Urban Witcher

Chapter 1885 In the name of the people

Daofeng touched his nose.

Yang Gongzi murmured: "If Shaoyang does this, he will harm himself and others."

Daofeng glanced at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Maybe everything will end soon."

"What's the meaning?"

Daofeng didn't answer, broke through the void, and got in. Yang Gongzi looked at Ye Shaoyang for a moment, and followed.

Xiao Jiu hugged Ye Shaoyang for a while, let go of him, looked at him quietly, with a shy expression on her face, and said, "Did I lose my composure?"

Ye Shaoyang stared at her, not knowing what to say.

"As long as you're fine, really, as long as you're fine." Xiao Jiu looked at him and murmured.

Ye Shaoyang cupped her face with his hand and smiled slightly.

The two broke through the void and returned to the world.

When he appeared in the room, Ye Shaoyang was shocked when he saw so many people in the room, "You...why are you all here?"

"Boss, if you don't come back, we will attack Lishan by force." Meihua said with a smile.

Chengzi threw herself to Ye Shaoyang's side, hugged his neck, and made all kinds of intimacy.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Xiao Yiyun, his face was turning green, he hurriedly pushed Chengzi away, and went to greet him.

Everyone started arguing around Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang also followed suit, but his heart was filled with indescribable touch and warmth that could not be expressed in words. A feeling of panic welled up in my heart again: what virtue and ability do I have, I am actually worthy of having so many good brothers, each of them is concerned about their own safety, trying to save themselves in various ways.

Daofeng didn't participate, and kept watching with Yang Gongzi, reminding Ye Shaoyang that he still had something to talk about.

When the matter was over, there was a false alarm. Ye Shaoyang urged them to go back to the Yin Yang Division, and sent away the members of the Yin Yang Division one by one, and Xu Wenchang also left. Only Lin Sansheng was left.

Several people from the Valley of the Wind did not leave. Yue Heng, Sun Yingyue, and Xiao Ma watched TV together. They came from the world, and they finally came back to experience the feeling of the past.

Ye Shaoyang told Daofeng about the fact that Lishan's old mother was the reincarnation of Qingniu, and asked Feng's plan.

"I also know, I don't have any good solution at the moment." Daofeng looked out the window, frowning slightly.

Ye Shaoyang analyzed: "It's really troublesome. Xuanwu was defeated by you. I feel that Li Shan's old mother... Even if you can beat her, she probably won't obey you. She just doesn't cooperate, and you can't beat her up." Killing, killing her will not help."

Lin Sansheng interrupted and said: "This method is definitely not going to work. Li Shan's old mother, as a dignified person, is always responding to her teachings. Today is our sneak attack, and this is the only time. Next time you want to go up the mountain, it will not be easy."

Daofeng was silent.

Ye Shaoyang said: "So there is no way out?"

Lin Sansheng's eyes lit up, and he said: "There is a way, Li Shan's old mother has a strong personality, and she will not accept beatings, but she has a characteristic, because she is in a high position, she should be very good at what she says, and she will not easily go back on her word."

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he nodded immediately and said: "Actually, Li Shan's old mother is a nice person. Although she kidnapped me to lead Daofeng to do a little trick, she was still very polite to me, and she fulfilled it even if she lost the bet. But you suddenly said this What?"

"Let's have another gambling fight!" Lin Sansheng looked at Ye Shaoyang, then at Daofeng, "Let's have another gambling fight with her, the bet is that if she loses, she will obey your arrangement and fight the catastrophe with you. "

Daofeng's eyes lit up, then he thought for a while and said, "This bet is too heavy, why did she bet with me, what can I do if I lose?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "If you lose, will you give her your life?"

Lin Sansheng immediately waved his hand and said: "This won't work, the premise is that if you want her to fulfill the bet, there must be many people present, preferably some people from other sects who explain education, only in this way can you force her to fulfill the bet. What do you think?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

Lin Sansheng went on to say: "Well, since it is such a big situation, Li Shan's old mother doesn't need to restrain herself by gambling at all, and just mobilize everyone to kill Daofeng together, there is no need to dig a hole for herself Jump, what if she loses, she is not sure that she will win, right?"

Ye Shaoyang then nodded and asked, "So, this method doesn't work."

"It works." Lin Sansheng said, "If you want Li Shan's old mother to gamble with Daofeng, you only need to make an offer that she cannot refuse. In other words, if she wins you, what benefits will she get? As long as she can impress her, She will definitely accept your bet."

Daofeng's heart moved, and he asked Lin Sansheng: "What can I use to impress her?"

Lin Sansheng shrugged, "I don't know about this, you can think about it slowly."

Yang Gongzi said to Daofeng: "What he said is correct, anyway, you have locked her as Qingniu now, and she will not disappear. Let's take a long-term plan and think about how to operate it."

Lin Sansheng said: "You can also send someone to talk to her and ask her to make a request. I think she will be interested."

Daofeng didn't make a sound, but judging from the expression on his face, he was obviously persuaded by Lin Sansheng.

Daofeng stared at Ye Shaoyang for a while, and said, "You are also from the Department of Yin and Yang."

Lin Sansheng smiled, cupped his hands and said, "That's right, the director of Yinyang Division."

Dao Feng said: "I am short of a military advisor in the Valley of the Wind, are you interested in joining the Valley of the Wind?"

Hearing this, several people were stunned. When did the incomparable Taoism invite others to join so actively.

Ye Shaoyang yelled in dissatisfaction: "Hey, he's a member of my Ghostbusters Alliance, he's not as poaching as you, I'm still here!"

Lin Sansheng said to Daofeng: "The Ghostbusters Alliance and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind have always been a family. There is no one to join or not to join. If you need help, just ask."

Daofeng saw that his eyes began to change, nodded slightly, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "I will leave, and I will come to you again if there is a situation. You'd better not go to the Qingming Realm, and I will ignore you if you are caught."

"Hey!" Ye Shaoyang jumped up, "It's as if I asked you for help. Who told me to go to Lishan to negotiate with the old woman!"

Daofeng suddenly remembered this incident, and a slight embarrassment appeared on his paralyzed face. He broke through the void and got in. Yang Gongzi waved his hand at Ye Shaoyang, and then left.

"Let's go now!" Seeing that they were about to leave, Xiao Ma got up and said, "Go back first, this TV series is good, I'll leave after watching it!

Sun Yingyue and Yue Heng were also addicted to watching TV. Seeing that the pony would not leave, they also stayed and continued watching.

Ye Shaoyang was very curious about what TV series made these guys so addicted to watching, so he looked at the subtitle at the bottom of the screen, it was called "In the Name of the People", and asked them: "Is this TV good?"


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