Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 773: Another masked beauty?

"Death! Death seems to have disappeared... what's going on? There seems to be something in the heart of the rhubarb that can eliminate the death!"

Upon discovering this, Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised to penetrate spiritual consciousness into the heart of the rhubarb, through the aorta and atrium. Lin Feng saw that the dead energy gathered from various parts of his body through blood vessels was neutralized and consumed little by little by the Shenshui in the rhubarb heart.

"Shenshui! It's Shenshui... Haha! It turns out that these deadly natural enemies are Shenshui! The Shenshui in the heart of the rhubarb, the ones I saved it at the beginning, are all gathered in the heart of the rhubarb. So, When the dead energy enters the heart, the Shenshui activates its power and consumes the dead energy little by little. However, it seems that there is not much Shenshui in the rhubarb body, and if you use a little bit, you can use less. Not good..."

After figuring out what was going on, Lin Feng let go of his mind. If it was something else, he might have to think of something, but it was only Shenshui, and there was too much in his Shenshui space.

"Rhubarb! Hold on, I will make some divine water right now, you can drink it desperately!"

As Lin Feng spoke, he immediately started to dig a small puddle on the ground, and then rushed into the Shenshui space from the Shenshui space.


Supporting his body, Rhubarb reluctantly walked to the side of the puddle, then bowed his head and began to drink the water.

Moreover, Lin Feng also discovered that the grasses that had withered due to the appearance of the **** rat, now being moisturized by the divine water, immediately recovered and regained vitality.

"Rhubarb! How do you feel now? Did you recover a bit?"

Lin Feng used his spiritual sense to keep an eye on the situation in Rhubarb's body, and saw that the Shenshui entering Rhubarb's body was removing the dead qi little by little, and he was relieved.


After a while, all the dead energy in Rhubarb's body had been removed, and the remaining divine water was stored in various parts of its body. Before the rhubarb only drank a little divine water, it was already so humane and the king of dogs. Now that there are so many more divine waters in all parts of its body, it immediately has a strong aura, as if a tiger descending from the mountain.

"Huh? Shenshui entered the rhubarb's body, and it helped it strengthen again? The rhubarb that was just drunk before is already the king of dogs. I don't know that after drinking so much Shenshui this time, it How far can it evolve?"

Shenshui has great benefits for people, animals, and even some plants. Lin Feng had also learned about the effects of Shenshui before, but he didn't experiment with purpose.

This time it just happened to be on the right side. In order to resist the lifeless invasion, Rhubarb drank so much divine water again, which triggered further strengthening.

Ow... barking...

The limbs became thicker and stronger, and the yellow hair on Rhubarb's body became brighter and brighter, and even some golden light brightened up. Listening to rhubarb's ferocious cry and the mighty aura, Lin Feng felt that even if there was a tiger in front of him, the rhubarb would dared to rush to bite.


At this moment, under the yellow ground, the **** rat that had just lurked in the ground came out again and poked his head. After it screamed triumphantly, it was stunned, because it did not expect that the rhubarb that had been enraged by it was still standing there alive, and its momentum became more powerful.

This is a picture that the Big Black Rat method accepts. Animals that have been dead by it in the past, even large buffalo or elephants, will fester and die within ten minutes. Therefore, although the **** rat is not strong in attack power, it can even kill many ferocious mountain and forest beasts by using this lifeless energy.

Sharply slashed the fur with his claws, and then the death breath invaded the opponent's body, and then the **** rat fled into the ground and waited patiently, and then ran out to collect the opponent's body after ten minutes. This is the battle strategy that Big Black Mouse has always used.

But today, the **** rat had miscalculated. When it got out of the ground with great interest, it didn't see the carrion corpse of rhubarb, but the mighty rhubarb, and it was immediately stunned.

"Rhubarb! The little beast has come out again, click... grab it! See where it runs this time, don't let it hide under the ground again..."

Lin Feng immediately called the rhubarb when he saw that the hateful **** rat had killed another carbine and returned.


The enemy was extremely jealous when he saw each other, when Rhubarb saw the **** rat that had just nearly killed him. The enclave rushed over without even hitting the air, and the speed was more than double that of before.


As soon as the rhubarb rushed up fiercely, the **** rat screamed sharply, and then turned his head to continue drilling down the ground.


With the previous experience, how could the rhubarb let the **** rat escape so easily? Moreover, the claws of rhubarb are much sharper than before, and its speed is like the wind, and the enclave rushes up, and a claw plunges into the yellow ground, just blocking the hole dug by the **** rat to escape. Quickly grabbed its tail and pulled it out with a roar.



A **** rat that was thrown to the ground by the rhubarb screamed and wanted to continue to escape. But how can rhubarb give it a chance to escape? A fierce tiger rushed to death, his mouth full of sharp teeth just grabbed its plump body.


Bitten by the rhubarb~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The **** rat screamed in fright, but the **** didn't pay any attention to its struggle, and thumped the **** rat to Lin Feng's face, like a trophy Show off again.

"Huh! It's this little beast? The lifelessness on his body is so strong, can it be said that it is the one that collects lifelessness? Huh? That's not right... The lifelessness of the factory over there is still declining. over there……"

Lin Feng looked at this magical **** rat, then looked at the lifeless spirit that was still disappearing over the factory not far away, wondering.

And at this moment, from the direction of the Black Heart Factory, a woman with a black gauze face suddenly rushed up in a light enclave, a soft sword in her hand spread out, pointing at Lin Feng and Da Huang and screamed: "Who are you? Let go of my little one!"


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