Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 984: Temporary formation

Mass graves!

Sacrifice, funeral!

In ancient times, Tianshan has always been surrounded by various mysterious legends and auras. *WwW.suimeng.lā. . There are legends that the emperor Zhou Mu had a ‘leg’ with the Queen Mother of Tianshan, and there is even a legend that those buried in Tiantianchi have the opportunity to resurrect and live forever.

In short, all kinds of weird legends add another layer of ‘mis’ fog to the mysterious mountain peak surrounded by countless clouds and fog.

But today, Lin Feng is not here to play some tomb-raising notes. He doesn't care if there are ghosts or rice dumplings in the tomb. What he has to do now is simply ‘get’ out the juvenile treasure hunter.

"Fortunately, I just broke through the cultivation base and reached the fourth level of Qi training. Otherwise, if the spiritual sense is not strong enough, these dead auras will hinder my spiritual sense and can't control the flying sword to enter it."

Lin Feng, who is full of vitality, has never commanded his flying sword so happily.


When the flying sword flew out from the thick frozen soil and entered the mass grave of the ancient tomb, the treasure hunter seemed to have sensed the unkindness of the flying sword and screamed Sound.

"Don't call! Don't call! Big Black Rat, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you. Don't worry, I won't move you and take your child away. And I will treat him kindly."

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed with emotion when he saw the adult treasure hunter guardian eagerly. But obviously, the treasure hunter couldn't hear Lin Feng's words, and even if he heard it, he wouldn't understand what it meant. It only knew that the streamer flying in front of it was going to hurt them, so it fought hard to block it. In front of his newborn child.

However, this weak resistance was tantamount to a man's arm as a car for Lin Feng's flying sword. Under the control of Lin Feng's spiritual sense, Feijian swished and jumped to the rat nest, and then relentlessly provoked the immature juvenile treasure hunter, and turned around and sent it out. .


The treasure hunter that had lost its young son let out a stern cry, making Lin Feng couldn't help but feel softened after hearing it, but he was bound to win this treasure hunting rat. Moreover, letting this treasure hunting mouse be here, sooner or later it will be captured by the elders of the Tianshan faction to tame and feed it. So Lin Feng could only shook his head and said apologize, then after thinking about it, he took out a few drops of stagnant water from the Shenshui space, let Feijian carry it on, and fed it to the treasure hunter, which was regarded as taken away. The price of treasure hunting rats in their juvenile period.


The treasure hunter, who has just been in its infancy, has been living in the dark underground mass graves for the first time. It came to the outside world for the first time and was'excited' by the light source of the outside world, feeling both shocked and a little scared. Different from the round and black look of the treasure hunter that Lin Feng had seen before, the body of this juvenile treasure hunter is still downy and gray, and it is gray and black. The entire body is only half of Lin Feng's palm. So big and very cute.

"I'm sorry, my little fellow, for letting you leave my mother so soon. However, from now on, you will follow the little master and I...keep your spicy and spicy food, and become the world's most powerful treasure hunter."

Putting the little guy into his pocket, Lin Feng's main purpose of coming to Tianshan this time has been successfully achieved. However, it was not Lin Feng's style when the horse went back. He looked at the several peaks in the east, and remembered the opening of Tianchi in the morning.

"The pattern of the holy lotus should be on which mountain peak? There are many legendary Tianshan snow lotus in it? Those old guys of the Tianshan school, use the magical tools I gave, maybe to replace the spirit stone to open the Tianchi and enter They picked Tianshan snow lotus. Since they deliberately tricked me, I don’t have to be polite with them. First help them see how the Tianshan snow lotus grows in Tianchi?"

Xin made up his mind, Lin Feng performed an invisibility technique on his body, and then stepped on the flying sword, swishing towards the mountain peak where he saw the holy lotus pattern earlier.


Lin Feng fell from the flying sword, and his invisibility technique was also released at the same time, so that when the flying sword came, no one could see him driving the flying sword. The place where he is standing is exactly where Luo Zijin has been.

Similarly, Lin Feng didn't notice anything abnormal here at first, but when his spiritual sense swept away, he immediately found the faint trace of a lotus flower-like shape.

"The formation is'wave'? Is it really a teleportation formation?"

There was a surprise in his heart. Lin Feng had never touched any teleportation formation since he cultivated. He was also able to confirm that this wave of "wave" was the "wave" of the space formation method by relying on the right of memory.

"Weird! According to the Tianshan Sect, the location of this Tianchi consecration is different every time. Then this formation can't be transferred by itself?"

Lin Feng felt strange for a while, and did not rush to take out the spirit stone into the teleportation formation, but carefully sat in front of the formation, using the spirit stone to carefully analyze the differences in the formation.

"Every five years, the sunrise drives the Heavenly Lake to consecrate? Will the sacred lotus pattern appear? This formation appears like a trace? No, it's definitely not that the formation itself changes position, but... that's right! It should be like this , It’s not that the formation itself will change position, but...Each formation is actually a brand new formation. Someone uses a very clever technique~www.wuxiaspot.com~ every five years in a different position A temporary teleportation formation has been established. I am afraid that such a teleportation formation can only be used a few times, or it will disappear after a few days. Then if you want to enter the Tianchi again, you can only wait until the next five-year teleportation formation is completed... …"

After carefully observing the lotus'flower' teleportation formation, Lin Feng suddenly realized that, then immediately stood up and looked at the surrounding mountains, and said in surprise, "Could it be that there are other cultivators living in the surrounding mountains? Cultivators tirelessly build a teleportation array for Tianchi every five years in a cycle?"

When he thought of this, Lin Feng felt a little frightened again. If it was really what he expected, it would be terrible. How old should such a cultivator live? What is his purpose for doing this? Is his ‘dong’ mansion built on a nearby mountain peak?

Know nothing!

After seeing this temporary teleportation formation, Lin Feng's heart aroused countless questions, but he knew nothing about these answers, is there really such a cultivator hiding in the dark? Lin Feng didn't even know!


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