Urban Witcher

Chapter 1152 Kicking off the curtain 2

Ye Shaoyang pretended to watch with her for a while, then suddenly grabbed her hand and began to observe.

The little fish turned his head and opened his eyes wide. "Little uncle, I want to tell mom that you are taking advantage of me!"

"Who took advantage of you."

"It's you. Haha, you're done, my mother will force you to marry me!"

Ye Shaoyang fainted, and said: "Don't talk nonsense, I just saw your palmistry suddenly, you seem to have good luck recently."

"Really? Can you read palms?"

"It's not just palmistry, I'm an inner disciple of Xuanqing Mountain, okay? I'm good at this."

"That's right, why did I forget this!" Xiaoyu patted his leg and shouted, "I used to ask my dad to tell my fortune, but he always refused, saying that he was not good at learning, and he didn't know how to do this. You must know a lot. Let me do a fortune-telling! Please, little uncle!"

As she spoke, she hugged his arm and acted coquettishly.

"Uh, what's the benefit?" Ye Shaoyang was still making things look more natural, so as not to arouse Xiaoyu's suspicion.

Xiaoyu tilted his head and thought for a while, then stretched out his jade hand to Ye Shaoyang, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Then, if you show someone's palmistry, you can touch his little hand as you like!"

Ye Shaoyang almost passed out.

The plan worked, and the two went into her own bedroom together.

This is Ye Shaoyang's plan: directly approach Xiaoyu and say that he wants to show her a picture, which will definitely arouse her suspicion, why not take advantage of the little girl's curiosity and let her take the bait by herself.

After entering the room, Xiaoyu sat down on the bed and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Then let's start? Are you trying to not touch the bones, or look at the horoscope of your birthday?"

"Sit down and give me your hand, right hand."

Ye Shaoyang grabbed her right hand, carefully observed her handprints, said some irrelevant words about emotions, future, etc., then showed her face, perfunctory, and finally asked her to close her eyes, He opened his eyes and looked carefully at her face.

After the fortune-telling was over, she was sent out and went back to the next bedroom.

"How?" Lao Guo asked nervously.

"I checked with Celestial Eye Physiognomy, and there was no death on his face."

The so-called celestial eye physiognomy is a technique that only Taoist priests who have opened their celestial eyes can perform. It can see a person's luck, life and death in the recent period.

This kind of spell has been suspected of spying on the secrets of the sky, and it consumes a lot of mental power. If you use it once, you will not be able to open the sky eye for the next month.

However, the situation was tense, and Ye Shaoyang couldn't care about these anymore.

"I looked at her palmistry, her fate is slender, and she has at least a few decades of life, but in a quarter of the time, there are eighteen broken lines, which is a catastrophe for a fish tail. It just so happens that her name is also called fish, which happens to be It should be on this word. Therefore, judging from her numerology, she deserves to die!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a handful of six five-emperor coins from his belt, put them together in both hands according to the divination method of "money class", prayed for a moment, and threw them on the ground.

The six coins rotated and finally settled.

Ye Shaoyang read it again,

I combined her birthday horoscope, and I deduced a hexagram, which was "Huangquan Guike hexagram". Eight pairs and nine roads are difficult to walk, the man is the most trapped in the cage, but the daughter is Yunaoni"

Lin Sansheng didn't understand this, and when he finished speaking, he said, "What do you mean?"

"I don't need to explain the first sentence. The second sentence is double eight and double nine. People who have this fate between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, if they are men, they will be imprisoned, and if they are women."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Lao Guo, "Yu Nao Ni means that the fragrance will eliminate jade damage. The hexagram is called Huangquan Guike, but as the saying goes, there is no inn on Huangquan Road, and the returning guests who can stay on Huangquan Road are naturally ghosts."

Lao Guo's face was pale and trembling all over.

"Senior Brother Guo, don't worry, there is another assertion in this hexagram: the end of the world, the hardships of life, the closeness of the roots, and a narrow escape. Get over it, your fortunes will turn around, and everything will be smooth sailing.”

Although Lin Sansheng is a ghost, he doesn't know astrology and numerology. He frowned and said, "It's a bit contradictory. If the book of life and death says that she has eighteen years of life, then how about a life of nine deaths? It should be ten deaths and none. With a longer lifespan, no matter how dangerous it is at this time, you shouldn’t die, just looking at the danger, you can definitely get through it, isn’t it?”

"According to what you said, Zhuge Liang shouldn't be a star in Wuzhangyuan. Ordinary people don't need to save themselves when they are in danger. When we save others, we don't need to do our best. Anyway, we will die no matter what we should die, and we will die no matter what we don't deserve. not drop."

Lin Sansheng said: "Exactly. This problem has troubled me for a long time, but you talk about it, so we can also analyze it and what should be done."

Ye Shaoyang explained: "The lifespan in the book of life and death is the upper limit of your lifespan. If you can live to a day, you won't be able to live for one more minute. But if you have five breaks and three kalpas in your life, you may If you don't wait until your life energy is exhausted, you will be dead long ago, so you will have obsessions."

Lin Sansheng said in surprise: "This is the first time I've heard of this. So, people's fate is controlled by themselves?"

"Of course, for example, if you are twenty years old, you will have a death calamity. You have worked hard and have noble people to help you. Once you break through, the calamity will be broken. Or you can say that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have blessings later, but if your life is listed in the book of life and death When the limit is reached, you can die even if you sleep, there is no way to do this.”

Lin Sansheng nodded slowly, and murmured: "Sure enough, it's all about human effort."

Ye Shaoyang said again: "Three of the five breaks and three kalpas are the kalpa of love, the kalpa of external affairs, and the kalpa of death. The most terrifying of these is the kalpa of death. This kind of kalpa is very rare. Once a kalpa is committed, it is almost certain to die. .

Emotional calamity breaks the demons, external calamity changes fate, and those who commit death calamity are the most terrifying. They must have the help of an expert, otherwise they will almost die. Xiaoyu's death is still committed by Yu Xuanji, the parade god, it is almost a doomsday situation."

Lin Sansheng said: "How to break the robbery?"

"It's easy to say, either convince Yu Xuanji, or subdue her, and if you don't dare to do it again, the calamity will be broken."

Lin Sansheng sighed: "It's almost impossible. Behind Yuyouwei is the entire underworld. Who in the world can stop it?"

At this time, they were called out to eat, and Xiao Yu broke into the house, telling them to eat quickly.

"My mother said that my uncle was catching a plane and cooking wasted time, so eat dumplings and eat quickly!"

"Eat first, let's talk after eating." Ye Shaoyang said, pulling Lao Guo out.

Lin Sansheng also appeared in front of Xiaoyu's mother and daughter. Although their mother and daughter are ordinary people, they are black people who are close to pigs.



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