Urban Witcher

Chapter 2553 Chapter 2562 Yamanaka 3

This space is also gravitational. Although they travel through the spirit body and can fly in the air, they also need to consume mana. If they were all on flat ground, Ye Shaoyang would definitely be able to capture and kill him, at least some of them would hit him, but right now he is in someone else's formation, separated from heaven and earth, and has no place to borrow strength from, this is the problem.

If it falls into the blood, it will never come back up again.

"Quack..." The water corpse beside him let out a triumphant laugh, and opened his arms, waiting for Ye Shaoyang to fall.

However, he still underestimated Ye Shaoyang's strength, or to be precise, his wisdom. In the past, Ye Shaoyang found a way out of seemingly desperate situations many times, relying on his quick wit. What's more, this time is really not a hopeless situation for him.

"One thought of divine power, the sky thunder rolls, the gale suddenly rises, the fire and rain circle around, and the rush is like a law!"

In desperation, Ye Shaoyang raised the flag of Tianfeng Leihuo.

A blazing flame quenched the water net completely. Ye Shaoyang grabbed the Tianfeng Leihuo flag with one hand, and with the other hand, he took out the soul-hunting rope, swung it out forcefully, and shouted: "Monk!"

After Ye Shaoyang flew in, Sibao and Lao Guo didn't stay idle. Although they didn't dare to rush in because of Ye Shaoyang's lessons learned, they also bypassed the bloody corpse mountain formation from the nearby cliffs and reached the opposite side. , but I don’t know how to help, a little closer to the edge of the sea of ​​blood, I will be sucked in immediately, I am running around in a hurry, seeing Ye Shaoyang rushing over, everyone is waiting for help, seeing Ye Shaoyang throw the hook Coming over, Sibao immediately stepped forward, grabbed the hook at the front, and pulled back hard.

Ye Shaoyang fell and hit the edge of the sea of ​​blood. His legs hung down, and he was dragged up by the four treasures. Seeing that he was about to go out, he suddenly felt his legs tighten. Turning his head, he saw that it was the water The corpse swam over, and his legs were grabbed by him, and he pulled hard, and he was pulled halfway down with a whimper.

The nearby zombies crawling out of the sea of ​​blood also rushed over immediately. At the critical moment, Sibao pulled back forcefully, and Lao Guo and Wu Jiawei also exerted force together to straighten Ye Shaoyang's body, and the other end was a water corpse. Treat Ye Shaoyang as a rope.

"Don't, don't, I don't want the car to crack! Damn!" Ye Shaoyang cursed.

Xiao Jiu and the others tried to deal with the water corpse behind him, but no matter how powerful the spell was, once it entered the range of the formation, it would be completely absorbed like a mud cow into the sea, and no one could approach it, otherwise it would have to be sucked in. With a lot of mana, but no way to start.

Sibao and Wu Jiawei didn't dare to pull hard, for fear that they would really pull Ye Shaoyang in two, and they really didn't have the strength of the water corpse, so if they relaxed a little, they would be dragged along.

"Let go of one of my hands, I'll find a way!" Just as Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he suddenly heard a puff, and when he looked back, a white light flashed, cutting off the hands of the water corpse. The next moment, Sibao and Wu Jiawei together With all his strength, he dragged Ye Shaoyang up, turned around and saw that it was Yang Gongzi, who was flying around the "island". Behind her, there was a huge wave of blood chasing her non-stop, looking very critical.

No wonder I came to help at this time.

Ye Shaoyang believed that under the wave of blood, there must be at least one or even two corpse immortals, making it impossible for her to find a chance to help herself. She took a huge risk to help herself just now...

Thinking of this, Ye Shaoyang squeezed his fists hard, and said coldly: "Monk, let's also set up an formation and kill these five zombies!"


Sibao came over.

"No!" Yang Gongzi yelled at Ye Shaoyang while flying, "Shaoyang, you are here to save Leng Yu, don't waste time, I will deal with Daofeng here, you go, go!"

Ye Shaoyang had mixed feelings in his heart.

Since the status of these five great corpses is second only to the corpse king, it can be seen that they are all extraordinary in strength. The formation formed together can trap Daofeng and Yang Gongzi... If they didn't come to help , then the one trapped may be himself, even Xiao Jiu, I'm afraid he can't break through the formation in a short time. Needless to say, if Xiao Jiu was trapped, even if he went up the mountain to find Houqing, he would only be wiped out.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Daofeng sitting in the middle of the "isolated island". Daofeng sat cross-legged, closed his eyes slightly, and looked calm and composed. Yang Gongzi looked dangerous when he was being chased, but he was not in a desperate situation...

Ye Shaoyang suddenly understood that they seemed to be trapped, but in fact they held back the five corpses for themselves, so that they could face Hou Qing directly...

"When I come back, I will kill these five guys myself!" Ye Shaoyang said bitterly, turned around, and called everyone to go up the mountain quickly.

In the formation, it was difficult for Yang Gongzi to use her magic power, so she was chased. After Ye Shaoyang and his party left, she found a chance to get rid of the pursuers behind her, jumped into the barrier, and returned to Daofeng.

"There are two zombies chasing me. This formation is their world and they cannot be dealt with. Daofeng, why don't you break out?" Yang Gongzi asked in his ear.

Although it was a rare and terrifying formation, and even though the opponent was the five corpse immortals, Yang Gongzi believed that this formation would not be able to trap Dao Feng, as long as he wanted to, he could definitely rush out.

"I can only help him so far." Daofeng said through his divine sense, "He has to face his own affairs. I don't want to interfere with his choice, and I don't want to choose for him."

Yang Gongzi was stunned for a moment, but after careful thought, he understood. Essentially speaking, Daofeng did not support Ye Shaoyang to rescue Rui Lengyu, but Ye Shaoyang insisted on doing it. As a senior, he could only help, but he didn't want to do everything for him.

"Shaoyang, the corpse king, and the reincarnated ghost boy cannot be resolved by fighting," Daofeng continued, "but I can only help him fight, and then let him deal with everything by himself. Whether it is a blessing or a curse, how will it end? , there is nothing I can do."

Hearing this, Yang Gongzi completely understood. "So, you help him hold these guys back so that he can concentrate on solving everything."

"Maybe, I did something wrong." Daofeng murmured softly.

"No, you are right! I believe in Shaoyang, I believe he will make the best choice!" Yang Gongzi looked at the back of Ye Shaoyang and his party on the mountain road, and smiled slightly, Shaoyang...Come on.

On the mountain road after that, there was no ambush again.

Ye Shaoyang and his group quickly came to the top of the mountain, and there was a lonely peak on it, as if flying from the sky, but Guagua pointed to a cave in front, indicating that it was here.

Leng Yu... is locked in here!

Ye Shaoyang forcibly suppressed his emotions, and said to Old Guo: "Senior Brother Guo, it's up to you."

(make up a chapter owed a few days ago) nt

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