Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 950: Fierce battle

The mode of the game is individual competition. Weapons can be selected. After entering the game, Zero quickly chooses an ordinary sniper rifle. It is indeed a street fighting he is very familiar with. He already has several ambush locations. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

On this side, after Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang entered the game, they did not act rashly. Xiao Nishang chose an ordinary submachine gun and turned to Lin Feng and said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, wait here, let me take a look! How powerful are the spear gods of this "stick" country!"

"Big sister, you will abuse this ‘stick’ dog first, and after you’re done, the lunatic will continue to abuse!"

Zhang Zhen was extremely excited and could no longer sit still. He stood behind Xiao Nishang, nervously.

"Okay! Crazy girl, first, be careful. Isn't his sniper very good? The footwork I just taught you, if you use it, it should be able to disrupt his thinking and judgment..."

Although Lin Feng has enough confidence in his own technology, after all, this matter is important. If he really loses accidentally, it would be really shameful. So he was a little more cautious and let Xiao Nishang go ahead and probe the situation. .

At this time on the network, this is equivalent to a battle between top Korean cf players. As soon as the news spread, even many cf players from the "Bang" country have clicked on the official Penguin cf website. Looked.

"Look! It's Zero who is'fighting' with Huaxia Kingdom's Gun King..."

"Send me the address, I want to see Zero kill the gun king of China..."

"Inevitably, Zero can be regarded as the first gun **** in our ‘stick’ country!"


Park Junxiu deliberately asked the cf headquarters company of the "Bang" country to publish the news of the Han Dianfeng match in the game. For a while, nearly half a million players from the "Bang" country poured into China cf. Official homepages and forums are not lacking in many “sticky” sub-nationals, so the unanimous external situation of the forum was instantly disturbed by these “sticks” sub-national players.

"Can Huaxia People's CF also have technical content? It laughs me to death!"

"Why is the zero match in the past? It's like killing the ‘chicken’ with a sledgehammer, and just sending us a master named the ‘stick’ country?"

"Wait and watch the abuse!"

"One shot, I guess that the gun king of China can't last two minutes..."


Even some ‘Bon’ players who don’t know how to use the translation station to post a lot of mocking and despising words, instantly ignited the anger of Huaxia players.

"Boys, go back to your peninsula! Shrinked in such a big place, do you think the whole world belongs to you? You are the one who sits in the well and watches the sky!"

"Comrades! Don't be too arrogant for the'sticks'. Let's cheer for the Gun King. We must kill zero..."


In the war of curse, what other country can be as powerful as our China? Besides, we still use our country's own language, but all the ‘stick’ players who posted posts are all overwhelmed by insults. However, the provocations of the players from these ‘stick’ sub-countries continue. They know how powerful zero is, but they don’t think that China can have a master of zero.

"Damn! Big sister, the players from the'sticky' country have come to watch the excitement. You must teach this zero severely, let their local players see how good we are, and even dare to be here We are official..."

Zhang Zhen reported to Xiao Nishang and Lin Feng the first time that the officials and Han Fang had cursed at the forum. However, Xiao Nishang frowned and carefully controlled his characters to walk carefully on the game map. Find a way to kill the lurking sniper zero.

"Hush! Madman, don't quarrel with Crazy Girl, Crazy Girl, there are several ambush sniper locations on this map. Zero is probably hiding behind the'door' over there. Be careful. You will jump out from behind this'door' in a moment. ... There should be a certain chance to win, by the way... Use the footwork I taught you."

Lin Feng's eyes moved with Xiao Nishang's screen, and he quickly gave Xiao Nishang an idea.

"Okay! I guessed he was hiding there."

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Nishang controlled the actor's color, pressed his footsteps, and stepped closer to zero.

One step, two steps...

Although Xiao Nishang did not make any sound, it seemed that Zero had already sensed Xiao Nishang's approach by intuition. He was hiding in the dark, and the corner of his mouth smiled slightly and said, "The prey is near, now it's time to harvest... "

The six or seven million cf players also held their breath at this time and did not dare to blink, for fear that they would miss the most ‘exquisite’ moment of the battle between the two sides.

"Zero, here I am!"

There were still five or six steps away from the'door' where Zero was hiding. Xiao Nishang held her breath and suddenly controlled the character to jump out. Sure enough, she found Zero hiding behind it, and'exposed' out of her head. A very small part. And Xiao Nishang is holding a submachine gun, and he is still in the process of jumping up. This is a test of his ability to respond and his ‘precision’ operation.


Xiao Nishang shot directly and swept through without hesitation, thinking that such a sudden attack could sweep zero. However, what Xiao Nishang did not expect was that it seemed that Zero knew that Xiao Nishang would jump out. The moment Xiao Nishang appeared, he also jumped out from behind the'door', and the sniper rifle in his hand pointed directly at Aiming at Xiao Nishang, this is what he is best at shooting shooting. He had predicted Xiao Nishang's movements and directions in advance.

And the place where Xiao Nishang’s submachine gun swept ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was just the place where Zero stayed before. At this time, Zero had already jumped into the air. The sniper rifle looked like the eyes of death, staring at Xiao Nishang. The shot was banged in a tenth of a millisecond.

"Die! The glory and pride of Huaxia players!"

With a single shot, the timing of Zero’s search is very precise. The “door” picks the moment when Xiao Nishang landed, because in his opinion, at this moment, Xiao Nishang is the least able to change The location is evasive. Even the other spear gods of the "Bang" country often suffered a big loss at this moment.

After firing the shot, Zero's mouth had already raised a triumphant smile, thinking that the victory was set. The CF players of the "Bon" sub-country on the forum are very familiar with Zero's "shooting" stunts, and they all feel that the heroine and spear king of China is dead.

However, at this extremely thrilling moment, Xiao Nishang quickly used the weird steps Lin Feng had taught her before landing in the tenth of a millisecond before landing, and leaned dangerously, causing The bullet that was going to head out was just a hit in the arm, losing 80 points of blood.


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