Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1429: Hazardous waste

But if Buqun had just hesitated a little bit, Yuzao directly pulled out the sword that was stuck in his palm, and then inserted it again, again a stream of blood poured out, Ruo Buqun The wound on the palm is a bit bigger.


Ruo Buqun screamed again, there was no blood on his face.

"Prefer not to say?"

Yuzao held the sword in his hand, and then slowly pulled it out bit by bit, saying very coldly on his face.

If Buqun hurriedly shook his head like crazy, he knew that if he hesitated a little bit, this girl would kill him directly, if Buqun had the realm of a born master, but he didn’t have that kind of aura at all, and the whole person was afraid. Very dead, quickly nodded like pouring garlic, and said.

"Say, I say I say."

Afterwards, Ruo Buqun explained all the things that happened in the Shadow Forest. It turns out that the Shadow Forest was not like this decades ago. The mystery library is still a powerful existence in the Shadow Forest. He not only Just dominate this island, and even have a certain reputation under the entire Tianshan Mountains. This can be regarded as a very powerful sect, because the previous secret library keeper has even reached the stage of distraction. The realm of this is already the highest strength in the world.

However, one day a mysterious woman broke into the island. The man killed the keeper who had reached the distraction stage in one fell swoop, and then started the killing on the island. All the masters of the mysterious library were born and above They were killed, but a few of them were hiding among the corpses. They were lucky enough to survive, but the three of them were indeed severely wounded. To this day, they still have the sequelae of their injuries.

The few born masters who survived became the strongest combat power in the entire forest, and Ruo Buqun's father Ruo Kaimao was one of them, and now he has become the new keeper of the treasury.

After hearing Ruo Buqun finished speaking, both Ye Shengling and Yuzao felt that this mystery library was a bit too unlucky. It was a good martial art faction that was turned into this look by a single person, but they didn't care about the future of the mystery library. Life and death, after all, this has nothing to do with them.

It was just that Ye Shengling suddenly thought that since this mystery library had the strength of the martial arts under the Tianshan Mountains in the past, there should be a lot of treasures hidden in it. Ye Shengling thought of this, and then continued to ask Ruo Buqun.

If Buqun said that he knew this was the secret of their sect, but he did not dare to conceal anything, so he told most of the things in his sect. It turns out that he himself used a lot of meteorite to reach it so quickly. Having reached this level, after all, he can hardly say that he hasn't practiced at all.

There are not only many meteorite irons in the entire mystery library, but the most important thing is that there are many genius and earth treasures they treasure. For cultivation, it is a panacea, it is an extremely precious treasure, but Ye Shengling still wants to continue to ask at that time. , But where these things are, if not, it is not clear.

"Heroes, heroes, heroines. I have told you everything I know, and I am of no use to you. I will treat me like a **** and throw it on the side of the road. If you want to go to the mystery library, hurry up. Go, I put the chain when I came down. You can climb up the chain to reach the mystery library. If you don't know the way, I can take you there too."

If Buqun is really too afraid that he will die, he even does not hesitate to become a leading party.

But even if he was afraid of dying to this extent, Ye Shengling still didn't plan to let him go. After all, this guy really almost hurt himself miserably, and Ye Shengling couldn't spare him so easily anyway.

"We are not people who throw **** casually, especially harmful rubbish, so don't worry, I will definitely send you where you should go."

Since this guy is no longer useful, Ye Shengling also slowly raised his Hanyue, ready to send this guy to death, after all, the harmful garbage must be eliminated.


At this moment, suddenly there was a loud voice in the distance. An old man almost seemed to fly over from a far place. This man was the keeper of the mystery library and Ruobuqun’s father, Ruomao. Kay.

Ruo Maokai's speed was so fast that he had already arrived in front of Ye Shengling in the blink of an eye, and then stretched out his hand to take Ruobuqun away, and he rescued Ruobuqun under Ye Shengling's knife. , Even Yuzao couldn't believe it at this speed.

If Buqun said that this old thing had been seriously injured, the speed at this level didn't look like it at all. I think he should have cultivated a speed-like pace. The speed of a normal cultivator could not be so exaggerated.

After Ruo Maokai took Ruobuqun away, he saw that his palms were bleeding gurglingly, and his face instantly became extremely cold.

After Ye Shengling realized that if Buqun had been rescued by someone, he immediately raised his fist and greeted him, with the luck and spirit of his hands in the heart of his fist, he moved towards Ruomaokai.

"I can't help myself!"

If Maokai was born in the sixth-order realm, it is natural to see how Ye Shengling's strength is. He knew that the woman was born in the sixth-order realm, and he was definitely not her opponent, but if it was Ye Shengling, he would There is not much worry.

So he also took the fist with his palm, and wanted to return a blow to Ye Shengling.


Both of them also released extremely strong spiritual energy. The collision of two internal forces in the air caused the airflow to vibrate, and both of them were also shocked.

Obviously, Ye Shengling is indeed very rare here. He was repelled and moved back several positions, feeling a bit numb on his body, but there was no other big problem.

Ruo Maokai, after all, is already a Tier 6 master. Although he may not be able to display his full strength due to his physical limitations, the difference in cultivation level between the two is still quite different. Ye Shengling can help him. Under the attack, he still held himself steady, which was considered very good.

Ruo Maokai was also shocked by this airflow. He watched Ye Shengling still stand on the spot after taking a few steps back. He was almost not taken aback. Knowing this palm, he used his entire body. Strength, he thought to himself that even if he couldn't kill this guy directly, he would at least be able to beat him to a hemiplegia, and he could not afford to fall to the ground, but Ye Shengling just stepped back a bit, just like a okay person.

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