Urban Witcher

Chapter 349 Who is the man in white

Ye Shaoyang patted Xie Yuqing's shoulder, and said with emotion: "You did the most correct thing, if it weren't for you, we might all die in it now."

"Don't make any fuss," Xie Yuqing patted his hand off, frowned and said, "It's that exaggerated."

"It's not an exaggeration at all. The me now is not Hu Wei's opponent at all. The man in white was also waiting for Hu Wei to appear before. If he goes, killing me will be easy."

Xie Yuqing opened her mouth wide and glanced at Hu Wei in the BMW, "Then now he"

"He doesn't dare to do anything now, unless he dares to kill us all. No matter how powerful he is, he is still human after all. If he dares to kill people in full view, the investigation department will chase him to the ends of the earth."

"No wonder we stopped him, he didn't resist." Qi Chen murmured, "By the way, besides Hu Wei, there is another guy in the car, a young man, tall and thick, with thick eyebrows and big eyes."

Ye Shaoyang frowned, and was the first to think of Master Four.

Xie Yuqing looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "What should I do now? Take them back for interrogation"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "That's definitely not possible. This is not an ordinary case at all. They didn't kill people and set fire to them, so we can only let him go."

Qi Chen also came up to him, and said in a low voice: "Captain Xie, Hu Wei made several phone calls in the car, and then our Commander Wang called me, saying that some dignitaries came to intercede, and he could stand it. But let you properly handle "tree such as URL:. Close the chapter of mouth heart

Knowing that what they said was the truth, Xie Yuqing frowned, and said, "I finally caught him, so I just let him go like this, I'm a bit unwilling."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "What we want is not to arrest him. If you want to arrest him, you can go to the traditional Chinese medicine store anytime, but you can't do anything about him. You can only deal with him slowly when I go back."

Xie Yuqing sighed, nodded and said, "Understood, Xiaochen, you go and let him go."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Wait a minute, let me have a few words with him."

Following Qi Chen to the front of the BMW, Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, opened the car door, and looked at Hu Wei. Hu Wei was wearing a long gown and a goatee, looking like an expert. Sitting in the row of seats behind him was indeed the Four Jewels Master.

Seeing Ye Shaoyang, Master Four Treasures snorted coldly, without any feeling of meeting again.

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, but he didn't recognize him, his eyes fell on Hu Wei's face, thinking that this was the first time he used his real identity to deal with him, and he should try his best to act as if he was meeting for the first time, so that he could better serve himself with another identity To cover up, he tilted his head and looked at him, and said, "Mr. Hu."

Hu Wei pursed his lips and smiled, "Mr. Ye."

Ye Shaoyang also smiled, "You are late."

"I don't understand what you are saying. I drove back to the old house to get something. Why are you arresting me? I broke the law."

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback for a moment, and then thought that this guy was probably afraid of recording, so he spoke without revealing the truth, so he decided to go straight to the point, and said, "There are many Gumantongs in your family."

Hu Wei said: "Oh, that's the puppet I carved, it's a hobby, there's a problem"

Xie Yuqing became annoyed when he saw him pretending to be stupid, and said, "Don't pretend here, you and I know what's going on."

"Oh, then you take me away, I want to see if there is any ban on carving puppets at home"

"There are two coffins in your house, what's going on, who are the corpses in the coffins?" Xie Yuqing still refused to admit defeat.

"I made the coffin myself and sold it. Is there a problem? As for the corpse in the coffin you mentioned?" Hu Wei shrugged, "Where is it?"

Xie Yuqing was at a loss for words.

At first glance, Ye Shaoyang thought that he had been to the scene and saw the corpses being burned, but after thinking about it, he realized that this incident could be guessed without looking at it: if the giant water corpses had not been cleaned up, it would be impossible for him to come out alive.

"Your ghost farm has been destroyed by me, and all the little ghosts have been saved," Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said, "I know you are in pain, but there is no way, go back and guard your blood-raised kid farm, Don't let me touch it again." Turning her head and nodding to Xie Yuqing.

Xie Yuqing sighed, and said to Hu Wei: "We suspect that there are criminals who used your empty house to hide drugs. We investigated and found nothing. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any objections to our actions, you are welcome to complain. You can leave .”

Hu Wei didn't say anything, closed the car door, started the car, slowly rolled down the window, looked at Ye Shaoyang with a majestic look, and said word by word: "Ye Shaoyang, I'll wait for you"

Ye Shaoyang pouted at him, "I will accompany you."

Master Four Treasures also cast a cold glance at Ye Shaoyang, and touched his chin with the hand holding the phone.

Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat as he watched the BMW drive away. He turned to everyone and said, "Let's go too."

Everyone got in the car and returned to the city.

The BMW car drove down the mountain quickly and turned into a small road. The car couldn't go any further. The two got out of the car and walked into a shady forest.

Walking to a clearing, Hu Wei stopped, turned around, and a white figure floated out from among a bunch of tree shadows.

Hu Wei glanced at him and was stunned on the spot. "Sir, you are hurt"

The man in white said lightly: "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Forgive me, my lord." Hu Wei immediately cupped his hands, "I drove up the mountain with Sibao, and met those people at the mountain pass who stopped us. There is no way, we can't kill people openly, otherwise we will become wanted criminals , everything is over."

The man in white didn't blame him, and his voice still had no emotion: "Unfortunately, I missed a great opportunity."

The Fourth Treasure Master took a step forward, looked at the man in white, and said in surprise, "Master, did you get injured by Ye Shaoyang, Master Lian?"

"It hurts both sides, he is too cunning."

Hu Wei sighed and said regretfully, "It's my fault that I set up the warehouse in the old house, worked hard for several years, and finally let him break it down in one fell swoop."

The Fourth Treasure Master patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother, don't be angry. Our goal now is to kill Ye Shaoyang and avenge you. You have earned enough in the past few years. When you are done, take the money and leave." People, what do you want this warehouse for?"

Hu Wei nodded, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said to the man in white: "My lord, please go to rest, let's go to the ancient tomb to make arrangements, and wait for Ye Shaoyang to take the bait."

The figure of the man in white turned into a puff of smoke, sticking to a leaf.

Thank you "The Only" brother for your reward, and thank you for urging me to add updates. In the last few days, I will give you an explanation.

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