Urban Witcher

2793 Chapter 2803 Punishment 2

In contrast to him, Yujizi was so angry that smoke rose from her seven orifices, she stood up from the lotus leaf, and was about to do something to kill all those who scolded her, when Yingmei suddenly yelled in her ear: "Assistant! "

I was so scared that I didn't dare to move immediately.

Seeing this scene, the little horse was very happy even though his whole body was uncomfortable from being blown by the wind. He put his hands around his mouth and shouted at him: "You old pervert, you want others to be dogs. In fact, you are the most dog, you are more dog than all dogs!"

Yuji was so angry that she almost lost her breath, and then she took a vicious look at the creatures in the bubble, and shouted loudly: "Okay, you guys have the backbone, then go to die together!"

The gap in the magic circle is closed.

The four Pan Gu monks stopped doing the exercises, and one of them questioned Ying Mei angrily: "We are disciples of Buddhism, and we came to help you capture the enemy. A hundred lives should have been saved, but now you want to watch them die?"

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he couldn't help but said to the Pangu monk: "Several, just based on your words, when I sweep Xuanyuan Mountain in the future, I will definitely not kill you Pangu monk, at least I won't kill you few!"

Kunpeng laughed loudly: "You are not ashamed to speak out, that small place in the world has made you so confident, isn't it, that you still have the idea of ​​Xuanyuan Mountain?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him, and said with a sneer: "You'd better live to that day, and your share is indispensable!"

While beckoning to Biqing to do the trick, he raised the waves to catch these creatures. After the bubbles burst, these creatures fell into the water again, feeling the yin and yang wind, and they were dying of pain one by one.

Seeing it, Ye Shaoyang felt very ashamed, and said to them: "I have hurt you all, in fact, you can scold me, I am not angry..."

The spider showed itself in pain, its eight legs were trembling, but it gritted its teeth and said: "What is Ye Tianshi talking about, it turns out that all this was done by the magic guild, you wake us up and take us away, how can we You are ungrateful, you have made a big mistake by reciting the curse before, and if you let us scold you again, then what are we, even if we survive today, we will not be worthy of being human in the future!"


The little horse slapped the spider on the head, but it was too hard, and it slapped him into the water, and hurriedly fished it out again and put it on the lotus leaf, and said excitedly: "You monster is very loyal, you will be me from now on. Brother of City Lord Baiyun, follow me from now on! Yes, and you, everyone will be brothers from now on!"

Everyone was also deeply encouraged and proud of their choices, but at this moment, the yin and yang wind became stronger and the waves surged, and even Biqing couldn't control them, so she could barely protect them with lotus leaves. But it didn't help much, and after a period of consumption, her cultivation base also consumed a lot, and she felt more and more strenuous.

"Four, please continue to chant the mantra." Yingmei asked politely.

"The magic circle is closed, and they have all made their choices, so what are they going to read!" Several Pan Gu monks were very upset.

"You guys recite the mantra and let Ye Shaoyang recite it."

Everyone who heard it looked at him in surprise.

Xiao Ma snorted coldly: "Another one is crazy, no matter what."

Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat, and sure enough, after Yingmei finished explaining, she turned her head to look at Ye Shaoyang (he was completely black, like a shadow, and he couldn't see the facial features at all, and he could only judge by the direction he turned his head. looking at himself), slowly said: "Ye Shaoyang, do you know why you have a chance to survive? If we wanted to kill you at that time, you would have died long ago, do you admit it?"

"I do." Ye Shaoyang replied very simply. He had already guessed that the reason why he didn't die could not be because Xingyue Slaves retreated and no one gave orders. There must be deeper reasons.

"There are two reasons for not killing you," Yingmei explained to Ye Shaoyang in a calm tone, "First, we want the Shanhai Seal. If you die, you won't be able to find it again."

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

"Second, you may not be able to guess it, because you are the chosen one, born in response to the calamity."

Ye Shaoyang frowned, took a deep breath, and said, "You also believe this?"

"At least, within the Three Realms, all forces believe it. What the Magic Guild wants is to take over the world of magic. Believe it or not... We want to lead the transformation of the world and lead the world of magic through the catastrophe. Otherwise, I , Qing Changfeng, and these masters, why do you want to help the Spell Guild?"

Several Pangu monks were silent after hearing this.

Ye Shaoyang sneered and said: "Don't talk about being so tall, you have done a lot of bad things."

"Yes, each of us has our own selfishness, but this selfishness is based on the foundation of the Magic Guild's ability to unify the world... You are the one selected by Emperor Fengdu to be robbed. If you kill you, the underworld can't explain it. , the rest of the forces will also attack us because of this, even if we guard the wind, without you, at the time of the catastrophe, the third-order chaos, what's the use of a broken world at that time?"

These words that sounded heart-to-heart made Ye Shaoyang stunned, and slowly shook his head and said: "No, Qing Changfeng and Xingyue Nu both wanted to kill me before, and you..."

"They have never believed that you are the one who should be robbed. Recently, they believed it. I never wanted to kill you. I just wanted to capture you, brainwash you, and let you join us."

Ye Shaoyang responded with "hehe" twice, "Have you finished? After you have finished, I want to ask you a question: Now I am trapped by you, why do you tell me so much? Conscience found out?"

"Ye Shaoyang, I still don't want to kill you until the last step. I said so much because I want to tell you that as long as you do one thing, all past grievances will be wiped out, and you know what it is... just follow the spell."

He winked at the four Pan Gu monks, instructed a few words in his spiritual consciousness, and the four of them began to chant the mantra, but it was not the previous mantra, but the "Introduction Mantra". It is used by wicked people, once all their karmic obstacles are completely eliminated by reciting the mantra, they will follow Zhunti away.

Later, this section of "The Introductory Mantra" became the scriptures that the Southern Buddhism recited when they ordained the disciples who had just started.

At this time, the significance of reciting the connecting mantra could not be more obvious.

"Hehe, Xiao Yezi, do you think this group of people are crazy? He asked you to read it, so you have to follow it."

Turning to look at Ye Shaoyang, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly asked him what was going on.

Ye Shaoyang gritted his teeth and spit out four words: "Murder and punish!"

Yingmei didn't threaten him, but after he said so much, Ye Shaoyang already understood that his biggest weakness now is the people around him...these people who betrayed him first, and chose to stand by him at critical moments creatures.

(End of this chapter)——

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