Urban Witcher

Chapter 1562 Dumb's relief 2

Dumb looked at her very touched, and slowly raised his hand: "I, Dumb, swear by my feelings for you, I will never kill innocent people in vain, do no evil, live forever, only be your slave, and be loyal to you alone !"

Ye Shaoyang snorted.

Rui Lengyu retreated to his side, grabbed his hand, and said to Dumb: "I don't want to be my slave, and I don't need you to do anything for me. It's best to be friends in the future. Even if you can't, you can Don't take me too seriously."

Dumb said: "I understand, I regard you as the master in my heart, but I will not do anything to make you unhappy."

Rui Lengyu took a deep breath and said, "I hope you remember the oath you made today, and I hope... I'm not mistaken."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and nodded to Ye Shaoyang, "Save him!"

Ye Shaoyang looked at Qingyunzi and said, "Save him."

Qingyunzi shrugged, and repeated these two words to Lingbozi: "Save him."

"Your family is all lunatics." Lingbozi sighed, "Let me tell you first, I was coerced by you to do this, and if there are any consequences, I will not take any responsibility!"

Then Qing Yunzi said: "Since you are sure to save, then help me, the power of the seal is too strong, I can't handle it alone."

Qing Yunzi said: "How to do it?"

"Come into his body with me, and I will tell you how to do it then!"

Without saying a word, Qing Yunzi turned into a wisp of smoke and got into Ah-Dai's body, and then Ling Bozi got in too.

Dumb collapsed on the ground weakly.

Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu looked at each other in unison.

"Shaoyang, did I do something wrong?"

"You're right, if it were me, I would definitely do the same." Ye Shaoyang put his arm around her shoulders and teased her, "Even if I made a mistake, it's just the two of us together, at worst you go to the eighteenth floor of hell , I will go to the seventeenth floor of hell."

Rui Lengyu said: "Why are you one level less than me?"

"In the future, you will be the mastermind after all, and I will be the accomplice."

Rui Lengyu was amused by him, and said: "No, I will take you with me, and I will take you to hell, you don't want to escape!"

The two looked at each other, Rui Lengyu smiled.

Waiting nervously, the result finally came to fruition: about five minutes after Qing Yunzi and the two entered Ah-Dai's body, Ah-Dai suddenly foamed at the mouth and twitched all over. past.

I saw drops of blood and sweat oozing from the skin between his chest and abdomen. The pincer worm lying on his chest suddenly writhed, as if trying to break free from him, but its mouthparts and legs were deeply inserted into his body. Into Dumb's body, he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

After a while, under the eyes of Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu, the pincer worm was corroded by the blood and tears oozing from Dumb's skin, and its body softened a little, but it writhed more violently.

Dumb clenched his teeth, and kept breathing in and out, which sounded like he was in extreme pain.

Finally, the pincer worm stopped moving, as if its juice had been sucked dry, the black shell completely softened, stuck to the skin, and finally completely melted away. The mouthparts, tentacles, body and paired feet all turned into glittering gold. After the gold powder changed its shape, it became a pattern similar to Chinese characters, and then spread out, shining golden light, illuminating the whole room.

Dumb didn't move anymore, he lay sprawled on the ground, his mouth finished frothing, and then blood started to come out again, and the last thing that came out was green juice...

Two figures came out of Dumb's body one after another and fell to the ground. Lingbozi was paralyzed on the spot, and three flowers loomed on Qingyunzi's head, and his breath trembled slightly, indicating that he had exerted a lot of strength.

"What's the matter?" Ye Shaoyang asked anxiously.

Ling Bozi took a breath and said, "It's thanks to your master and I, who are well versed in Taoism, working together, if it were someone else, it really wouldn't be able to break this seal."

"That's all right?"

"The dao worm is dead, and the cultivation in its body has been completely absorbed by this guy, but it was originally his, so it can be regarded as a complete return."

Rui Lengyu hurriedly asked: "Has the memory recovered?"

"I do not know."

While talking, Duan woke up leisurely and opened his eyes. Although his eyes were tired, they showed a heroic spirit that he didn't have before.

Rui Lengyu immediately called out: "Dumb!"

Dumb shifted his gaze to her face, and smiled with difficulty.

Rui Lengyu squatted in front of him, grabbed his right wrist, and asked, "How do you feel now?"

"It's very comfortable, I feel that something is missing from my body, I feel much lighter, and my whole body is full of strength..."

Dumb looked down at his chest and abdomen, and then tried to wipe off the mucus covered with his hands, but there was too much mucus to wipe it off.

Rui Lengyu went to the bathroom to wet a towel, originally wanted to do it herself, but thought that Ye Shaoyang was there, so she gave him the towel.

The mucus was wiped off, revealing a piece of snow-white skin, which happened to be in the shape of a pincer worm. Because it had been covered by the body of the pincer worm for a long time, the color of the skin was different from that of the surrounding area. It looked a little wrinkled, and there were two rows of small The hole is the wound left by the clamp insect's breath and legs inserted.

Dui stretched out his hand to gently stroke the skin, and murmured, "It's unbelievable..."

Rui Lengyu said, "Dumb, have you remembered who you are?"

Dumb shook his head, leaned his head against the wall, closed his eyes, and many images flashed in front of his eyes, all kinds of killings, bloody, he seemed to smell the familiar smell of blood again...

"No, I still can't remember who I am, but I recall some images..."

Rui Lengyu asked anxiously, "What is it?"

"I can't tell. I want to settle down for a few days and try to recall more. If there is a clue, I will be the first to tell you."

Rui Lengyu said: "That's fine, don't worry about it, you can just cultivate with peace of mind. But...you remember you promised me."

Dumb nodded seriously, and said, "Leng Yu, don't worry, no matter whether I can retrieve my memory or not, I will always be Dumb in front of you, and I will always be loyal to you!"

Rui Lengyu smiled, "If you have nothing to do, go to rest and take a shower first to wash off all the blood, sweat and mucus on your body. Shaoyang doesn't know how to turn on the water, so go and help him get it."

Ye Shaoyang went to the bathroom, adjusted the water temperature, and then let Ah-Dai in. When the door was closed, Ah-Dai was taking off his clothes. Looking through the mirror, Ye Shaoyang saw the unicorn pattern on his back, which seemed to be a little redder than before, and there were unicorns on the pattern. A dark light.

Back in the bedroom, only Qingyunzi and Rui Lengyu were seen, Lingbozi was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's that old guy?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"He's timid and afraid of taking responsibility, so he's going back to the underworld first. He did it for my sake, and I owe him favors. You don't have to worry about him at all."


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