Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 889: The college entrance examination drums are ringing!


On the first day of the opening of Heroes' Restaurant, the reputation has been thoroughly beaten out. {Щww{suimеng][lā}. Especially when the news of Zhi'an City was broadcast in the evening, people suddenly knew that there was a high-end restaurant on the mountain road called Heroes' Restaurant, whether it was in the city or in the countryside. Moreover, this heroic restaurant was opened by the little hero Lin Feng.

In addition, the reputation of the guests who came to eat the buffet on the first day led to the heroic restaurant being full every day, and the chefs were almost always spinning. Except for Saturday and Sunday, Lin Feng had to take normal classes, so he was also lacking in skills and could not return to the Hero's Restaurant to help.

However, under the leadership of Li Yutong, Hero Restaurant has passed the opening period very steadily and began to enter a formal state of operation. The proprietress Lin Mu was also looking at some secret recipes in the kitchen. She was basically a throwaway shopkeeper. Li Yutong was doing almost all the business of Heroes' Restaurant.

Fortunately, Lin Feng has already taught Li Yutong to cultivate the ‘door’. Otherwise, with Li Yutong’s own body, he would simply not be able to withstand such a high-intensity work. And now, in the daytime when he is busy with restaurant affairs at Heroes’ Restaurant, Li Yutong still has his ‘Jing’ power to practice with Lin Feng in the evening.

Jiangnanju was sealed off the'door', and Zhang Xiao'hua' was sentenced to half a year in prison. However, the Zhi'an Food Hygiene Quality Supervision Bureau could only investigate and deal with Zhang Xiao's two Jiangnan residences in Zhi'an. Restaurants, and Jiangnan chain brands residing elsewhere, are still operating normally.

Zhang Xiao's'Flower' also deliberately'spended' some money to eliminate the impact of this seizure on other chain stores in Jiangnanju. On the day when he went to jail, Zhang Xiao's'Hua' vows viciously in his heart that when she comes out, she must find a way to bring down the Heroic Restaurant and bring down Zhang Guizhu's family.

The days have passed normally, and the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, and Lin Feng always feels that something is missing because of the lack of Zhianyi from Xu Minjing, the head teacher.

Although I spend sweet time with Qin Yanran every day, and at the same time I have to withstand the sour murmurs of Xiao Nishang, there is only a short time left for such a high life, and Lin Feng still cherishes it extraordinarily.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that Zhang Zhen's academic performance really means a little leaps and bounds. Although it is not as exaggerated as Lin Feng, in this two-week quiz, Zhang Zhen's score in every subject has risen from below the pass line to above the pass line. Even his worst English has improved from the original 30 to 40 points to more than 110 points. Such progress has also made Zhang Zhen a dark horse and figure in Zhi'an.

Seeing Zhang Zhen's progress, Tian Yunyun was the happiest person. Everyone felt that this must be the power of love, so that Zhang Zhen, who has always been lazy and refused to study, was able to work hard and improve his grades by leaps and bounds.

Of course, only Zhang Zhen knew that everything was attributed to the ‘fat reduction’ ‘medicine’ that Lin Feng gave him. Not only was it a miraculous ‘medicine’ that changed his figure, it also made his stupid head more alive. The improvement in memory, coupled with Tian Yunyun's love motivation, really helped Zhang Zhen's academic performance improve very rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, it was only three days before the college entrance examination. Under the command of Principal Zhong, Zhi Anyi gathered all the students in the third year of high school to hold a swearing ceremony.

Early this morning, all the senior high school students gathered in the ‘playground’. Everyone’s expressions were a little serious, and many of them had dark circles under their eyes. Because the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, the pressure is getting more and more serious. Many candidates even suffer from anxiety before the exam, and many people can’t sleep late and are forced to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep. .

The broadcast sounded an impassioned march. Principal Zhong took the microphone and stood on the rostrum of the playground and shouted, "Spring is blowing, and the drums of war! Classmates, it's finally time to wait." At this moment, the college entrance examination is in front of us. What are we for twelve years of hard study? Isn't it this day that the title of the gold list is soaring? In the last three days, I believe everyone is fully prepared for the accumulation of knowledge. So today's At the swearing-off meeting, let us prepare the spirit and spirit together, and strive to make further progress, and exert the best state in the college entrance examination..."

In normal times, few people listen to President Zhong's speech, because most of it is some official nonsense. But today, almost all senior high school students raised their heads seriously. Because they really need such a motivation, a help before the exam.

"Crazy man, the day after tomorrow's college entrance examination. I'm really scared! What should I do if the exam fails?"

Zhang Zhen looked nervous, his face also had dark circles under his eyes, and he didn't sleep well for several days.

"Zhang Zhen, what are you afraid of? When you had poor academic performance before, you were not afraid of the college entrance examination at all. Why are you so nervous now that you are enough to guarantee a second pass and you are still so nervous?" Lin Feng smiled. Zhang Zhen is the one who has the most say in changing him. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, I would really not believe it.

"Where can it be the same! Crazy, I am scared now when I think about it! If there was no'fat' medicine' you gave me, I am still a fat man lying on the last table and sleeping all day long. The college entrance examination estimates me It's also to'hand in' a blank paper or draw a proctor's head to'hand in'. But now it's different. I must go to the same university as Yunyun. This is the only motivation for me to study hard for so long...

Zhang Zhen now doesn't look like a poor student from the tail of a crane at all. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com So, sometimes change is really such an instant thing. Find the meaning of your life and the reason for persistence, and you can do things that surprise you.

People, if you don’t ‘force’ yourself, you don’t know how beautiful you can be.

"Yeah! Zhang Zhen, don't worry! Believe in yourself, you can definitely do it. Did Tian Yunyun say what university she wants to take? Her academic performance is enough to be a better university."

Lin Feng didn't care much about the Principal Mian Zhong's generously'excited' speech, so he chatted with Zhang Zhen in a low voice.

"En! Crazy, that's why I feel the pressure! Yunyun's family asked her to apply for the university in Beijing, maybe Renmin University, maybe the University of Finance and Economics, anyway, it is a few of this level! But my grades But I barely managed one line at most. For the last three days, I can only fight harder..."

The drum of the college entrance examination has already sounded, and even Zhang Zhen, who has always been cynical, has a solemn and serious expression.



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