Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 756: 1 shocking scene

The rancidity, especially the smell of rotten meat, makes people feel that the entire stomach is rolling, and they want to vomit out all the things they have eaten in this life.

Rao is Lin Feng is a strong cultivator. Facing the smell, he couldn't help covering his nose and frowning before daring to walk forward very carefully.

And Zhou Yun, who was following Lin Feng, couldn't bear the smell. Even though Zhou Yun had been to this black heart factory once, when she smelled the smell again, Zhou Yun almost fainted. .


She only dared to cough twice, Zhou Yun felt that she was going to be choked by the smell. However, she persisted, not daring to make a big movement, and followed Lin Feng closely and walked forward.

"I can't hold back, I must expose this disgusting black heart factory."

Although the smell made Zhou Yun want to turn around and run away several times, the faith in her heart supported her to move on. Moreover, Lin Feng has been leading the way in front of her. Looking at Lin Feng's solid back, Zhou Yun also gained strength, and unknowingly increased her steps, closely following Lin Feng's side.

"Hero! It's no wonder that the big star will invite Lin Feng to the stage on such a grand concert, and publicly announce that Lin Feng is the hero in her life. It is true that Lin Feng is such a hero. He can afford such a hero. honor!"

At this moment, Lin Feng's image in Zhou Yun's mind increased. Zhou Yun would no longer regard Lin Feng as a high school kid with no full-length hair. Lin Feng led the way in such awe, and so enthusiastically joined her dream of "sweeping out the darkness" together. All of this touched Zhou Yun's heart.

What is a confidant? What is a revolutionary comrade?

Like-minded and agreeable, one's own ideas and dreams can be understood and recognized by the other party instead of being denied and ridiculed. At this moment, Zhou Yun felt that the legendary "confidant" had been found by herself.

"Lin Feng, can you lead me? It's a bit dark here!"

Stepping forward boldly, Zhou Yun gently grasped Lin Feng's big rough palm with one hand and said.

"Ah? All right! Sister Yun, the exit of this corridor is in front. But it seems that there is no light on the exit! Could it be that the lights are not turned on in this factory?"

Holding Zhou Yunnen's slippery little hand, Lin Feng still feels it, but now his attention is highly concentrated, and he is focused on the inside of the black heart factory in front of him. Because of the murderous aura covering the spiritual sense, the Fa was released for detection, so for Lin Feng, it was equivalent to losing a pair of favorable eyes.

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Feng looked at the exit ahead, still in darkness. No matter how good his night vision is, there is nothing to see inside this dark factory.

"Impossible! When I came last time, incandescent lamps were all turned on in this factory, and dozens of workers were wearing heavy work clothes and layers of masks, busy bleaching and processing carrion!"

Zhou Yun looked at it and found that the main workshop in front of the factory seemed to be really dark, so she asked strangely, "Could it be that there is no worker inside?"

"It's very possible! Sister Yun, think about it, the black-hearted factory owner, after knowing that you, a reporter, will take photos, he will definitely try to transfer the equipment in the factory in time. To avoid being seized by law enforcement officers after exposure. !"

With this in mind, Lin Feng thought of a big possibility, that is, the black-hearted factory has already been shut down, and the equipment inside has been moved away.

"Ah? No? I only came yesterday. The various processing machines inside are very heavy. How can they complete the transfer in such a short time?"

As soon as she heard this, Zhou Yun became anxious, "What should we do then! Lin Feng, if they really vacated, wouldn't we find evidence?"

"Sister Yun, don't worry. Let's take a look at what's going on inside. Hey... the meter box was originally here..."

Just as he comforted Zhou Yun, Lin Feng realized that he had touched something on his shoulder, and upon touching it, he realized that it was the master control meter box of the entire factory. So Lin Feng immediately opened the meter box to take a look.

"Sister Yun, come and see! The main gates in this meter box are all pulled down, and it seems that there is indeed no one inside. It is estimated that after you came last time, the black-hearted boss will All the processing machines have been moved. I am afraid there is no one inside."

As Lin Feng said, he pulled up the main switch, "I pulled the switch up. Even if there is no one inside, we will go in and take a look."

"Well! I don't know what else is left in it now?" Zhou Yun also knew that it was just like Lin Feng had guessed, so she said disappointedly.

Because he was sure that there was no one in the factory workshop, Lin Feng boldly walked in, then found the main switch for lighting control in the corner of the wall, and pushed it up.


The interior of the originally dark factory suddenly became bright, and five or six huge incandescent lamps above the head illuminate the enclosed factory as if it were outside.

However, it was not the light that really blinded Lin Feng's eyes, but the scenes he saw inside the factory.

"This...what are these?"

When people suddenly go from darkness to light, their eyes have a process of adapting, and they can't see things clearly. So while Zhou Yun was still rubbing her eyes to see clearly, Lin Feng was already shocked by what she saw before her eyes.

Rotten pig heads, fur and carcasses of wild cats, many wild dogs that have been peeled off ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the carrion and internal organs of various unknown animals scattered everywhere. The carrion is clearly on top You can see clusters of white maggots still wriggling.

Various rancid liquids of green, yellow, and red flowed across the ground of the factory, and there were all kinds of chemical reagents in large packs and buckets, which also gave off a disgusting smell, mixed with those rancid smells. Together, it's like **** on earth.

And the inside of the workshop was very sultry, the temperature outside was 37-80 degrees, and the temperature inside the workshop was as high as 40 degrees. The air was abnormally turbid and rancid. After turning on the light, Lin Feng was shocked when he saw this scene. shocked.


As Lin Feng expected, when Zhou Yun opened her eyes to see the situation in the workshop before her, she couldn't help but vomit.


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