Urban Witcher

Chapter 2 Strange disease 2

Hearing Dagong Ye's words, the old Taoist waved his hand, pulled a bench by himself, sat down in the courtyard, and said, "Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, I haven't eaten dinner yet, let me give you something to eat first."

Dagong Ye was startled, and ordered his daughter-in-law to cook quickly. He also used the excuse of being a helper, called his son to the kitchen, and asked him about the origin of this old Taoist priest.

"According to my father's intention, I originally went to the county town to find Zhang Daxian. When I was eating steamed buns in the county town, I happened to be at the same table with this old Taoist priest. He could tell at a glance that I had a corpse smell on my body. He listened to me and said the situation immediately. He expressed his willingness to help, so I brought him back." Speaking of this, he lowered his voice, "Father, this old Taoist...isn't he a liar?"

Grand Duke Ye didn't answer, but asked, "Does he want money?"

"Then why don't you? Give him five thousand after it's done. As soon as I think it's important to save my life, I agree."

Five thousand... At that time, especially for a rural family, it was really not a small amount. But as long as he can save his grandson, let alone five thousand, even if he wants to kill Grandpa Ye, Grandpa Ye will not frown. But every day is not as good as one day.

With complicated emotions, Grandpa Ye returned to the courtyard, made two cups of tea, sat opposite the old Taoist, drank tea and chatted together, trying to set up the old Taoist's details, but the old Taoist didn't want to talk to him at all, only said his own way Its name is Qingyunzi, and it comes from Xuanqing Mountain. I don't want to say more about the rest.

Grand Duke Ye was even more skeptical, but until now, he had no choice but to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After the meal is ready, Qing Yunzi is not too polite, so he asked Ye Bing to buy a bottle of good wine at the village store. Two yuan and a bottle of Yuzhou Daqu is already the best wine in the village store. Zai ate and drank for almost an hour, then wiped his mouth, stretched his waist, and staggered towards the back room with a hint of alcohol.

Seeing his crooked steps, Grand Duke Ye sighed secretly. The hope in my heart dimmed a bit.

Entering the back room, Qing Yunzi looked at the child on the bed from a distance, saw his red eyes and black face, and combined with Ye Bing's previous narration, he had eight points of determination in his heart.

Immediately walked forward, covered the top of the child's head with a big hand, inspected his internal organs with stellar energy, his whole body trembled suddenly, this child is actually a rare innate spirit body!

Take a closer look at this child, the sky is full, the ground is round, the facial features are correct, the fate is strong, the Tao is slender, he is actually an excellent talent for cultivating the Tao! I was ecstatic in my heart, thinking that I traveled down the mountain on a whim, with no purpose, and happened to come to this small county town, and happened to meet the child's father, so it turned out that I was secretly looking for this child!

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, thank Sanqing for blessings, Maoshan has a descendant, it's even lucky! Good, good!"

Qing Yunzi looked up to the sky and giggled for a long time before suppressing his ecstasy, and checked the child's whole body, and found that his limbs were icy cold, while other parts of his body were scalding hot like iron, which was very strange. Spreading the child's hands, it turned out that the palms were black, the skin had become keratinized, and it was very rough to the touch, and the blackness tended to spread towards the wrists.

"What a powerful evil poison!"

Qing Yunzi sighed secretly, took out a handful of glutinous rice from the bag, and pressed it on the child's hand, only heard a "hiss", a puff of green smoke rose, and the whole handful of glutinous rice turned black.

"Master Daoist, this is..." Dagong Ye and his son were stunned and asked tremblingly. The previous scene made them dispel some doubts. They felt that the old Taoist priest really had magical powers, and a ray of hope rose in their hearts.

Qingyunzi didn't answer, and ordered Ye Bing to bring a sea bowl, take out his own homemade talisman water, and feed the child to drink it.

The child who had been in a coma groaned, woke up, cried and cried, Qing Yunzi ordered Ye Bing to cover the child with a quilt, put him to sleep, then took out a compass, and chanted a spell: "Seven The road is long, the eight gates determine the direction, and the old gentleman is in a hurry to show up, help me to get rid of the devil! Hurry up like a law!"

A strange finger was placed on the left hand, and the index finger pointed to the astrolabe of the compass, and the pointer whirled, and finally pointed to the direction of the head of the bed.

Qing Yunzi walked over quickly, stretched out his hand to feel under the quilt, found nothing, then went under the bed regardless of the dust, and groped again, finally picked out something on the bed board, sniffed it, it was indeed real!

Coming out from under the bed, Qing Yunzi looked solemn. Holding that thing in his hand, he untied the cloth bag on his shoulder, took out a red pill, and handed it to Ye Bing. "This Chi Lian Dan, melt it with two catties of warm water, feed the child two taels every half an hour, it will get rid of this poison!"

Ye Bing thanked him and hurried to do it.

Qing Yunzi returned to the courtyard, still sitting on the bench, picked up the white wine he hadn't finished before, and drank it slowly, his brows were furrowed, as if he was preoccupied.

Grand Duke Ye leaned forward and bowed to Qingyunzi to the ground—just now Qingyunzi's series of dazzling arrangements in the room completely dispelled his doubts, and he was sure that Qingyunzi was a master of Taoism.

"Daozhang, my grandson...is there any help?"

Qing Yunzi put down the wine bowl, raised his head, narrowed his eyes and looked at him. "Do you have any enemies in your family?"

"Enemy?" Grand Duke Ye was startled and shook his head. "I am the patriarch of Ye Family Village. I have been in office for decades. I have offended people, but if I talk about enemies... I really can't remember."

"Think about it carefully, this is not an ordinary hatred, it is a deep hatred that wants to kill your whole family!"

Grand Duke Ye was taken aback. A long list of names quickly appeared in his mind, and he filtered them out one by one. He shook his head and said, "Really not, Daoist Master Mingjian. My family is a scholar. It is said that our ancestors have produced Taoist priests. Oh yes, the name His name is Ye Fashan, does the Daoist know? I don’t dare to be an educated person, I have never done anything bad, and I will never form a deep hatred with others. What’s going on, please tell the Daoist.”

"Ye Fashan is your ancestor?" Qingyunzi was taken aback. Ye Fashan was the first national teacher of the Tang Dynasty, the head of the Taoist sect in the world at that time, and the head teacher of the Xuanqing sect. Even he himself wanted to call him ancestor. The super strong who can be ranked in the top fifteen, unexpectedly... suddenly thought of something, since this Ye Fashan is the ancestor of the old man in front of him, then he is also the ancestor of the child?

No wonder that child is an innate spirit body, it seems that there is something in it.

Qingyunzi nodded slightly, "Looking at your Yintang Mingguang, you can be regarded as a somewhat upright person." Immediately spreading his left hand, Grandpa Ye saw the ping-pong ball-sized ball in his palm, which was red and moist, like a blood-stained ball. small ball.

"I cut it out of the bed, and it's what made your grandson like this."

Qing Yunzi shook his head, "This is the Sha Poison Pill. Someone has cursed it with a secret method. Within five feet of the person, it will continuously release the Sha Poison and be absorbed by people. In less than a month, this person will become Walking corpses, losing their minds, actively attacking others, and people who are bitten and scratched will all become walking corpses. Your grandson has become vicious and has begun to spread outward. You have also seen your grandson's hands. Keratinized, that is the characteristic of S transformation."

Grand Duke Ye couldn't stand anymore, his legs went limp and he fell to sit on the ground, with tears streaming down his face, he fell down at Qing Yunzi's feet, "Daoist, please save my grandson, my family has been passed down for three generations, only this one seedling..."

"Get up first. Although this matter is tricky, since I let Pindao encounter it, I won't let it go."

When Grand Duke Ye got up, Qing Yunzi went on to say: "The poison is attacking the heart, and he must not be able to live in the first place. It is also your grandson..." Suddenly it occurred to me that this matter should be kept secret, so as not to spread it.

"Your grandson has a special physique, and the evil poison is extremely yin. After entering the body, he stimulated the yang energy in his body, so the body is mixed with cold and heat. If it is ordinary evil poison, it will not be able to do anything to him..."

Qing Yunzi frowned and looked at the evil poison pill in his palm, "The evil poison is also different. This evil poison is owned by the person who died violently. The resentment is very deep. It invades the human body together with the evil poison, which caused your grandson to die."

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