Urban Witcher

Chapter 3490 Chapter 3495 Change 2

Yuan Chen walked to the front of the square and made a four-way bow, but the microphone said: "It's really unbelievable to say that you are the best in the Three Realms... At least there are many senior masters present here, all of whom are my teachers. I will stand up today. The main reason is that the catastrophe is approaching, and if the human magic world wants to take on the big responsibility, there must be someone who can stand up and take the responsibility. I am not talented, since I am a human priest, then at such a critical moment, I have no reason to back down It's..."

When he said this, he nodded to Bai Wei, and Bai Wei immediately continued: "So I asked everyone to come today, just to witness such a process together. At this very moment, the magic guild needs stronger cohesion. Once the hope of the magic world is confirmed, it will be the master of all factions in the magic world. All factions must implement his orders, so... everyone is here today. If there is any objection, I hope to raise it on the spot. Just answer and clear up the doubts, and save the repetition in the future. So, if you have any questions, you can ask them now."

"Without any doubt, the Spell Guild should speak for Senior Brother Yuanchen, and we all support it!"

Among the audience in the audience, whoever took the lead yelled, and many people followed suit, building up momentum in various ways.

Then someone took the lead in applauding, Ye Xiaomu raised his head and glanced, about half of the people were applauding, and the other half didn't applaud, which didn't mean they were the opposition. But apparently it's the default.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaomu was not surprised at all. After all, Yuan Chen had been preparing for such a long time. If he was not sure, today's ceremony would not have happened.

Wang Xiaobao bumped Ye Xiaomu with his arm, and said, "Hey, it's your turn to perform."

"I... now?"

"Otherwise they will announce it."

Ye Xiaomu took a deep breath, and was about to stand up, when suddenly a person in the front row near the middle spoke up first, and said, "Yuan Chen, you said you are a human priest, what proof do you have?"

It's Jianming!

All eyes immediately turned to him.

At this last moment, he finally jumped out.

Seeing his attack, Yuan Chen was not surprised at all, and said with a smile: "Evidence, didn't you say it all before? There's no need to repeat it."

"That's all your family's opinion. What kind of name is in line with the oracle? If you just want to meet this point, I can find dozens of them for you. What's the point?"

Yuan Chen said: "I won't argue with you about whoever questions and who proves. If you think I'm not credible, or Nine Heavens Profound Girl is not credible, then you can come up with evidence. Then let's save everyone some time."

Jianming sneered, he already knew that there was no way to defeat Yuan Chen logically based on this, and what he said just now was just a pretext for trouble. After hearing what Yuan Chen said, he stood up and said, "Bai Wei said before that the human priest It must be the most powerful mage... So why don't we just argue about those useless things, and just follow this clue? You and I have a big fight, and if I win, I won't be the first person, just break You are just lying."


Everyone was in an uproar. Everyone knew that Jianming would definitely fight back today, but no one expected that he would actually challenge Yuanchen in such a simple and rude way.

"Oh, there's still someone cutting off the beard. It's exciting to watch now, Xiaomu, take a break first!" Wang Xiaobao peeled a pistachio and threw it into his mouth.

Ye Xiaomu said with emotion: "He is too straightforward."

"He can't help it." Su Yan said, "Yuan Chen specially summoned everyone today to ascend to the highest position in front of the entire magic world. As long as these people at the scene do not object, then it will be difficult for them to change their words later. After all, it was unanimously approved at the beginning, so this is Jianming's last chance, after today, it will be meaningless to challenge him in the future."

When Yuan Chen heard Jianming's challenge, he just smiled, "Since Uncle Jianming said so, I can only fight. But even if you lose, it doesn't mean anything, you are still a member of the council."

"Council... Haha, Yuan Chen, don't provoke me. If I lose, I will face the Magic Guild! The same for you?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Yuan Chen's mouth, and he said, "Your words are really redundant. If I lose, do you think I can still stand on this stage?" After speaking, he made a gesture of invitation to Jianming.

Jianming didn't say anything anymore, he jumped out of the auditorium with one stride, made a formula with one hand, and rushed towards Yuanchen.

Yuan Chen caught it, and the two started fighting.

The two strongest bosses in the magic world today, the leaders of their respective camps, started fighting under the watchful eyes of everyone.

For a moment, the audience was silent, and everyone watched the two fighting with bated breath. Under the similar expressions, there were various expectations hidden.

"Uncle Jianming, have you ever thought about the consequences of losing this battle?"

Yuan Chen held a whisk in his hand and spoke calmly in the midst of the fight.

"A complete failure, you and I are the same."

"So don't you think this decision is a bit stupid?"

"I don't have a choice, and what's more stupid than this is... I should have done it long ago, instead of delaying until today." Jianming shook his head, "I thought I could turn things around in other ways, but I ended up here step."

After saying this, Jianming didn't say anything anymore, and devoted himself to the battle.

Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and the two finished testing each other, and their moves became more and more fierce, and they began to attack each other in turn. The rhythm of shots and moves is also getting faster and faster. Two vigorous figures are chasing around in the open space in the middle of the square.

It was also thanks to the fact that the square was big enough for the two of them to display their full strength without hurting the audience.

The two moved so fast that many mages who were less powerful were already dazzled and couldn't keep up. Ye Xiaomu opened his eyes wide, fully concentrating on the battle, and could barely see their every move. .

"How about it, can you beat them?" Wang Xiaobao asked from the side.

Ye Xiaomu shook his head without hesitation, "It's a long way off." Even though he was already a mid-level Earth Immortal, and even almost reached the upper level, the two bosses fighting in the arena were really not at the same level. .

Wang Xiaobao sighed, "I caught up with it today, I haven't seen such a fierce battle between mages for a long time."

"I lost."

Chen Xiaoxu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly mentioned these two people.

The three of Ye Xiaomu were stunned for a moment, and asked him who lost, Chen Xiaoxu said: "The gap is too big, we will see in a few minutes."

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