Urban Witcher

2470 Chapter 2479 Don't want to get married 2

Ye Shaoyang was speechless.

Neither of them spoke after that.

A man and a woman, two people who have a crush on each other, are lying on the same bed, and the next door is still screaming so fiercely. This kind of environment makes the atmosphere more and more embarrassing. Ye Shaoyang felt that a fire was gradually burning in his body, and it would not work if this continued. Ye Shaoyang thought about whether to recite the meditation mantra, but suddenly, he felt that Xie Yuqing's hand on his body was tightly grasping his neck.

Ye Shaoyang turned to look at her.

"What are you doing..."

Xie Yuqing opened her eyes wide and looked at him affectionately. The two were lying on a pillow, their eyes met, Xie Yuqing suddenly smiled and kissed.

Ye Shaoyang trembled in his heart, but he didn't resist, and kissed her, stroking her hair with one hand.

Both of them were very devoted, but Ye Shaoyang tried his best to restrain his impulsive emotions and did not take the next step.

After kissing for a while, the two separated, Xie Yuqing looked at him, and said quietly: "Is it because you have too much concentration, or am I not charming enough?"


Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said, "I can't do too much to you, because I can't marry you."

Xie Yuqing smiled slightly, and said, "What if I do it willingly?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned.

"Are you worried that I will be responsible for me if I sleep?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't know how to answer.

Xie Yuqing smiled to herself, pulled his shoulders under the pillow, leaned his head on it, and said, "Actually, I've been thinking about it recently."

Ye Shaoyang listened.

"My first love was in college. After that, I haven't been in a relationship because I feel very annoying. With my personality, it is impossible to take care of others, and no one can stand my work personality. After meeting you, um, frankly speaking, I thought about being with you, but...you love Leng Yu the most, and I was also sad for a while, and then I wanted to leave, and it wasn’t because of you that I wanted to. , I found that I actually don't want to get married at all, I don't want to live that kind of ordinary married life. I'm with Xueqi, and I feel pretty good..."

Ye Shaoyang trembled all over, and said: "You can't... like her, right?"

"What are you talking about!" Xie Yuqing rolled his eyes at him, "I think it's good for two girls to get together like this, and they don't have to be responsible for each other's lives. Even if she leaves in the future, it's fine for me to be alone. You don’t have to go home when you work overtime, and you can sleep until the afternoon when you’re off work... I like you very much, and I may never be able to like others in this life, but even if there is no Leng Yu and no one else, I don’t want to marry you, I don’t want to marry you. Let our feelings fall into the daily necessities of life and wear them away a little bit, just like it is now, it's pretty good.

Even if you're married, we're still best partners, as long as you're okay and don't show your affection in front of me... Do you understand what I'm saying? "

Ye Shaoyang shook his head foolishly.

Xie Yuqing shrugged, "Let's put it this way, I'm the kind of non-marriageist. Loving someone and getting married are two different things. I only like you, but I don't want to get married, understand?"

Only then did Ye Shaoyang nod his head.

"I do not know what to say."

Xie Yuqing smiled and said: "You don't need to say anything, I will support you and help you in whatever you do, I just will always like you, if you need, I will always be with you like this."

After finishing speaking, Xie Yuqing buried her head under his neck and hugged his neck quietly.

Ye Shaoyang stroked her hair, staring blankly ahead, thoughtful.

The movement in the next room didn't know when it started, but it stopped long ago.

The phone rang, it was Xie Yuqing's. Xie Yuqing picked up the phone and answered it. It was a call from a person who claimed to be from the local detective team, asking how Xie Yuqing could cooperate with the work.

Xie Yuqing told him that she might hide in this small hotel in order to hunt down the fugitives, and asked them to send someone over to help. The other party readily agreed, saying that they would send someone over now and contact them when they arrived.

Putting down the phone, Xie Yuqing turned her head and blinked at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "I've given you the opportunity, you dare not take it, next time don't blame me for not giving you the opportunity."

"What chance?" Ye Shaoyang blurted out, and immediately came back to his senses, dumbfounded: "Are you serious?"

"Of course, if you took the initiative just now, I was already prepared." Xie Yuqing stuck out her tongue.

Ye Shaoyang vomited blood.

The two of them got dressed, went downstairs, and waited on the side of the road outside. After a while, a detective car drove up from the opposite side without honking its horn. Xie Yuqing waved, the detective car stopped, and the two detectives got out of the car.

"Inspector Xie from Shicheng?" An older detective extended his hand to Xie Yuqing friendly.

Xie Yuqing shook hands with him, took out his detective card, and the other party took it, memorized the number, opened an internal system app with his mobile phone, searched it, the information matched, and his attitude became more enthusiastic. He introduced himself, his name is Chen Ping, and another younger one named Chu Lei. Both of them belonged to the detective detachment and were transferred to cooperate with her work.

Xie Yuqing introduced Ye Shaoyang, saying that they hired a technical expert, and then used the previous excuse. This is also forced to lie, otherwise there will be a lot of explanations, and there will be some troubles related to supernatural events.

The two detectives also knew the rules, so they didn't ask any more questions. Chen Ping asked her if the suspect had any murder weapons with him. Xie Yuqing said no. If the suspect was found in the room, he could just arrest him.

The two agreed, and after discussing it, they entered the small hotel together. The proprietress with heavy make-up was using her mobile phone to video chat with someone, and Chen Ping stepped forward and said that she would check the hotel because someone reported illegal X transactions here. The proprietress looked confused, but she had no choice but to cooperate. She took out the key, led them to the leftmost room on the first floor, and knocked on the door.

There was a man and a woman inside, both wearing pajamas, the man's neck was covered with lipstick marks, Ye Shaoyang thought it was funny, this couple was impatient, probably they were having sex.

Chen Ping asked them to show their ID cards. Although the two were unhappy, they were more cooperative. After reading it, they went to the second room.

There are three rooms on the first floor where guests live. After the proprietress took them to check, they had to go up to the second floor. Xie Yuqing suddenly said, "What about the innermost room?"

"Oh, this is the utility room, unoccupied."

Xie Yuqing said: "I heard someone talking inside."

The proprietress concealed her expression and said, "Impossible, there is no one here."

The two detectives didn't know the truth, but they had rich experience in handling cases. Looking at the lady boss's expression, they decided that there must be something hidden in the room.

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