Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 874: 1 strange poem

It's around eleven o'clock at night, in a quiet little courtyard. The two families who had been tired for a day hurriedly washed up and went to sleep, and rested so as to cope with the opening of the hero restaurant tomorrow. *WwWW.suimeng.lāPin Book Net

Therefore, there were only Lin Feng and Luo Qingqing in the yard. Of course, there was also the Crescent Moon who had hidden in the cloud and looked at them secretly.

"Sister Qingqing, you...you all know?"

Lin Feng just remembered. Last night Sister Qing Qing sent herself a photo of Teacher Xu's flight attendant, so she asked nervously, "What...Sister Qing Qing, why were you with Teacher Xu last night? "

"Hehe! Brat, do you want to know?" Luo Qingqing asked with a smirk.

"Of course! What's the matter? Sister Qingqing!"

"I want to know how to exchange for a poem. This poem must be given to both the school's'flowers' and the teacher's. Otherwise, hum...your **** is going to suffer!" Luo Qingqing resumed her usual neighbor's girl 'The devil's appearance threatened Lin Feng.

"Don't take such a joke, Sister Qing Qing, since you have read all the posts! You should be able to see that the life and death words are both written to you by Qing!"

Lin Feng said with a grin, but Luo Qingqing didn't care about it at all, pouting and said, "I can see it, so what? Huh! Take the poem written to my sister and send it to the school'flower' as a love poem? No way. Sister, I don’t want this poem and gave it to Qin Yanran. So, you have to write me a poem again, you know?"

"Ah? Sister Qingqing, at this moment in time, I have no inspiration either! How to write?" Lin Feng said with a sad face.

"How to write? You can write with your brain or with a pen! You are in school today, but you have only taken three steps to write a poem. Anyway, my sister is not sleepy yet. Waiting here, you don’t write a poem. Here comes a poem that satisfies me, I will open your **** to the flower."

Luo Qingqing looked at Lin Feng, still wearing the uniform of a stewardess, staring at him with arms akimbo.


"Of course, isn't it nonsense? Stinky boy, hurry up and write, I'll be able to sleep well after writing sister..."

"Okay! Just the inspiration came, I'll go back to the room to get paper and pen..."

Facing the cool breeze of the night, looking at the crescent moon hiding in the dark clouds in the sky, Lin Feng suddenly had an idea, and his heart already had an idea.

"Hurry up, don't want to take the opportunity to escape, or sister will run into your room..." Luo Qingqing threatened.

After a while, Lin Feng took paper and pen from the bedroom. The poem that his heart gave to Luo Qingqing has also been conceived. With a big stroke of the pen, he wrote a poem.

The moon is shining and the stars are screaming,

Hu Qinqu worries about who is pulling.

No one is blowing tonight,

The imperial examination was the cause.

A very simple seven-character quatrain, Lin Feng wrote in a few minutes. It is a very appropriate poem. It is about the scene at night. The crescent moon of the sky hides shyly, and the cicadas in the yard cried. Why is there no beautiful woman dancing tonight? It turned out that the time for the imperial examinations was approaching. The talented scholars were preparing for the exams, and the beautiful ladies naturally did not dare to make noise.

In this poem, Lin Feng made himself a talented person who had to face the imperial examinations in ancient times, and compared Luo Qingqing to a lady in pink with red sleeves. As soon as the entire poem came out, it immediately created a picture of the ancient ‘color’ of talented men and beautiful ladies.

"Not bad! You are qualified..."

Holding the poem in his hand contentedly, Luo Qingqing's eyes smiled like two crescents.

"Of course it's not bad! Although this poem doesn't rhyme much, but, Sister Qingqing, do you understand the inner meaning?" Lin Feng closed his pen and asked with a smile.

"Connotation? Brat, don't you look down on your sister? Although your sister is not too high, she went to health school directly, but... I used to like ancient ones very much. Although you are not as good as you and can write poetry and lyrics, you can still see it. got it."

When Luo Qingqing said that, he told Lin Feng the meaning of the whole poem. Lin Feng clapped his hands and said, "Sister Qingqing, you are right, this poem probably means this on the surface."

"On the surface? What do you mean? Xiao Feng, could it be said that this poem has a deeper meaning? I didn't see it?" Luo Qingqing asked strangely.

"Of course! Sister Qingqing, this is a very strange poem. It is very different from the two capitals I wrote before, and it hides a huge secret!" Lin Feng said with a mysterious look.

"Huge secret? What is it? Brat, you say..." Luo Qingqing was even better when Lin Feng said so.

"Everything is a secret, of course I can't tell it. Moreover, I don't mean anything to say it. Sister Qingqing, you have to rely on you to realize it."

"Boy, and sister are still hiding it. I will definitely see this secret." Luo Qingqing said unconvinced.

"Hey! Sister Qingqing, I believe you can see it."

As he said, Lin Feng said again, "Now the poems are also given, Sister Qingqing, you can tell me why you were with Teacher Xu last night? Also, why did Teacher Xu suddenly wear your flight attendant uniform? ?"

"Hee hee! Xiao Feng, your teacher Xu is really beautiful, his figure and appearance are very'great'. Sister, I slept in a'bed' with Teacher Xu last night! Teacher Xu's fart The fart is so elastic..." Luo Qingqing said on purpose.

Lin Feng was taken aback when he heard it, and couldn't help but imagine flying away, "Uh! Sister Qingqing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What did you do with Teacher Xu last night?"

"Nothing, Xiao Feng, I had a deep'exchange' with Teacher Xu. Ms. Xu told me a lot about your embarrassment in school! Hehe...Of course, as an exchange for'exchange', I also told Teacher Xu a lot of embarrassment in your home..."

Luo Qingqing said so proudly, but Lin Feng said helplessly, "Sister Qingqing, how can you do this? Pay attention to my privacy!"

"Boy, what's your secret'privacy' in front of your sister? My sister has watched you grow up naked! Okay, this poem, my sister is reluctant to accept this poem, you should go back and wash Go to bed! The Hero's Restaurant will open tomorrow, which will keep you busy."

After finishing speaking, Luo Qingqing carefully folded the poem and returned to her bedroom. After changing the stewardess uniform, she turned on the lamp in front of the desk and unfolded the poem again and again. I looked at it word by word, but I still couldn't find any special meaning in this poem.


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