Urban Witcher

Chapter 1136 Rat

Jiang Lu arranged for someone to send Mu Qingyu's body to the Cuotang, and then arranged for someone to erect a tomb for Mu Qingfeng.

In the evening, Ye Shaoyang went to Mu Qingyu's house alone, and there were many girls' things in Mu Qingyu's room.

Because the Mu family has no relatives in the local area, Ye Shaoyang asked Jiang Lu for advice, and asked him to arrange for someone to pack up Mu Qingyu's things, and then send them to himself, and keep them as a souvenir. As for other things, and how to deal with this house, I can't control it.

In Mu Qingfeng's room, I got the album full of Rui Lengyu's photos. This is the purpose of Ye Shaoyang's coming at night:

He couldn't let Rui Lengyu's photo fall into the hands of others.

After rummaging through the boxes, nothing similar was found. Just as Ye Shaoyang was about to leave the bedroom, Guagua suddenly came in from the window and said mysteriously, "Boss, there is a mouse in the yard."


Before Ye Shaoyang could ask, Guagua added: "It's a mouse controlled by someone, maybe it's a Gu worm."

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, he took out the yin and yang plate, and heard Guagua say: "Boss, are you trying to find the wizard behind the scenes?"

"Yes." Ye Shaoyang bit it open, seeing Guagua's hesitant expression, he said: "I told you several times, don't disturb my practice, you go and watch the mouse."

Guagua had no choice but to keep silent and watch from the sidelines.

Ye Shaoyang practiced burning amulets and began to look for energy. The yin-yang disk turned a few times and stopped.

Ye Shaoyang pressed a different astrolabe with one hand, closed his eyes, felt it for a while, and suddenly opened his eyes and said: "That guy is more than ten meters away to the northeast outside the door!"

Gua Gua said, "Yes, I only came in after seeing what he did. It was a woman in her forties and very ugly."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned on the spot, and reprimanded: "You know why you didn't say it earlier, and let me do it!"

"It was you who told me not to interrupt you when you were doing the exercises." Guagua scratched his head with a helpless expression on his face.

Ye Shaoyang almost fainted.

At this time, there was a mouse cry from the outer room.

Ye Shaoyang immediately asked Guagua to stare at that person secretly, to observe what the mouse was going to do.

After Guagua left, Ye Shaoyang drew a hidden qi talisman and pasted it on his body, quietly walked out of the bedroom, saw the mouse at a glance, and sniffed it in the main room.

Ye Shaoyang immediately stood still and looked carefully. The mouse was huge, compared to ordinary kittens, and was covered in purple, but its two eyes glowed red, looking around. Going around in the main room, arched open the door of the kitchen, got in, and turned around, as if looking for something.

Ye Shaoyang followed. Suddenly, the mouse turned around and glanced at him. A few seconds later, there was a scream from outside the yard.

At this time, the mouse suddenly twitched all over, spit out a stream of black water, and fell to the ground, its body rotted into water little by little.

Ye Shaoyang stepped forward to look carefully, and saw a spider the size of a fingernail, all red, crawling out of the mouse's body.

Gu worm?

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized that the mouse just now was controlled by the spider in front of him, and the spider was a Gu insect and was controlled by outsiders.

Ye Shaoyang leaned over, and was about to see the Gu worm for what it was, when the spider suddenly jumped up, very fast, crawled onto Ye Shaoyang's clothes, and soon disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Shaoyang felt a pain in his abdomen, and he lifted up his clothes to see that the spider lay on his stomach, stuck its head into the flesh, sucked blood vigorously, and its body swelled rapidly, glowing red.

Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand to pull it out, but he couldn't pull it out even though his belly hurt so much, he was in a dilemma, the Gu worm suddenly fell from his belly, turned over and landed, his claws shook, and died.

"Little guy, if you want to drink blood, you have to pay a price."

Ye Shaoyang smiled triumphantly, reached out to touch his stomach, and was bitten out a small hole, bleeding profusely, couldn't help cursing a few more times, turned around and went out, and saw a person squatting on the ground near the gate of the courtyard , with his eyes wide open, motionless.

It was a man in his forties, dressed like an ordinary person, with a sullen expression on his face. When he saw Ye Shaoyang, he immediately showed a flustered expression.

Ye Shaoyang knew that Guagua was on his body, so he couldn't move his whole body. Before he could speak, Guagua came out of his body and fell to the side.

"Huh?" Seeing that the man wanted to get up, Guagua threatened him.

The man looked at him, then at Ye Shaoyang, gave up his plan to escape, and continued to squat there without moving.

"You are a wizard." Ye Shaoyang said, "You used the Gu worm to control that mouse and entered Qingyu's house. What did you want to do?"

The man was silent.

Ye Shaoyang asked several times, but the man didn't respond. At the end of the question, the man was a little annoyed, smiled coldly, and said arrogantly: "Don't ask, save some effort."

Ye Shaoyang froze for a moment, squatted down in front of him, squinted his eyes at him, and said slowly: "You are so arrogant when I committed the crime, who gave you the courage?"

The man glanced at him impatiently, and said: "I know who you are, Ye Shaoyang, and you just caught me. Do you think I came alone?"

As soon as the words were finished, a beam of light shot from the opposite side of the alley, it was the light of a flashlight.

"Don't move, what are you doing!"

Two men, holding flashlights, approached a little bit.

The light of the flashlight hit Ye Shaoyang's eyes, and Ye Shaoyang blocked his eyes with his backhand after being stabbed.

One person said in a joking tone: "Isn't this the bastard, Ye Shaoyang?"

Ye Shaoyang looked over, one of them was an agent, and the other was an acquaintance, Baoka.

Baoka looked at Ye Shaoyang gloomyly. He already knew the news of Mu Qingyu's brother and sister's death, but he didn't express anything, and Ye Shaoyang didn't know what he was thinking.

"You two, what are you doing here late at night?" the detective asked.

Even if Ye Shaoyang was an idiot, he knew that the detective and Baoka appeared together to rescue the man.

The man immediately became lively and made up nonsense, even saying that Ye Shaoyang owed him drug money, pestering him endlessly, and so on.

"Drug trafficking, this matter needs to be investigated thoroughly." The detective squinted his eyes and smiled, took two steps back, pulled out a pistol from his belt, pointed it at Ye Shaoyang's head, took off the handcuffs, and threw it over.

"I suspect that you are involved in a drug dealing case, Ye Shaoyang, you can keep silent, put on handcuffs, and come back with me."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the black muzzle of the gun. This was the first time he was pointed at with a pistol. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

Baoka said from the side: "As a government official, I warn you that the consequences of arrest are very serious. You can try."

Come to the first two chapters, dinner at night. Make up tomorrow. By the way, I recommend a book, Burning Evil God, Fantasy, you can try it at the stage of new books. .——

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