Urban Witcher

Chapter 1685 Western Regions 1

"By the way, I heard the Taoist priest say that these believers seem to have migrated from the snowy area, saying that the ancient tomb we are going to dig is the cemetery of the gods they enshrine. Their responsibility to come here is to serve the gods. To protect the tomb from being excavated by outsiders, and to kill all intruders for this..."

After finishing speaking, Ye Shaoyang realized something, and looked at Sibao, both of them were stunned, and finally Ye Shaoyang took a breath and said: "No...the one buried in this mausoleum is Di Shitian, right?"

The shock in Sibao's heart is hard to describe.

Professor Sun was not interested in what they said, chewing on Ye Shaoyang's words over and over again, "From the snow area, the snow area..." He slapped his thigh suddenly, "I thought of it!!"

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes.

Professor Sun thought for a long time in a daze, and murmured: "Oh, I have to go back and check the information to make sure!"

After waiting for a long time to come out with such a sentence, everyone was very depressed, Ye Shaoyang said: "Go back and check again, you tell me first, what did you think of?"

"It's not sure yet, it's just a guess...have you heard of Bon religion?"

Everyone shook their heads, completely unfamiliar with this term, only Fang Mengna said: "Mr. Sun is talking about the Yong Zhongben religion of Tubo?"

Professor Sun nodded approvingly, "Yong Zhongben religion believes in the ancient Zhang Zhung Buddhism, but this is a belief that gradually formed after Buddhism entered Tibet and was absorbed by primitive religions. The previous Bon religion was almost a primitive belief. Later, it gradually developed into the ancient Zhang Zhung Buddhism.”

Sibao wondered: "What is the Bon religion? Why have I never heard of it? I only know Tibetan Buddhism. Isn't that the traditional religion of Tubo?"

"Bon Religion is still inherited, but its influence is very small. It's normal if you haven't heard of it. Everyone knows about Princess Wencheng, right?"

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said, "Did Wei Xiaobao marry that one?"

Sibao rolled his eyes at him and said: "What nonsense, Wei Xiaobao married... I forgot whether it was Princess Taiping or who, anyway, it wasn't Princess Wencheng. I know Princess Wencheng. During the Tang Dynasty, the king of Tubo, Songzan, gave her marriage A royal family member of Gampo."

Professor Sun said: "Yes, Tibet was still called Tubo at that time. Songtsan Gampo married Princess Wencheng. Since then, Tubo has always been a vassal of the Tang Dynasty, learning Han culture. Buddhism also entered Tubo at this time. After Tibetan Buddhism grew stronger , became the "state religion" of Tubo, and in this way, the local religion of Tubo became less and less existent, and Bon religion declined like this.

On the other hand, some Tubo religions such as Bon religion are also actively or passively absorbing elements of Buddhism. Today, the difference between Bon religion and other religions and Tibetan Buddhism is getting smaller and smaller. In a sense , has become a branch of Buddhism. "

Ye Shaoyang was not interested in these religious histories. He felt a little dazzled after hearing so much from Professor Sun. The Four Treasures are monks. He listened more seriously to the history of Buddhism. disciple?"

"It should be a branch of the Bon religion. Even if it is not, it must be a branch of other small religions in the snow area. First, you have concluded, master, that what they worship is the Buddhist Indra. Second, they are from the snow area. Those who come here, who meet these two conditions, must be the native religions in the snow region represented by the Bon religion."

Sibao thought for a while, and felt that this analysis was very reasonable, and asked casually: "I heard that you are well-informed, and you seem to know the history of religion very well. Why didn't you think of going to the Bon religion before?"

Professor Sun sighed: "This is my blind eye. I didn't think about religion in the snowy area. I only thought about Buddhism and various investigations in the Han area... Besides, my attention was all on figuring out the identity of this statue. In terms of identity, it’s a bit of an upside-down. As for these religious histories, I’m an archaeologist after all, so it’s okay if I don’t have a certain understanding of ancient culture.”

Sibao nodded, thinking that Luo Po belonged to the Western Regions, but not XZ. It was understandable that Professor Sun didn't pay attention to Tubo.

"I never expected that the Tomb of the Sun would be related to the traditional religion in the snow area..."

Thinking of this, Professor Sun couldn't help getting excited, and said in a trembling voice, "If this news is announced, it will definitely be an earthquake in the entire archaeological world. I...Mr. Witness, this shocking secret was discovered by my grandson... No, we all discovered it together!"

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, no, you discovered it alone, and we don't want to argue about it. However, Professor Sun, if you want to go back alive and well, please follow my arrangements and don't act without authorization."

Professor Sun is a typical scholar, he only has scientific research in his eyes, he only has a concept of the environment and conspiracy, he has no deep judgment at all, and he doesn't even want to understand, Ye Shaoyang and Sibao take care of everything , I am only in charge of archaeological excavations, which is exactly what I want. Hearing Ye Shaoyang's words, he nodded vigorously.

Sibao said: "For credit or something, let's not argue with the old man, let's discuss the practical issues, no matter whether those believers are from the Bon religion or not, they can walk all the way here from the snow area and live in this harsh environment for so long , just to protect the ancient tomb, it means that there must be something very important in this ancient tomb!"

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "Didn't Taoist Zikun say that their god is buried in this ancient tomb?" Thinking of the topic that he hadn't had time to talk about before, he asked, "Isn't it Di Shitian himself?"

The corner of Sibao's mouth twitched, and he said, "Di Shitian himself... this should be impossible. According to the records in the Buddhist classics, Di Shitian is the head of the twenty gods, and is the official god of Buddhism..."

Ye Shaoyang interrupted him and said: "Don't talk about this, it is said that Asura is the guardian of the Asura Dao, so he also came to the world to join in the fun."

"Listen to me, I don't believe in the idea of ​​becoming a Buddha, but as far as I think, since Asura is in the Infinite Realm, after Di Shitian converted to Buddhism, maybe he should be there too, mixing with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Not in this world."

Professor Sun said: "Let me tell you something, I don't understand what you said, but according to my previous archaeological experience, the gods worshiped by many religions are not real gods. This is the same at home and abroad. The Egyptians worshiped every pharaoh, saying that he was the son of a certain god. The people believed in this, so they worshiped the pharaoh as a god.

Perhaps this Emperor Shitian also has a similar belief? For example, a certain great ancestor was regarded by the believers as the reincarnation or son of Emperor Shitian... After he died, he was buried here. The believers felt that it was their responsibility to protect his mausoleum. Is there such a thing? possibility? "


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