the two of them on the cover, he was wearing a Shuiyue Taoist robe, and Rui Lengyu was wearing a purple Hanfu. The two sat sideways on the sofa, smiling like flowers.

"What is this?"

Rui Lengyu looked at him in surprise, "Our wedding photo, hey, you haven't been in a coma for too long and burned your head, right?"

Memories began to float up, and Ye Shaoyang remembered some things:

They are getting married!

But on the second day after the wedding photos were taken, the damn old Guo found him and said that a Soul Eater had appeared in an old underground fortification in the suburbs of Shicheng, and invited him to go and get rid of it together.

There is nothing terrible about the Soul Eater. For himself in the realm of the earth fairy, it is a piece of cake. He went there without thinking, but the battle process was nothing. The Soul Eater was killed, but when he went back , Unfortunately, when the stone above the fortification collapsed, I was hit sideways, especially my leg. Passed out after that...

Ye Shaoyang let out a long breath, "So it was really a dream, fortunately..."

"What dream?"

"These days when I was in a coma, I had a very long dream. The dream...it was really hard to describe."

"I'll talk about dreaming when I have time, come and take a look at the photos."

Rui Lengyu couldn't wait to open the photo album, and took Ye Shaoyang to admire it together.

In the photo, the two are cuddling together and smiling sweetly.

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