Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 740: Zhou Yun crisis

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"Senior Zi Xuan, would it be a little bad for you like this?"

Seeing Su Zixuan's intimacy to herself, Lin Feng felt a little unnatural. He couldn't say a word of what he was prepared to say.

"What's wrong? Lin Feng, don't you like this?" Su Zixuan smiled, and continued to pick up dishes for Lin Feng.

"No! Senior Sister Zixuan, you called me over today, isn't it just to invite me to dinner?" Lin Feng said.

"Otherwise? Lin Feng, is it possible, do you still want me to do to you? Hehe!"

Seeing Lin Feng's helpless look, Su Zixuan couldn't help giggling. In fact, her goal for today has been achieved. Judging from Lin Feng’s performance on stage last night, Su Zixuan knew that if she had to confess to him personally, she would be rejected 100% like last night. .

Therefore, Su Zixuan chose not to say anything, and expressed her heart with her actions. Moreover, Su Zixuan has already considered. With Lin Feng's results, the college entrance examination is about to be taken, and she must be able to go to Qingbei University in Beijing. In this way, she will still be her own junior and will have more opportunities to get along in the future. , Why bother to confess in such a moment?

What's more, she and Lin Feng have seen such two sides together, and she doesn't believe that Lin Feng will really fall in love with herself and accept her confession in such a short period of time. What she wants is not such an acceptance. Love is cultivated by both parties. Although Su Zixuan is sure that Lin Feng is the person she wants and feels right, she does not want Lin Feng to know everything about her because of her appearance and image. Accept yourself.

These are the decisions Su Zixuan made after going back last night after careful consideration. So the most important thing for her now is not to really let Lin Feng accept herself, but to create more opportunities to get along with Lin Feng.

Give yourself a chance to learn more about Lin Feng.

It also gave Lin Feng a chance to understand who he was not on the stage.

"No... Senior Sister Zixuan, I didn't mean that. What I want to say is, really... I'm afraid you don't know yet, I already have a girlfriend. It's Qin Yanran from our class, so senior sister invites you ..."

Knowing that Su Zixuan was always playing around with her, she was unwilling to choose her purpose, so Lin Feng finally had to deal with her heart cruelly, and she broke this fact.

"Please what? Lin Feng, don't you think that my senior sister is interesting to you?" After hearing Lin Feng's entanglement, she finally said such words, Su Zixuan's complexion changed, but she immediately returned to normal. He smiled and said to Lin Feng, "Boy, don't think too much. Isn't it clear in my text message? It's because I'm leaving this afternoon, so I specially invited you out for a meal!"

"Is it really just a meal?"

Seeing Su Zixuan speaking seriously, even Lin Feng was a little suspicious.

"Really! I only have dinner today, and nothing else. Didn't you see that I kept picking food for you? But you...never kept picking food for me! Lin Feng, don't you know if this is impolite? "Su Zixuan stared deliberately, then said with a smile.

"Ah? Then...Senior sister, I will also get you some food! Also, since you are leaving Chi'an City this afternoon, let's have a drink! As it is to see you off, a good trip!"

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the cup, and said.

"Okay! Cheers! Lin Feng, maybe I won't go back to Zhi'an for more than a month, but you will take the college entrance examination right away. With your scores, you will definitely be able to go to Qingbei University. Your college entrance examination went smoothly, the title of the gold list!"

Su Zixuan also raised the cup, and after touching Lin Feng, she was clean.

"Thank you, senior sister, when you enter Qingbei, I will still be your junior. But please take care of me!"

Because Su Zixuan took the initiative to say that there was no other meaning, just talking about eating and not talking about anything else, Lin Feng also let go of his vigilance, and chatted with Su Zixuan casually.

Su Zixuan took advantage of this opportunity to chat with Lin Feng about the days when she lived and studied with her grandma in Zhi'an City when she was a child. She also asked about some things about Lin Feng when she was a child. The more they talked, the more speculative they were. Forget the embarrassment of the previous "confession".

In Su Zixuan’s eyes, it was not only because Lin Feng stood up and rescued her last time when she was most in distress, but more importantly, Su Zixuan found that Lin Feng had a temperament in her body, which attracted her very much and made her want to be close. . It seems that only by Lin Feng's side can one gain a sense of security.

As for Lin Feng, Su Zixuan's body also had a kind of attraction. However, Lin Feng clearly knew that it was due to Su Zixuan's special constitution of Tianyin's voice. Even though Su Zixuan is not singing now, the breath that comes from that special physique is very attractive to a practitioner like Lin Feng.

Not to mention, when Su Zixuan was speaking, the mysterious power in her vocal cords exuded every sentence softened to Lin Feng's heart, and she wouldn't get tired of hearing it.

The two chatted while eating, and almost an hour passed. The reporter Zhou Yun who was guarding outside was waiting too hard, but she also stared in the direction of both of them while eating, and then took out a secret camera to take a few photos from time to time.

"Why is Su Zixuan so intimate with Lin Feng? It seems that the relationship between the two is really superficial~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when talking about it, they are also talking and laughing! Haha! This time the headlines are definitely there. Since yesterday, I ventured into a black-hearted meat processing factory to shoot much easier!"

Zhou Yun is worthy of being the ace reporter of Zian TV. Don't look at her sneak shots that are similar to paparazzi. However, besides that, she often goes in and out of some dangerous factories, black mines, mountainous villages, etc., to track some livelihood-related cases and news.

Yesterday, Zhou Yun received the information reported by the masses. There is an illegal black-hearted meat processing factory in the suburbs of the city, which specializes in processing and bleaching some rotten meat, and then sells it as ham. Therefore, Zhou Yun immediately disguised and infiltrated the processing factory for an unannounced visit. After sneaking some important evidence, she was surrounded by a bunch of factory employees and bosses. Fortunately, she planned the route in advance and escaped. Dropped.

"Haha! Now in this camera of mine, there are two evidence photos that are enough to make headlines! One is the black meat processing factory, the other is the secret tryst of Lin Feng and Su Zixuan..."

When Zhou Yun played with the candid camera disguised as a pen, she was triumphant. Suddenly two strong men and an old man with a stubborn face broke into the first floor of the restaurant. One of the strong men said to the old man: "Boss! My brother is absolutely right. The girl who came to the factory to take pictures yesterday Into this restaurant..."

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