Urban Witcher

Chapter 2642 Chapter 2651 The truth of the truth 1

Daofeng smiled. "You'll know then."

There was a sudden movement in the airflow in the space, and the two turned their heads together to look in that direction, only to see a crack was torn open, and a black-faced man with a soap hat, eyes as big as bells, and a beard standing on end crawled in. .

"Senior Brother." Liu Rushi called softly, and the person who came was the most famous Master Zhong Kui in the Three Realms, and he was also one of the seven masters of Taoism. In this thatched hut, Liu Rushi still did not reject calling him senior brother.

"Haha, this place is nice, and you are not afraid of being overheard when you speak, but Daofeng, being so cautious is not your style of doing things."

Dao Feng said: "The matter is of great importance, it has to be like this."

"Let's talk." Zhong Kui said while holding his beard.

Daofeng first turned to Liu Rushi and said, "Give me a bowl of ecstasy soup."

Liu Rushi was startled, and said, "Who is it for?"


Liu Rushi was shocked, "Tsing Yi, are you kidding me?"

"It's not a joke. I want to kill the three corpses to testify, so I must have it."

Liu Rushi hesitated, the preparation method of the ecstasy soup is not difficult, but only the current Granny Meng can control the entire underworld. Although she prepares countless times every day, she must not help others to prepare it casually.

Zhong Kui said: "If he wants it, you can give it to her. He hasn't begged you for anything in these years. If something happens, I'll take care of it for you."

"You're right." Liu Rushi glared at Zhong Kui, and said to Daofeng, "I only thought you came to see me, but you came to ask me for something."

Dao Feng said: "If I don't die, I will help you prevent any disasters in the future."

Liu Rushi sighed, "You come to me, I will help you no matter what, you talk first, I'll make the soup."

As he said that, he got into the thatched cottage.

Zhong Kui sat down at the base of the wall, put his hands on his knees, looked up at Daofeng, and said, "Why did you come to me? Come on, I'm going to push Pai Gow with Yan Laowu and the others. I won a lot yesterday, if I don’t go today, they will say I’m cheating.”

"I'm going to find the princess."

Zhong Kui was startled, rolled his eyes, and said, "Look for her...then you go and look for her, why are you looking for me?"

Daofeng also knelt down in front of him, and said: "Call you senior brother, don't pretend to be confused, if you don't have your badge, how can I see the princess."

"This...you can go to Lao Cui, or go to the Department of Reincarnation..."

Daofeng put one hand on his shoulder and said: "Tianzi Cui is an upright person and does not show favoritism. Can he help? Not to mention the one from the Department of Reincarnation. Looking at the Three Realms, besides you, who can help me? Who can help me?" Dare to help me?"

Zhong Kui laughed loudly, "Daofeng, I don't like to hear what you said earlier, but the last sentence is the truth."

There are many gods in the vast underworld, and there are only two people who are truly fearless of the rules. One is Zhong Kui, and the other is Zen Master Daoji of Wuliangjie, who is also the famous monk Jigong in the world. show up.

As the saying goes: Hundreds of thousands of Yin soldiers are in the palm of their hands, but the emperor does not listen to the announcement in front of the gate.

From this point of view, Zhong Kui is somewhat similar to Dao Feng. But the most essential difference between the two is that although Zhong Kui ignores all rules, he does not deliberately violate the rules. Under normal circumstances, he will take into account the face of others. He is also a good guy in the underworld. Daofeng ignores all rules, and he doesn't want to be in the rules. He has arrogance and arrogance.

Zhong Kui jumped out of the rules, but in the final analysis, he was still the defender of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. Daofeng is a complete destroyer.

Zhong Kui shook his head and sighed, and said, "Daofeng, if you want me to help you, that's fine, but you have to tell me, why are you looking for the princess?"

"I asked her to borrow something." Before Zhong Kui could speak, Daofeng explained first, "I want to kill the three corpses, so I have to borrow this thing from her. You should know who it is, so don't ask any more, even if you are not afraid Rules, but I don't want to burden you."

Zhong Kui's expression was slightly startled, he pondered for a while, and then sighed: "Indeed, even I can't stop this matter, I won't stop you, I just ask you, have you ever thought about the result of failure?"

"The soul flies away."

"What a lost soul." Zhong Kui stood up. He was tall and strong, much taller than Dao Feng, who was 1.9 meters tall. All memories, if they fail, will be lost forever, you finally got what you are today, so why risk your life to do something so uncertain.”

Daofeng also looked at him, and said indifferently: "I thought that Master Zhong Kui, who is said to be deviant and rebellious, must be different from everyone else."

"Hmph, it's rare for me to be able to say this. If someone else would definitely think you're crazy."

"Then you also think I'm crazy. If I'm not crazy, I can't survive. If I don't dare to take this step, then I will never be a match for the Wuji Ghost King."

Zhong Kui shook his head helplessly, reached into his clothes, and took out a rosewood-colored wooden sign, threw it to Daofeng, turned around, and said, "Daofeng, you chose this road back then, and I will wait for your teacher." The brotherhood is over, but I have secretly helped you several times, and now, I'm afraid it will be the last time, the reason...you naturally understand. When we meet again, you and I may face each other with swords."

Dao Feng said: "At that time, I will naturally show mercy."

"Talk as if you've already succeeded!" Zhong Kui gave him a hard look, "By then, you won't know me anymore!"

"Oh, but I may not be your opponent, brother."

Zhong Kui snorted coldly.

"However, I have one more thing to ask of you."

"Anything else?" Zhong Kui stared straight at his eyes, "I did you such a big favor, you can't fucking finish it!"

Daofeng smiled. "In the future, if there is a day, please brother take care of me and show mercy to Shaoyang's subordinates."

Zhong Kui was slightly stunned, and continued to sit down on the wall, saying: "I can't promise this, I didn't know the truth before, but now... I already know, but I can't tell you..."

Daofeng knelt down in front of him, stared into his eyes, and said slowly, "I guessed it."

Zhong Kui's pupils shrank, and he stared at Daofeng as usual, searching for the secret in his eyes. After a moment, he took a deep breath and said, "How did you guess it?"

Daofeng didn't answer, but said: "The emperor played a big game of chess, let me reincarnate in the world, and become brothers with him, it is to misunderstand the world, and it is also misunderstood by Taiyin Mountain. Everyone was deceived by him, even me. ...When I knew all this, I was already deeply involved..."

(Today I am in Shanghai, as a representative to participate in the launching ceremony of the wind-gathering activity, I came back late at night, I can only write one chapter, I am sorry, I am sorry. What is the truth in the truth? See what Daofeng said, can you guess it? ?)

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