Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 923: Weird essay topic

As a result, on the first morning of the college entrance examination, before the Chinese subjects began to take the exam, the examination room of Zhi'an No. 2 Middle School broke the news that it was very popular. 938 Novel Network

"Two boys in Zhi'an No. 2 Middle School are messing around in the toilet, detonated with passion, and pooping! 》

"Comrades are so rampant, high school boys are so open? 》

"Moved by the world, two men fucking, exploding, feces and urine splashing"


Zhou Yun, a reporter from Zhi'an TV Station, just put the report on the homepage of Zhi'an TV Station News. As a result, various gossips have spread all over the sky.

Post it in Zhi'an City!

Zhi'an City People's Forum!

In the same city dating groups in Zhi'an City, all of them are talking about this matter.

After all, today is the annual college entrance examination day, a major event that people all over the country are concerned about. The ordinary people of Zhi'an City are naturally no exception, paying attention to the grand entrance examination of their city.

But who knows that in such a serious day, Zhi'an No. 2 Middle School would have such a scandal, which really shamed Zhi'an No. 2 Middle School and the Zhi'an Education Bureau.

Not only that, good things do not go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles away. This incident in Zhi'an City, which was nicknamed the "toilet **** and urine door", quickly spread to the headlines of major news portals.

Especially the photo of Hong Tianyi and Lu Hao hugging each other with feces flying on their bodies is simply an attractive photo.

Suddenly, the photos of the two people caused a surge of onlookers.

"Fuck! These two people are really good enough. It is said that they are still candidates for the college entrance examination this year..."

"I didn't forget to send a shot before the exam, and even exploded the toilet, really awesome!"

"Strongly condemn the editor, Nima's disgusting picture is released, and there is no mosaic. Usually the pictures of beautiful women are randomly mosaiced, which is simply too wicked..."

"The Douban Sightseeing Group passed by, and all the rice that I had just eaten came out..."

"The Sina Weibo Sightseeing Group stepped on its feet and cheered for these two buddies! Haha..."

"Baidu Zhi'an Tieba Sightseeing Group passed by, saying, this is the news of our city, editor, you reprinted the news pictures, did you pay for it?"


The audience on the Internet happily talked about the work. Lu Hao and Hong Tianyi were completely ruined. Not only did the Chinese subjects of the college entrance examination fail to catch up with the exam, but they were also severely criticized by the Zhi'an Second Middle School and the Zhi'an Education Bureau. He was even arrested for half a month by the Zhi'an Public Security Bureau for disrupting the public order of the college entrance examination.

These punitive things are not to be mentioned. The exposure of photos on the Internet and the fact that those netizens call them "pissing brothers" are enough to make them unable to hold their heads up in their lives.

However, they are also self-inflicted. Who makes them want to avenge Lin Feng and make this bad?

Ninety-nine percent of things in the world are that if you don't die, you won't die. They want to harm others, but they end up being harmed. They deserve it and retribution.

However, as the initiator of all this, Lin Feng can't see the excitement on the Internet temporarily.

At this time, he was attentively starting the most important exam in his life-the college entrance examination.

The questions of the college entrance examination have always been difficult for one year and easy year. Because the questions for the college entrance examination in Fujian province were relatively simple last year, the difficulty of the exam questions this year has increased a lot.

Take the Chinese test paper as an example. In this year's Chinese test paper, I chose an excerpt from "Sou Shen Ji" for classical Chinese reading. The language is obscure and difficult to understand, which greatly increases the difficulty for candidates to read and do the questions.

The same is true for modern text reading, and two short stories have been selected. As we all know, the reading questions of short novels are obviously not easy to do with argumentative essays.

You can find the corresponding sentence in the original text as the answer to the reading questions of the argumentation essay. However, in the reading questions of novels, you are always asked about the central idea and the inner meaning of that character.

What's more, one of the most troublesome and helpless questions for examinees is always asking you "This word is used well, what's so good about it", which is simply enough to make people scratch their heads.

These are still the most basic questions. Although most of them are subjective questions, you can still get some points if you are serious.

And this time the Chinese exam, the most difficult is the elusive composition for the college entrance examination.

Generally, the composition of the college entrance examination is relatively simple. It is either a propositional composition or a semi-propositional composition, which is relatively restrictive. Although there are not many angles and aspects that can be written, it allows candidates to know at a glance what to write , More goals and purpose.

It's just like the last essay question of the last test of Chi'an No. 1 Middle School, which is a typical half-proposition. With "my..." as the question, almost any examinee can easily start thinking and answering.

But this year, the college entrance examination essay proposition group that emphasizes quality education and teaching flexibly uses innovation, it must come with an innovation. A more controversial topic is given.

The following are the essay topics for this college entrance examination:

In ancient times, sons were favored, and there was even a saying that "the beauty of beauty is a disaster", but now, we are focusing on the liberation of women's rights, and we emphasize the equality of men and women, and there is even a saying that "women can hold half of the sky".

Please use this as the topic ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to write an essay of no less than 800 words, regardless of subject matter, except for poems.

It is such a topic that discusses the different social status of men and women in ancient and modern times, allowing candidates to freely associate and play, and write an 800-character composition.

There is no given topic, and no indication of the direction of the topic, only such a topic is simply told.

Such essay topics really made these experienced high school third-year candidates puzzled, and all of them scratched their heads.

"Damn! What the **** is this? Do you want me to write an article to promote equality between men and women? Demonstrating the benefits of equality between men and women?"

"I'm blind! I'm blind... Why did it work for a long time? The college entrance examination is such a weird composition topic! I have been blinded by all kinds of argumentative and argumentative examples that I have memorized for more than half a month. My great inventors Edison and I The humiliated Sima Qian... and Mrs. Curie, fucking, you don’t need it now..."


Such a weird essay topic for the college entrance examination immediately caused more than 80% of the candidates to panic. Some examinees treat the paper as the text when it is issued, so that they can think first when working on other topics.

However, when faced with such a weird question, I became flustered when I saw it. Even some of the normal difficult questions above were very difficult to do, and the whole state was seriously disturbed.

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