Urban Witcher

Chapter 338

Ye Shaoyang clasped the fence with both hands, and climbed onto the courtyard wall with all his strength, and looked into the courtyard. At first glance, weeds were everywhere, but if you look closely, these "weeds" seem to be messy, but in fact there are only Then several kinds.

Ye Shaoyang made a rough distinction. There are ghost snake grass, ghost lantern, Yinfeng chrysanthemum, etc., all of which are plants that can be used to extract rare magic medicines. They have different effects, but most of them are related to nourishing the soul.

I can't help guessing that these herbs must have been planted by Hu Wei in order to extract magic medicine. I don't know how to use them, but I can imagine that they must have something to do with raising little ghosts.

Ye Shaoyang jumped off the fence, approached the house in the middle, walked around it, and found that the house covers an area of ​​at least nearly a hundred square meters, and there are windows on all sides, but it was nailed tightly with wooden boards from the inside, and the wooden boards The gloomy wood that can block the leakage of Yin Qi is still used.

This shows that Xie Yuqing's investigation is correct: there are indeed strange things in this house.

The main entrance of the house is two iron doors that open in opposite directions, fastened by an iron chain, and a large lock is hung on it.

Ye Shaoyang turned over from the wall again, and saw an old man in his sixties standing beside Xie Yuqing.

"This is the village party secretary. When he saw us entering the village, he came up to ask about the situation." Xie Yuqing explained to Ye Shaoyang: "Many of my clues were provided by this old gentleman. Thank you."

The village party secretary heard from the voice that Ye Shaoyang was the leader here, so he asked him: "Do you want to enter this house?";

Ye Shaoyang nodded and asked, "Can't you go in?"

"You can't go in, you absolutely can't go in," the village party secretary said, waving his hands, "It's haunted by ghosts."

"Haunted, what's the trouble?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

The village party secretary hesitated for a moment, moved closer to him, and said in a low voice: "This is the house of Old Man Chen's family. After Old Man Chen died, Serena moved out too, and locked the courtyard and room doors. Even the windows were boarded up,

Later, there were a few idlers in our village who did all kinds of shit, suspected that there was something good hidden in it, and smashed the window to get in in the middle of the night, but alas, when they came back, they said there was a ghost inside, and everyone was half sick Yue didn’t get out of bed, this house is evil.”

Ye Shaoyang asked: "Did you just hear ghosts?"

The village party secretary stared blankly, "It's not enough to hear ghost screams, if it's really a ghost, can they still come out?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled, and asked further: "What kind of ghost scream?"

"It is said to be the cry of a child, some crying and laughing, oh yes, it is said to be the voice of more than one child."

Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing looked at each other and knew they were in the right place.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and asked, "I heard that Hu Wei occasionally comes back at night, right? Have you ever asked him about this?"

"Who dares to ask, he is the son of an old man, and he is also an old man." The village branch secretary said, "When he was in the village, he was very withdrawn and hardly interacted with others. When Inspector Xie asked me before, I That’s what I said, although Serena is from our village, almost no one knows him.”

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and said, "You just said, old man, what do you mean?"

"The old man is a countryman, he is a godly man, a mage. No one dares to enter his house casually."

Wuyue Daoist heard this, snorted and said: "A country god is also worth mentioning."

Ye Shaoyang thought it was funny, thinking that if Hu Wei were here, he would probably kill you with one hand, but on the surface he gave a thumbs up, and said to the village party secretary: "See, we have this Taoist master, what? The old man is not afraid of ghosts and ghosts, just look at his attire, and you know he must be an expert."

Daoist Wuyue didn't realize that he was being sarcastic, so he straightened his back and pretended to be a fairy.

Xie Yuqing stepped forward and said to the village party secretary: "Master, we are here to carry out a mission, and we must go in. Please go back, sir. Thank you for the clues you provided."

"Wait a minute, sir, can you lend us a sledgehammer?" Ye Shaoyang said.

Xie Yuqing frowned and asked, "What do you want a sledgehammer for?"

"Break the lock to get in, and the windows inside have to be smashed."

Xie Yuqing hesitated: "If you are so blatant, will you startle the snake?"

Ye Shaoyang gave her a white look, "You think we sneaked in, but Hu Wei wouldn't know about it, he thought we hadn't been here before."

Xie Yuqing thought so, so she came forward to ask the village party secretary to borrow a sledgehammer. The village party secretary was afraid that Hu Wei would come back for revenge, so he didn't want to agree. In the end, Zhuang Yuning gave him a few hundred yuan, which was regarded as buying a hammer. Agreed, Pidianpidian ran home and brought a hammer.

Ye Shaoyang did it himself, swung the sledgehammer, and it only took three strokes to break the door lock, and a group of people walked in one after another.

Seeing that there was a Taoist priest present, the village party secretary felt that there should be no danger, so he followed him out of curiosity.

Wuyue Daoist walked in front, took out the compass, and began to observe it decently.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't bear it anymore, patted him on the shoulder and said: "I checked, everything in the yard is normal, don't waste your time."

Daoist Wuyue rolled his eyes: "You may not be able to check accurately, I have to do it myself to avoid accidents."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless.

"This is the window," said the village party secretary when they came to a window on the side of the house. "Last time, Xiao San and those idlers broke through this window to get in. I checked it afterwards, but after After a while, it was repaired by someone, probably Serena made it privately."

Xie Yuqing frowned, and said in Ye Shaoyang's ear: "It's really strange, if there is really some secret in it, why does Hu Wei let others in, at least he should get a kid to guard here, at last At least people can’t let people go in and out casually.”

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "He frightened those idlers, but he didn't do anything to them. After the news spread, no one in the village dared to go in again. This is what he wanted. If he really killed people or something In this way, it may cause trouble instead, there is no need for this.”

"Then why seal the windows?"

Ye Shaoyang touched the wooden boards blocking the windows, and said, "This is dark wood, which is used to separate the yin and nourish Qi." Looking up at the ridge of the roof, he sighed: "With the dark wood to seal the windows, the whole room is equivalent to It's a big coffin, and there's no way to leak out any breath inside."

Xie Yuqing was taken aback when she heard this, and wanted to ask more details. Ye Shaoyang turned around and walked outside the main door, picked up the hammer, and slammed it hard on the door lock. After a few strokes, the lock was broken, and the door was kicked open. A cold breath came to the nostrils.

Ye Shaoyang immediately sensed it, and his heart froze. There was a hint of corpse in the Yin Qi. Could it be that there are zombies in the room?

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