Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 953: 1 sword KO

Did not fight?

Hid it?

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I have never missed a sniper, except that the gun king just missed a bit, but still hit.?   WwW.suimeng.lā... But this gun king, how do I... how to bullet Did not touch him at all?"

Zero was stunned. With eyes that he couldn't believe, Lin Feng, who was shot by himself, was able to run towards him safe and sound without even a drop of blood.

Not only Zero, but Park Junsu who was standing next to him also widened his eyes, and asked incredible "Zero, what's the matter? You just... didn't you shoot?"

Park Jun-su knows the best of Zero's strength. From the very first year before Zero debuted, he showed his head in a league show. Park Junxiu, the vice president of CF's head office, has noticed this talented rookie with extraordinary strength, and has begun to send people to focus on training Zero and contact him. , Promised a million annual salary to make him a professional player in cf company.

And zero has always lived up to the expectations of the cf head office. Within one year, it achieved the success of the gun king. In the second year, it directly challenged the top ten gun gods of the "Bang" country, and directly picked them off one by one. Now, a sniper rifle, with unmatched tremendous power advantage, has become the hottest new generation of gun gods in the "Bang" sub-country cf world.

In Park Junsu's view, as long as Zero has a good time to shoot, absolutely no one can survive under his gun. But just now, this point that Park Junxiu had always firmly believed was broken, and was broken by a Chinese gun king who had no known name.

"Boss! Boss... did you see it? Just... just... the sniper of zero was... avoided by... a drop of blood was not hurt! This... this is incredible! !"

Xiao Liu, who had no hope of the Scarlet Spear King, now almost screamed frantically, "Footwork! It's footwork! The bizarre footwork of the Scarlet Spear King even sniped the gods. Zero's lock can be avoided in advance, it is against the sky! It is simply against the sky!"

"Did it? The Scarlet Spear King really did it? Did he escape Zero's sniper?"

Wang Jianhong shook his head in disbelief. Lin Feng, who saw the screen, still rushed towards Zero, then slapped the table wildly with surprise and laughed, "Haha! Our CF in China is saved! It is saved... ...Haha..."

Seeing this scene, Wang Jianhong almost thought that he was dreaming. This was a prelude to the rise of domestic CF. Especially when he looked back and saw that Pu Junxiu’s face smelled like shit, he knew that even if Lin Feng was finally defeated, China CF would still receive the attention of the'Bang' Ziguo, and would not be like that again. Contempt and laugh.

As for the forum, it is quiet, maybe the players from both Koreas have not reacted yet! There is no time to post my thoughts. Players in the ‘Bang’ sub-country have been used to seeing Zero’s unrestrained ability to kill the enemy with a single shot. Have you ever seen Zero’s shot without a drop of blood?

"Mistake! I must have shaken my hand just now, so I didn't hit him! My zero jump is the best in the world, no one can hide it. I want to kill you, kill you... look at the gun..."

Zero, who failed with a single blow, reluctantly aimed at Lin Feng again, sweating on his forehead, and fired a second shot at Lin Feng, who was rushing towards him.


This shot attracted the attention of countless people.

The first shot from just now is even more eye-catching.

If at the first shot, Zero still underestimated the enemy and didn't show its full strength. So this time, for two seconds of aiming, everyone knows that Zero is inevitable and will definitely kill Lin Feng with this shot.

Every time in the past, Zero’s aim was usually no more than one second, and every time he locked the target and shot at the same time he jumped out. Because the enemy also has a gun, it won't give you too many opportunities. Although it is said that the longer the aiming time, the higher the accuracy of the ‘precision’, but the greater the danger it brings, it is very likely that the enemy would have been killed by the enemy before shooting.

Today, the enemy Zero faces is Lin Feng, a Chinese gun king who is so arrogant that he only has a knife in his hand without a gun of any specification. As a result, Zero can take two full seconds to aim, because this strike is so important that Zero can't imagine that if Lin Feng finally avoided this shot, would he have the courage or Time to continue firing the third shot?

So, this second shot must be! Must die!

"Dead! Huaxia Spear King, you must die!" Pu Junxiu roared inside.

"Hide! Be sure to hide..." Xiao Liu prayed heartily.

"Bearded and crimson armor, you are the hope of our China CF, you must not die!" Wang Jianhong's eyes are piercing, full of hope.

There were even countless players from the Huaxia Kingdom and the ‘Bang’ Zi Kingdom, staring wide-eyed, holding their breath, looking forward to this unexpected result.

"Crazy man! Be careful..."

Zhang Zhen's whole person is about to jump up with excitement. This game seems to be'not shocked' and there is no place for thrilling'excitement', but Zhang Zhen has completely replaced him, and he can't wait to run away. That bullet.

But the real protagonist, Lin Feng smiled slightly. It seemed that before Zero shot, he had anticipated where Zero's shot came from. The strange footwork was once again unfolded. The character in the cf game. 'When he turned his body sideways, the shot that could be used for headshots flew quickly from the side of the character.


The shot of God Zero fell through again.

Lin Feng successfully avoided again.

"Again... hid again? This... this doesn't seem like a coincidence..."

Zero sees another defeat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He seems to have been emptied of energy, sits prostrably, and looks at Lin Feng, who is getting closer and closer, with empty eyes. The courage to fire the third shot.

"What's the matter? Zero, why didn't you shoot again? Hurry up... shoot again! He's going to rush, you shot quickly! Kill him... Kill him..." Park Junxiu is going crazy , Seeing Lin Feng's character rushed forward, Zero was stunned and shook his head.

"I shot me twice, isn't it very enjoyable? The gun **** of the'Bang' country, now it's your turn to pay the price! I will use this knife to tell you that anyone who commits a crime against China will be punishable even if it is far away. !"

Quickly rushing to the front of Zero, Lin Feng, without any hindrance, jumped up abruptly, and with the most common knife, directly critically hit Zero's eyebrows, hitting the golden headshot completely to zero this'stick'. The first gun **** of the child country gave ko.


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