Urban Witcher

Chapter 3075 Chapter 3085 First Exploration of Qingyou Valley 1

They walked all the way, passing many factories and streets, and a few rows of buildings washed into pale yellow, like a residential area.

There are even elementary and junior high schools.

Ye Xiaomu and Liao Zheng were dumbfounded.

Wang Guohui explained that this used to be an arsenal with a lot of workers. Because of the remoteness of the place, a lot of supporting facilities were built for the convenience of workers’ lives. Many of them are here with their families. Naturally, schools are needed.

It is conceivable that at that time, the welfare of this factory was still very good.

Just as they were talking, they passed a European-style building. The words "Qingyou Valley Cinema" were written on the dilapidated plaque outside the door, and there were even movie theaters.

These past buildings are now empty, and are occupied by plants everywhere, even the walls are covered with vines, which is quite a different kind of scenery.

Liao Zheng kept taking pictures with his mobile phone excitedly.

"If this place can be developed into a scenic spot, there will definitely be many people coming to play!"

Wang Guohui sneered at his cheerful attitude.

Finally, they came to the front of the two mountains, which were obviously mined and built into a deep abyss like a knife. There were two huge iron gates at the bottom, as if they were embedded in the rock wall.

"Here is the underground fortification." Wang Guohui introduced, and the three walked over.

There was a rusty iron chain on the iron door, and the door was locked. Ye Xiaomu lay on the crack of the door and looked in. There was wind seeping out from inside, with a smell of engine oil.

Liao Zheng turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and took a photo inside. It was a long cave with no end in sight.


There was a series of splashing sounds from the depths of the cave. The three of them froze for a moment. Is there water or fish here?

"Let's go and look elsewhere."

At Wang Guohui's suggestion, they walked along the road in different directions. On both sides of this road, there are many concierges, some of which have the names of shops written on them, such as cloth shops, grain stores, and even some billiard halls.

Liao Zheng went in excitedly to observe, and found that the billiard table was corroded, and there were some restaurants and snack bars. Ye Xiaomu went in to look at them one by one, his brows gradually wrinkled.

"What's wrong?" Wang Guohui asked, seeing that his expression was wrong.

"Look at these shops, there are a lot of equipment, some room bedding, daily necessities, etc. Don't you think it's strange?"

Seeing that the two were puzzled, Ye Xiaomu added: "Normally speaking, if we are moving, all these things should be removed, and we won't leave so many belongings. In the restaurant we just went to, there were still There are a lot of bones, but no one would put them in. They used to be meat, but they rotted until there were only bones left. If you knew you were going to move, how could you still buy so much meat?"

Wang Guohui nodded slowly, "When you put it that way, it's really... Just say that those pool tables are worth a lot, so there's no reason to leave them alone."

Liao Zheng said: "Could it be that these things are not easy to take away, so I threw them away. After all, the mountain road is not easy to walk."

Ye Xiaomu rolled his eyes at him and said, "Then how did these things get transported to the mountains?"

Liao Zheng was speechless.

"There is only one possibility. They left in such a hurry that they forgot all these things."

Wang Guohui took a breath and said, "It should be like this, but it's understandable for one or two families to leave in a hurry to lose their belongings, but there are so many families here, are they all in a hurry, and they won't come back after leaving?"

The three of them looked at each other, and they were all thinking about a question: What special event happened here that made the people who lived here move out together, even these belongings were lost in a hurry?

The cement road turned around and passed a group of factory buildings and buildings. Some houses had no windows and looked dark. Ye Xiaomu wanted to go in and have a look, but Liao Zheng refused to let him go.

"This seems to be a school?"

There is a large courtyard on the side of the road, in which there are several buildings, as well as facilities such as playgrounds and basketball hoops.

At Ye Xiaomu's suggestion, the three of them walked in.

What used to be a school is now a desolate garden full of vegetation.

Those old and rotten teaching facilities still vaguely retain their original prosperity.

The doors in the teaching building were all broken, and the three of them entered a classroom, where desks and benches were all there. Many desks still had textbooks and homework, which were covered with a thick layer of dust. Ye Xiaomu picked them up. A Chinese book, I looked at the copyright page, it says it was published in 1982.

82 years... so far away.

"You guys come and see this."

Wang Guohui greeted them to come to the blackboard. There was a line of chalk writing on it, which was still vaguely visible after decades: I will ask Teacher Zhao to hand in my homework tomorrow.

"This shows that they really left suddenly, and there was no warning beforehand, and the teacher still wanted to collect homework the next day." Ye Xiaomu pointed to the scattered textbooks on the desk and said, "Some students even left their textbooks in the classroom. But before the next day of class, a big event happened, and before the next day of class, everyone left the town."

This discovery made the three of them even more curious about what happened here.

"Hey, look!"

Liao Zheng cried out and pointed out the window.

Ye Xiaomu could see that the sky turned gloomy at some point, and layers of white smoke slowly spread from a distance.

"Where did the smoke come from? Is it on fire?" Liao Zheng called out.

"It's not smoke, it's fog!" Wang Guohui said solemnly, "It's exactly the same as that day!"

Ye Xiaomu and Liao Zheng suddenly became nervous.

The white mist filled the air, and the surrounding area soon became a vast expanse of whiteness.

"Let's go!" Urged by Wang Guohui, the three of them walked towards the door. At this moment, a jingle of electric bells rang in the corridor outside.

The three looked at each other, all scared to death.

"There is... still electricity here?" Liao Zheng asked tremblingly.

But the horror was not over yet. Not long after the electric bell stopped, there was a sudden rubbing sound from upstairs, as if someone was moving the table.

All the snacks that Liao Zheng frightened dropped.

The three of them raised their heads together and looked at the ceiling stupidly. The fear in their hearts could not be described in words.


After being frozen for a long time, Wang Guohui broke the silence, shouted this in a low voice, and then ran away.

When they came to the corridor, the sound of moving tables and chairs was still ringing, and the three of them ran forward with tingling scalp. When passing by the stairs, Ye Xiaomu had a whim and wanted to go up to find out, but Liao Zheng and Wang Guohui He had already run away without a trace, so he gave up his thoughts and chased after him.

After catching up with the two outside the school gate, the two stood at the school gate, looking at somewhere in front of them stupidly.

(today's second chapter)()

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