Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 817: No need to apologize

"This third sentence, who makes the bamboo outside Qingli? Everyone knows that our city in Zhi'an is called the National Bamboo Shoot and Bamboo City. Obviously, the meaning of the poet's poem is that the bamboo outside the bamboo outside... After our time in Zhi'an City, Qingli certainly refers to the person the poet likes. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā! This third sentence is actually to be understood and read in conjunction with the fourth sentence. Life and death are the same as Qingli. In simple terms, it means to live and die together."

Old man Wang noticed that the laughter in the classroom had calmed down. The classmates were listening to his interpretation very carefully, and he was very proud and said angrily, "The two sentences connected means that they will leave Zhi'an City in the future. No matter where he goes, no matter who is obstructed and troubled by danger, the poet will live with his heart and will never leave his life.

Well, this poem, I have interpreted this poem here. In fact, it is only literal. In fact, when a poem embodies the poet's emotions, it is all insignificant, and only the person who writes the poem can fully understand it. Lin Feng, how do you think the teacher interpreted it? "

After finishing speaking, in the end, Old Man Wang gave Lin Feng an "I understand" smile. Lin Feng did not expect that the meaning of this poem written by himself, Old Man Wang really saw through. It is worthy of being an old people's teacher who has been engaged in language teaching for more than 30 years.

"Teacher Wang, what you said is correct, and the interpretation is very complete. And for this topic, I also want to thank Teacher Wang for giving me the question."

Although Old Man Wang has a weird temper, his character is good, and the teaching quality is also a good one. Lin Feng also stood up sincerely and gave Old Man Wang a thumbs up.

Suddenly, all the students in the classroom clapped their hands spontaneously.

Bang bang ......

These applause is this beautiful love poem for Lin Feng.

It is also a ‘excitation’ for Old Man Wang. The interpretation of love is to give Qin Yanran and Lin Feng the hard-won feelings.

After listening to the interpretation of this poem, even Xiao Nishang sighed thoughtfully, and said in his heart "No wonder Lin Feng said that he couldn't make a love poem for me. In this poem, all It's his and Qin Yanran's past...now...there is still a future!"

Lin Feng and Qin Yanran's three-year classmate friendship, Lin Feng did so many things for Qin Yanran, so much effort, that Xiao Nishang would not envy her anyway. Sometimes, when Xiao Nishang is alone at night, she feels ‘very’ sad. In order to attract Lin Feng's attention, he deliberately looked for Lin Feng's stubbornness every day and talked back to him, which was far from Qin Yanran's smile.

Jingle Bell……

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, but the applause in the third grade classroom did not stop. The old man Wang, the language teacher, was full of ‘spring’ and felt very proud and proud.

He has been engaged in education for more than 30 years. He has taught hundreds of classes and has taught thousands of classes, but never before has the students applauded so actively, sincerely and enthusiastically after a class.

Although Wang Weimin knew that Lin Feng’s poem was more of the reason for the students’ applause, he was still proud of it because the students in Wang Weimin’s class wrote such a poem. Isn’t it because of his teaching? Fang?

"Alright! Alright! Classmates, class is over! We want to thank Lin Feng once again for bringing us such a beautiful ancient romance poem. You should be fortunate to be able to be with such talented classmates. A class."

After speaking these words with a smile, the old man Wang raised his head and ‘tightened’ his chest, and hurriedly left the classroom with the lesson plan in his hands. He is now anxious to go back to the language group office to show off with other language teachers in the class that his class taught by Wang Weimin is an old poem written by the students themselves.

At this time, in Tiebadang, one of the students in the third grade of senior high school had recorded the explanations of Old Man Wang in advance. The original intention of the recording was to show everyone the random interpretation of Old Man Wang, but now it has become the correct interpretation.

Not only the students in the third grade class, but almost all the students in the school knew what happened between Lin Feng and Qin Yanran, and almost everyone was mocking Lin Feng. Now that I saw this song, I think about the original pictures and scenes. Every one of them fell into silence and deep thinking. They laughed at every word of Lin Feng, but now they ‘pick’ back like a whip.

In a few minutes, there was no reply to Zhianyi’s post. The hot scene just came to a halt. Everyone was listening carefully to Old Man Wang's analysis of the poems in the recording. Until a few minutes later, the replies and new posts were immediately overwhelmed.


Tiebadang, a variety of reflective remarks emerged all at once, but most of them apologized to Lin Feng. In fact, it is the same situation not only in a campus like Chi'an One, but also in the whole society.

People cannot see your dreams and pursuits. They only see you bragging. They use their own vision as a yardstick to measure your future success. They don't care how much effort you put into your dreams and pursuits. They only focus on the final result. They only judge heroes by success or failure.

Once you are successful, all the people who laughed at you will come to congratulate you with a smiling face, and even flatter you. You can't see the nasty face they laughed at you before. In fact, this is the most terrifying place. This society is too utilitarian.

Apologies to Lin Feng!

Suddenly, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ became a hot word among the students in the post bar, and everyone followed up with posts to express their apologies to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also saw these posts on his mobile phone, but he did not reply to the posts, and his mood did not fluctuate much. Now he is no longer a ‘mao’ boy who has never changed. He has survived all the ridicule and despise, and has managed to persevere with all the difficulties and obstacles.

What does other people's views have to do with yourself?

If they still fail today, will those people apologize for their mockery?

Do not! Of course not, they will only laugh more deafeningly.

This is Chi. 'bare'. 'bare'. The reality is that Lin Feng does not need to apologize, does not need any apology. His hard work, his struggle, let him win the fruit of today's success, and he does not need an apology from others.


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