Urban Witcher

Chapter 330 Disguise

Ye Shaoyang glanced over and smiled faintly.

Ma Cheng let the beauty go out, closed the door from the outside, smiled at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Mr. Ye, what are you laughing at?"

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the sea of ​​green leaves and flowers in front of him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ma, lovesickness for Xiaoru is a disaster."

Ma Cheng was shocked, "This feng shui bureau has nothing to do with Xiaoru, you can't see it."

Ye Shaoyang decided to shake some information, so as to frighten him, and prepare for asking him for help later, so he pointed to those flowers and said:

"In the front row, peonies, peonies, primroses, and cherries symbolize the four beautiful springs; in the middle, the rubber tree and gemstone flowers of Xianren Mountain are the three greens of Xiaqing; in the third row, there are two pots of water lilies and water lilies, called Erfen Qiushui, and the last row is Xiaoqing. , called Yiyang Donglai, the combination of these four rows of flowers is called the four seasons and a hundred flowers facing each other in Fengshui.

"According to the hexagrams of the money class, there are four ways to place flower pots in the four seasons. If you place a fortune tree in the center of the formation, it is mainly for attracting wealth and treasure; But you didn’t choose any of these three kinds, you chose a row of small willows, which is called breeze blowing willows, in order to improve luck and seek karma;

Mr. Ma, with your status, you still use seeking karma to beg your sweetheart to fall in love with you. Everyone knows that you like Xiaoru, so isn't the fact obvious?"

Ma Cheng stared at him blankly, with extreme shock and admiration in his eyes.

"Mr. Ye, this Fengshui bureau is amazing. I asked Master Chen, who is known as the number one geomantic master in Jiangnan Province, to arrange it. He said that this Fengshui bureau looks simple, but the arrangement of each flowerpot is done through the most precise method." Calculations require a lot of skill, and ordinary geomasters can't arrange them, and they can't even read them."

Ye Shaoyang curled his lips, "Pull it down, this flower pot is placed with the acquired gossip of the money class, but in order to achieve the effect of this game, the innate gossip is much better. This guy obviously doesn't understand the innate gossip, but it's actually not difficult. Just change the orientation of one flower pot in each row."

When Ma Cheng heard this, his eyes lit up, "Can Mr. Ye do me a favor?" Suddenly thought of something, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "I almost forgot, you and I are rivals in love, you can't help me with this."

"That's not the case, but using the Feng Shui Bureau to make up for the luck, the effect is minimal in the first place. Even if it is a magic game, it can only add 10 to 20% of hope. Mr. Ma, it's up to people to plan things."

Ma Cheng nodded as if he had realized something, and asked Ye Shaoyang to sit down on the sofa and drink tea.

Ma Cheng said: "A few days ago, Mr. Guo chose me a private house, and now I just wait for an auspicious day for burial. Speaking of this matter, I would like to thank you for the connection. After the burial, I will treat you and let everyone have a small gathering. "

Ye Shaoyang said: "The treats are ignored, I came to you today to ask you for a favor."

Ma Cheng sat on the sofa, holding a teacup elegantly, nodded, and waited for him to continue.

Since asking others for help, it would be impossible not to explain clearly, so Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to use the simplest language to explain what happened and his plan.

After hearing this, Ma Cheng had an astonished expression on his face, pondered for a while, and said, "Raising little ghosts can really help people realize their wishes."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, "I told you so much, but you just paid attention to this"

"Haha, just a quick question. I know the little girl Zhuang Yuning you're talking about. A student singer who has become popular recently, I didn't expect to raise a kid."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "You haven't paid attention to the point, can you help me?"

Ma Cheng put his chin on his hand and smiled at him, "You need my help to get close to Hu Wei and use him to dig out the ghost breeder behind him. This sounds very interesting, but will it be dangerous? You I understand, I am a little in awe of those ghost spells, just like everyone else."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "Don't worry, I will accompany you."

Ma Cheng was taken aback, and asked the same question as Zhuang Yuning: "Why do you accompany me, won't you be exposed if you go?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "There is a skill in this world called Yirong."

Ma Chenghuo straightened his waist, "There is really a disguise technique"

"It's not as amazing as you imagine." Ye Shaoyang put the backpack on the coffee table and said, "Can I borrow a place?"


Ye Shaoyang untied his backpack, took out a black porcelain bowl, and a large pile of bottles and cans, spread them out on the tea table, and took out three transparent rubber bags, which contained brown, white, and Powder in three shades of black.

"What are these?" Ma Cheng looked curiously.

"White is lime, black is pot bottom ash, and brown is pig sand." Ye Shaoyang first poured some lime into a porcelain bowl, then took out a small bottle from the side, opened it, poured water into the bowl, and stirred.

"I know lime and pot bottom ash. Shouldn't cinnabar be red? Why are you brown?"

"That's cinnabar. Vermilion cinnabar, this is pig sand, old sow's pig, this stuff is the stones born in the belly of pigs, it is the same as bezoar and dog treasure, but it is rarer, it is used in traditional Chinese medicine to clear away heat and detoxify, got it"

Ma Cheng stared at him blankly, "How do you use it here?"

"Inverted mold, each of these things is mixed together according to different proportions, so that it can be as close as possible to the color of human skin and keep it soft. If you want to ask me the specific function of each thing, I can't answer it. Anyway, the book That's what it says."

"what book"

"Xuanqing Mountain's magic and Taoism, this kind of disguise technique, is one of the four major magic techniques of Xuanqing Mountain." Ye Shaoyang said while taking out three candles from his backpack, lit them, put them on the coffee table, and baked them. At the bottom of the bowl, keep stirring the lime with auxiliary ingredients. When the water is almost dry, take out a bronze mirror from the bag and put it on the tea table.

Then he took out another egg, beat it in a small bowl, skimmed off the yolk, dipped the egg white with a brush, and brushed it on his face in front of the bronze mirror.

"What is this for?" Ma Cheng couldn't help asking.

"In case the mold sticks to the face and cannot be removed."

After spreading the egg whites evenly, Ye Shaoyang took out the moderately dry lime from the large bowl, put it on his face, used a small pen to lightly mark out the eyes, mouth and nose, and then leaned on the chair to dry, waiting for it to dry.

Ma Cheng looked at the bottles and cans on the table, and said, "Where did you get all these things?"

"What I want from Senior Brother Guo is not a particularly rare material. You can buy it anywhere if you have money." Ye Shaoyang leaned on the sofa and said in a low voice, "Don't talk to me, so as not to affect the shape of the mold."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the mold dries up further. After it was formed, Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand to peel it off, and gently pinched it inside while it was not fully formed. Then he found a small knife and lightly cut the part.

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