Urban Witcher

Chapter 1841 Chapter 1849 Leeches 1

"So, the blood bat we saw before is the murderer. This thing can possess the body, and it does have the ability to create mummy."

Xie Yuqing frowned and said, "How do you know?"

Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand to pull the collar of his clothes, exposing his left shoulder. There was a row of tooth marks on his skin, which was already red and swollen.

"What happened! Are you okay!" Xie Yuqing became nervous when she saw the wound.

"It's okay, but it wanted to suck blood at the time. If it was an ordinary person, it would probably be able to suck the blood dry in one breath." Ye Shaoyang glanced at Lao Guo and said with emotion, "It's also a coincidence. When we came here, we happened to meet This guy killed someone and ran away, and then he summoned their boss, the werewolf, to deal with me, but it was a pity that his soul escaped."

Thinking of this incident, Ye Shaoyang felt very regretful.

Xie Yuqing pondered for a while, her eyes glanced casually across Biantou's face, she frowned, and said, "Who is this?"

"Oh, my new apprentice, you can call him Biantou, Biantou is Inspector Xie, our good friend." Old Guo hurriedly said haha, not because he was afraid that Xie Yuqing would know Biantou's identity, but just a I can't tell the time, and Qi Chen is present, so I'm afraid they will ask questions.

"He looks so weird." Xie Yuqing stepped forward to shake hands with Bian Tou, tilted her head and stared at him, always feeling that something was wrong with him, but couldn't tell.

Lao Guo coughed twice: "Speaking of business, werewolves and this kind of blood bats are all evils from the West. How could they come to us, and what is their purpose of killing?" Ye Shaoyang pondered: "There is a kind of blood bat. Possibly, or this matter has something to do with me."

"With you?" Xie Yuqing and Lao Guo looked at him in surprise.

Ye Shaoyang told about Yao Mengjie's situation and how he was her personal bodyguard.

After all, Xie Yuqing was an agent. Hearing what he said, she immediately thought of some possibility: "You mean, these werewolf bats are meant to deal with Yao Mengjie's evil things?"

"I suspect it's very possible, otherwise it would be unreasonable for such a group of western monsters to come here all of a sudden and commit crimes everywhere, and they appeared around the same time as Yao Mengjie. If there is no relationship between the two, I really don't believe it."

Xie Yuqing said: "Then it's still strange, these evil things are going to deal with her, why don't you go to her for so long, why kill these strangers instead?"

None of the three could answer this question. Xie Yuqing originally wanted to ask Yao Mengjie, but Ye Shaoyang thought that Yao Mengjie would not say it: If she wanted to say it, she would not have to wait until now.

Ye Shaoyang decided to go back and talk to her slowly.

Lao Guo drove away with his flat head, Xie Yuqing had to go back to deal with the case, and Ye Shaoyang took a taxi back to Yao Mengjie's house.

In a certain mountainous area outside Shicheng, dense forests are covered, and occupations are impenetrable. A phantom passes through the bushes and reaches the deepest part of the jungle. Under the thickest tree, there is an open space covered by lush branches and leaves like an umbrella. .

Standing under the tree was a young man in a white suit, his blond hair combed back meticulously, holding a goblet of red wine in his hand, which contained bright scarlet liquid. A hint of expression.

Behind him stood seven figures in black cloaks, long hats that kept their faces hidden.

The ghost flew in front of him, knelt on the ground immediately, trembling all over, and called out: "Your Highness."

The man glanced down at him and said, "Say."

"I followed His Highness's instructions and sent blood bats to continue creating supernatural cases. As a result, when I was escaping, I met a prostitute from the Hua Kingdom and almost strangled him. Then I risked my life and informed me. I will go there in person. Well, the subordinate was defeated, his body was beheaded, and his soul was almost captured, so he fled back desperately, returning his life like His Highness."

The man frowned slightly, and said, "Aren't you his opponent?"

"Not so far."

The man looked down at him.

Guiying understood, thought for a while and said, "Even if we eight werewolves go out together, we may not be able to defeat him."

When the people in the cloak behind the man heard this, the faces covered under the hat showed incredible expressions. Some snorted coldly, expressing their disbelief.

There was a smile on the man's expressionless face. "It should be him. Did you follow him?"

"I took a picture of Leech to track him. He is Huaxia's boss. He doesn't know much about our situation, so he shouldn't be discovered."

"Okay." The man nodded in satisfaction, took a sip of the red liquid in the glass, and waved behind him. Seven men in cloaks came forward and bowed in salute.

"You all go there first, follow the leech's prompt, lock the target, and act tonight."

The seven people led the order, and when they were about to leave, they were stopped by the man again, and they said to the ghost lying on the ground in front of them: "As a werewolf, you are useless without your body, and it's time to contribute your soul." .”

After finishing speaking, he snapped his fingers, and the seven cloaked men rushed forward. Amidst the screams, they tore the man's soul apart with their bare hands and swallowed each of them...

The man didn't even look at it, shaking the wine glass, staring at the scarlet liquid in the glass. The glass reflected his almost perfect face.

Suddenly, another face was reflected on the glass. It should be said that it was a group of black air in the shape of a man, rising from the ground, and making a voice like a void: "Is Your Highness about to start action?"

The man turned his head and looked at the thick black air behind him, "Go and try it out, it will work if it works, if it doesn't work then think of another way. Thank you."

"Master Dongfang, I really want to see it." Heiqi's tone was very flat, but with a touch of contempt.

The man said with a smile: "With you as the leader, it will definitely succeed."

Ye Shaoyang returned to Yao Mengjie's house, and when he entered from the living room, he saw two girls sitting in the living room, his eyes swept away, and a smile appeared on his face: "Xiao Ru, you are here!"

Zhou Jingru also came over with a smile, and said, "Catherine told me everything, I just happened to finish my work today, so I came here to see you."

Ye Shaoyang hadn't seen her for a while, and he was very happy. He looked her up and down, and saw that she was wearing a suit similar to a lady's suit. She looked very sharp and professional, and she was different from before.

Zhou Jingru tilted her head and asked him, "I keep watching what I do, and I'm still in a daze."

"No, I think you are much more mature now than before."

Zhou Jingru shrugged, "It's not that I'm mature, it's just that I take care of more family affairs now. I'm really busy, and sometimes I can't help myself. After all, I only have one brother and sister."


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