Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 961: Lin Feng refused!

"What? Reporter Zhou of the city TV station? You want to interview me?"

Qin Yanran was also taken aback when she received this call from Zhou Yun. She thought she was just an ordinary high-school student, and did not do so many earth-shattering things like Lin Feng did. How could there be a TV reporter dedicated to "doors" Call home to interview yourself? Zhou Yun's call made Qin Yanran a little flattered. ? WWW.suimeng.lā. . Mobile terminal

"That's it, Qin Yanran, isn't it just the end of the college entrance examination? Our city TV station wants to open an interview program in time, which is about the college entrance examination. Therefore, I want to invite a few outstanding college entrance examination candidates in Zhi'an as guests. Interview."

Zhou Yun heard Qin Yanran's unexpected'color', and explained the whole story to her in detail.

"It turned out to be like this. Please excellent candidates for the college entrance examination? Then... Reporter Zhou, will Lin Feng go? Did you invite Lin Feng?"

Qin Yanran was relieved when she heard this, and then asked with some expectation.

"Um! There is an invitation, but... I haven't called Lin Feng yet, I will call you first. How about? Qin Yanran, are you free tomorrow? The interview is in our TV studio. Can you come? Zhou Yun asked again.

"Lin Feng will go, then I too..."

Qin Yanran just said this, she held the phone, looked back at her mother, and asked her mother’s advice, “Mom! It’s a reporter from TV station Zhou. She explained that there will be a college entrance examination interview tomorrow. Student representatives go, I...may I go?"

"Go! Go! What can't you go? My Yanran wants a TV. I must dress up beautifully tomorrow!"

Chen'Lu'ping obviously heard the content that Lin Feng would also go, so she looked at her'girl' with a smile and nodded.

"Thank you mom! Then I will tell reporter Zhou?"

Qin Yanran answered the phone with joy, "Reporter Zhou, I will be there tomorrow, what time will I be on the TV station?"

"The interview will start at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Come here at 9 o'clock, and our makeup artist will give you a simple makeup." Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief when Qin Yanran agreed.

"Okay! Reporter that week, we will see you tomorrow."

Qin Yanran hung up the phone happily, and then rushed back to her room.

"Hey! Yanran, you...you don't accompany your mother and grandma to talk. You have finished the college entrance examination, so what are you doing in hiding in the room?"

Mother Chen ‘Lu’ Ping said with a smile upon seeing this.

Grandma listened to the side, and squinted her eyes and smiled and said, "Our Yanran baby, must go back to the room and pick beautiful clothes to wear tomorrow!"

In the boudoir, as her grandmother had expected, Qin Yanran picked out all her beautiful skirts at this time. There were pure white'colors','flowers' and colors', and many with cartoon patterns very cute. Skirt.

"Which one do you wear? Hehe! I don't know what Lin Feng likes..."

"Female" is a person who pleases herself, Qin Yanran tried on different skirts one by one in the room. At this time, Lin Feng also received an invitation call from Zhou Yun shortly after returning home.

"Sister Yun? What is she calling me at this time?"

Lin Feng, who had just taken a shower, connected the phone while wiping his hair.

"Hey! Is it Lin Feng?" Zhou Yun's sweet voice rang.

"It's me! Sister Yun, what's the matter? Are you calling me at this time? Isn't it because you want to congratulate me on finishing the college entrance examination?"

Lin Feng smiled and said.

"Of course not, Lin Feng, do you think I am such a boring person? I called you to invite you to come to our TV station tomorrow." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

"Tomorrow? To the TV station? No! No!"

Upon hearing Zhou Yun's invitation, Lin Feng immediately refused.

"No? Why? Lin Feng, tomorrow our TV station will do an exclusive interview for the college entrance examination!"

Zhou Yun originally thought that she had a relationship with Lin Feng, so he asked him to come over for an interview. Lin Feng had no reason to refuse. Unexpectedly, when he just spoke, Lin Feng quickly refused.

"No! No! Sister Yun, I am such a low-key person. If you let me TV, I will be nervous." Lin Feng continued to refuse.

"Are you still low-key? Bah, pah, pah... Lin Feng, haven't you never heard of our TV news? The speech under the national flag was so brilliant and it was broadcast live on TV! Don't be hypocritical, I don't care. You must come to our city TV station at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

When talking to Lin Feng, Zhou Yun was more casual, and her tone was much harder to Qin Yanran just now. If it is an invitation to Qin Yanran, then the attitude towards Lin Feng can be said to be a requirement.

"Really not! Sister Yun, I have something tomorrow! I really don't have time to go to the TV station to accept your interview."

What a joke, Lin Feng will be sent to Tianshan with Xiao Nishang tomorrow. This matter is really important. Where does Lin Feng have time to accept an insignificant interview on the TV station? Seize the time to conquer a treasure hunter, and then go all over the world to find the spiritual ‘medicine’ that contains spiritual energy. This is the top priority.

"Something? Lin Feng, the college entrance examination is over. What can you do? And, it was just an interview with us for one or two hours, and it was over early in the morning. Is there anything so important to you? Don't ask your sister for anything. Excuse me, anyway, tomorrow morning, you must come over!"

Fearing to hear Lin Feng's refusal again, Zhou Yun hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Hey hey... Sister Yun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I really don’t have time..."


Before Lin Feng had time to explain again, Zhou Yun had already hung up the phone and turned off the phone. Lin Feng couldn't get through any more calls.

"Oh! This Sister Yun, too, I really don't have time tomorrow. I'm going to the Tianshan school tomorrow, where can I squeeze time to go to the TV station? Anyway, I didn't promise her. I told her not to go."

Putting down the phone, Lin Feng didn't even plan to go to the TV station tomorrow. At this time, he was using his laptop to check the geographic situation of some people near Tianshan, and he was preparing for his trip to Tianshan tomorrow.

"Huh? What is this? Snow lotus in the Tianshan Mountains? Haha! How did I forget this treasure? The vast snow-capped mountains are definitely rarely destroyed by humans. Maybe if I pass this time, I will not only gain one Just a treasure mouse, maybe Shundao can pick some snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain and come back to make alchemy."

When inquiring about Tianshan information, Lin Feng discovered the record of "Tianshan Snow Lotus", which was a surprise.


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