Urban Witcher

Chapter 1446 The Disappeared Chamber 2

"The sky is clear and the earth is bright, blessings to the soul, blurred and evil, and quickly appear!"

Sprinkle the powder made from the last grapefruit leaves into a bowl, stir vigorously, and you're done. Ye Shaoyang dipped a cinnabar pen and drew along the four sides of the wooden bed for a week, then made a fork in the middle, and then stood aside and waited. with.

"Master, what is this for?" Zhang Xiaorui asked curiously.

"This is the magic water of appearance, which can make any evil spirit appear."

"Oh, then why is it turned into a square and a cross, is it a special rune?"

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes and said, "Smear it all over once, the Dharma water is not enough, and it also wastes energy, so as to avoid omissions to the greatest extent."

Xie Yuqing said: "It's been a week since this happened, can this magic water still detect it?"

Ye Shaoyang explained: "There is no air circulation here, and there is no sunlight. The evil energy dissipates very slowly. It used to be a nest of yin, which can condense the evil energy to a certain extent. A week is equivalent to a day outside at most. With my mana, let me The evil aura from a day ago manifested itself, so there is still no problem."

After waiting for a while, the red color faded away, and there was only a mark near the upper left corner, which looked like a few fingers.

"Sure enough there is!"

As long as there are clues, it will be easy to handle. Ye Shaoyang brushed a few more strokes under his fingers, this time he couldn't wait for it to dry naturally, so he directly lit a ground fire talisman, dried it, and the shape of a hand appeared completely.

The fingers are so long with very thin tips that they cannot be human hands.

"Is this the hand of a ghost?" Xie Yuqing asked.

Ye Shaoyang nodded, walked to the direction where the ghost's hand was facing, and drew a line on the ground in front of him with magic water, all the way to the outside of the house. After drying it with the talisman fire, several handprints appeared on the ground.

After preparing three times of dharma water and constantly supplementing it, what finally appeared in front of the three people were nearly ten ghost handprints and footprints, extending from the bed board to the outside, and the last handprint appeared on the wall that Ye Shaoyang had inspected before. On the top, the position is half a person's height, with five fingers spread out, very clear.

"I'm not mistaken, this is where the ghost finally disappeared." Ye Shaoyang said.

Zhang Xiaorui asked suspiciously: "You mean the ghost came out through the wall? But what about that girl, wasn't she taken away by the ghost? Could it be that she also disappeared through the wall?"

"That's right, that's how she really left." Ye Shaoyang murmured.

"How is this possible! Is there really a wall penetration technique in the world?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "This is precisely the most unreasonable part of the whole thing."

Xie Yuqing looked at all the handprints and footprints from the beginning, and said: "It seems that she crawled from the ground, and the handprints are only of the left hand, not the right hand."

"Its right hand is probably holding that girl." Ye Shaoyang guessed.

Xie Yuqing shined her flashlight on the last handprint that disappeared, and studied it for a long time.

Ye Shaoyang waited impatiently, and said: "What are you looking at, you can't see the flowers again."

"Look, it's acting like it's doing something."

Ye Shaoyang and Zhang Xiaorui looked at it for a while, then shook their heads.

Xie Yuqing knelt on the ground, stepped on the footprints on the ground with both feet, imitated the posture, stretched out a hand, and stuck it to the handprints on the wall.

Ye Shaoyang's eyes lit up, and he said, "What are you pushing?"

Xie Yuqing said: "Yes, judging from the perspective of criminal investigation, she must be pushing something when she moves, and the last handprint is clearer than the others, indicating that it is using force."

Zhang Xiaorui said: "There is a wall in front, did she push the wall hard? But the wall didn't move either."

But Ye Shaoyang remembered something, turned around and came to the door, measured the height of the doorknob with his fingers, then returned to the handprints, compared them, and took a deep breath.

Xie Yuqing also raised her head to look at him at this time, and the two nodded together.

"It's pushing the door!" Xie Yuqing gasped and said.

Zhang Xiaorui froze for a moment and said, "Where did the door come from!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I don't know where the door came from, but this height is exactly the position of the door lock. Think about it, if there is a door in front of you that is not easy to open, and you want to push it open, which position will you push? "

Zhang Xiaorui came to the door of the dormitory, stretched out his hand and gestured a few times, and said: "It may be in front of you, or it may be the position of the door lock."

Ye Shaoyang said: "If you know that this door can be pushed open with force, you will definitely push the position of the door lock with force, because when the door lock is unlocked, the door will open."

Zhang Xiaorui rolled the whites of her eyes and thought for a moment, then nodded, then frowned again, and said, "But there's only a wall here, no door, and there's nothing behind the wall."

What Zhang Xiaorui said was the most unreasonable part of the whole thing.

Ye Shaoyang had a feeling that if he could solve this question, he would not be far from the truth of the matter.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the last handprint and fell into deep thought.

"Let's go, go back."

Ye Shaoyang called the two to go back, and walked in the aisle behind the palace, always feeling cold behind his back, feeling like being spied on, looking back, it was so dark that he couldn't see anything.

With a move in his heart, Ye Shaoyang quietly took out the yin and yang mirror, cinnabar popped out from his little thumbnail, and wrote the word "you" on the yin and yang mirror with his feeling, then grabbed Zhang Xiaorui's hand holding the ever-burning lamp with his right hand, and raised the middle and two fingers of his left hand together , clamped the ever-bright lamp, lifted it hard, pulled up the burning wick, and sandwiched it between two fingers.

"The lanterns reflect the eternal evil, and they appear quickly!"

Put the burning wick on the yin and yang mirror, turn around and shine it, the fire light on the wick flickers, and a strong light is refracted from the mirror, just refracted on the wall, a pale woman's face, stuck on the wall superior.

As soon as it was illuminated by the strong light, the ghost face door immediately shrank into the wall.

"Five parties obey orders, punish evil spirits and destroy souls!"

The moment he saw the grimace, Ye Shaoyang immediately threw out the Spirit Extinguishing Nail.

Before Grimace retracted into the wall, the Extinguishing Nail had already flown and stabbed Grimace's Yintang.

A shrill scream irritated the eardrums of the three of them.

Black ghost blood shot out and flowed down the wall.

Ye Shaoyang flew forward, made a seal with his hands, and slapped the wall, but only hit the wet wall.

"Lights on!"

Only then did Xie Yuqing come back to her senses, and the flashlight quickly shone over.

The Extinguishing Nail was still nailed to the wall, piercing a crack in the wall, but the ghost face below had disappeared, only some wet ghost blood flowed down the wall.

If it wasn't for the ghost blood, and the scream of the female ghost that still lingers in his ears, Ye Shaoyang would really wonder if he was delusional.


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