Urban Witcher

Chapter 3470 Chapter 3475 The new head 3

Su Qinzhang was speechless by his son's series of rhetorical questions. He pondered for a while, and said, "I can't answer these two questions... because your heart is not right. You are not fighting for Xiaoxu, you are for You yourself, if I had chosen Xiaoxu today, you would have jumped out and opposed it. Therefore, it is meaningless to argue about these things.”

Su Qinzhang intended to continue to enlighten his son, but Su Yu shrugged and said, "Then there is no dispute." He got up and walked towards the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Go for a walk, let's take a breath at the head office." Su Yu smiled at his father, "Since you have already made up your mind, I have nothing to say, and it's nothing to do with me after venting, just wait for Xiaomu to bring us Xuanqing Mountain to revive the glory Bar."

After speaking, he opened the door and went out.

He went straight to the back mountain and came to Yuanchen's thatched cottage.

Yuan Chen was already waiting for him.

There was no electricity here, and there were only two candles lit in the room, standing on both sides of the table, one on the left and one on the right. Yuan Chen was dressed in plain clothes, sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding a small teapot in his hand, his face was hidden in the shadow of the candlelight, flickering with the beating of the candlelight.

Su Yu glanced around at the rudimentary furnishings in the room, and said with emotion: "Your room is really rudimentary. We have more sheds for melon watchers in the mountains than you. Among the mages in the world, I think you are the only one." If you can endure this kind of hardship, no wonder you can have today."

Yuan Chen looked at the small teapot in his hand and said, "Do you know what tea ceremony is?"

"You know I don't understand this."

"The so-called tea ceremony, in fact, is to use complicated processes and exquisite utensils to make the process of making tea look very solemn, giving people psychological hints, thinking that after so many procedures, it must be delicious. In fact, the same water And tea, you can just find a large bowl of rough porcelain to brew, the taste is not different. Everything is a psychological hint."

Su Yu didn't understand why he said this, so he just listened.

"But for thousands of years, this process of Kung Fu tea has been indispensable. Do you know why?"

"Because too many mediocre people have paralyzed themselves in the process, and are willing to accept and tout these rules. They will not doubt the truth behind it, even if it is the truth that is easy to think of."

"But it's all hypocrisy. Some people make the rules and applaud the public, and some people follow the rules and endorse the people who made the rules."

"The same is true in the magic world. Ninety-nine percent of people are blind."

Su Yu understood a little bit after hearing this, and said: "We are all people who follow the rules, but you are the one who makes the rules."

"I tell you, you are my partner too."

Su Yu shrugged and said with a smile: "I've been robbed of the headship, so what are you talking about?" He glanced at Yuan Chen and said, "You don't seem to care about the ending of my conversation with the old man, or do you already know It's over."

"I said a long time ago that you can't convince him. If you have to try, then go and try."

Su Yu sighed: "You are right, the old man probably never considered me."

Yuan Chen shook his head, "Now the position is given to someone else, of course he said so, so as not to make you feel sad - after all, it doesn't belong to you in the first place, it is easier to accept than changing at the end, Xiaoxu's character, he can't be Who else is the head of the sect besides you, let alone your own father, it would be nonsense to say that he doesn't love you."

He went on to say, "Ye Xiaomu came out halfway, and he was a little at a loss. Think about it carefully, even if he wanted to pass the throne to Xiaomu, why must it be now?"

Su Yu's heart skipped a beat, "It's true, she said before that she would accompany my mother back to her mother's house next week, but suddenly she said she would come here..."

"Don't think about it, the Ghostbusters Alliance must have put pressure on him to pass the position to Ye Xiaomu immediately. He also has no choice but to implement it. He has difficulties, but he can't explain it to you."

Su Yu pondered for a while and said, "But the seniors of the Ghost Hunting Alliance are very familiar with me, why did you choose Ye Xiaomu?"

Yuan Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"You are just acquainted with them. If there is no Ye Xiaomu, they might protect you, but Ye Xiaomu is Ye Shaoyang's son, the real young master of the Ghost Hunting Alliance. How old are you?"


Su Yu punched himself on the thigh, and after Yuan Chen said this, he knew that Ye Xiaomu had snatched his position as the head of the sect, and his heart was immediately ignited with unjust anger.

"Can you swallow this breath?"

"So what if you can't swallow it? They have a strong background, so I...forget it."

Yuan Chen said: "If there is no Ye Xiaomu, the position of head is still yours."

Facing Su Yu's doubts, Yuan Chen made a singing gesture.

Su Yu was shocked, "How can this work! It's a bit too much to do this for the sake of a leader. Besides, they will definitely suspect me, and I can't escape. This is absolutely impossible!"

"I didn't ask you to kill, but there is a way." Yuan Chen moved closer to him and told him the plan.

"After the matter is completed, not only is the head of Xuanqing Mountain, but the entire magic world is ours. If I say that I will give you the position, you will not believe it, but I can let you judge the great priest and control everyone in the magic world. fate. How?"

Su Yu was thinking about it, when someone pushed the door out of the bedroom, Su Yu looked up, it was Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi's hair was disheveled, her face was pale, she was wearing a set of crumpled pajamas, she looked like a seriously ill patient. Su Yan was taken aback when she saw it, and called her: "Axi?"

Yuan Xi ignored him, sat aside, picked up the teapot and drank by herself.

Yuan Chen said: "She needs to be quiet for a while, don't worry about her. Have you thought it through, just do it if you think it through, it's only tonight, and it will be too late when your old man announces it tomorrow."

"I'll go in the middle of the night." Su Yu made up his mind.

Ye Xiaomu couldn't fall asleep at all, and forced himself to vomit for two weeks, then lay down next to Su Yan, alone in a daze.

He suddenly missed the chicken so much, and wanted to find it, at least with company, so as not to let him bear this matter alone, but he was afraid that it would know and he would not be able to explain to it.

He didn't know how long he had been lying there, but suddenly someone knocked on the door outside, Ye Xiaomu got up and checked the time, it was already one o'clock, who could it be at this time?

He walked over suspiciously and opened the door, and saw that it was Su Yu.

"Can't sleep, come and talk to you."

Ye Xiaomu hesitated a little, he didn't tell Su Yu what happened to Su Yan, and he didn't want anyone to know.

"Are you looking for me... for something?"

"If you can't sleep, come and sit down, I know you haven't slept yet."

After he said that, Ye Xiaomu had no choice but to let him in.

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