Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4645: trouble

? Compared to Huang Yuling's panic, Lin Feng's smile is deeper, "I also deeply feel your hobby for the dean..."

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth moved a few times, and the following words were not spoken.

"Director of the teaching, you are free, I will go up first, remember to take a photo and send it to me, so I am embarrassed?"

Huang Yuling was originally relieved because of Lin Feng’s sentence, and immediately tightened again. She gave Lin Feng a vicious look, and the expression on her face became more and more stinky. This little **** did it on purpose, he was on purpose!

He just wanted to make her ugly!

"Lin Feng, don't go too far!"

Huang Yuling gritted her teeth and said viciously.

"Yes, Lin Feng, you are wrong." Xu Minjing also smiled and nodded, "Ms. Huang is the dean of teaching and a teacher. You have to respect and respect the teacher. Talk to the teacher in this way and apologize quickly."

Hearing Xu Minjing's words, Huang Yuling's expression immediately softened a lot, "Teacher Xu is right, Lin Feng, you have to learn more from your teacher!"

"A respectable teacher like Teacher Huang will do what he promises. Hurry up and go back to the classroom."

"Yes, Teacher Xu."

Lin Feng glanced at Huang Yuling's body, "I went up to recite the vocabulary first. I was afraid that next time the teaching director wants to continue, I will not be able to recite it when I am looking for me. I am worried that I will delay the normal life of the teaching director. ."


Xu Minjing waved her hand, still smiling, but Huang Yuling's smile collapsed in an instant.

This Xu Minjing...

"Teacher Huang, I will go up first."

Xu Minjing still had a smile on her face, but Huang Yuling's heart was blocked so much that she couldn't say anything for a while.

Xu Minjing and Lin Feng went upstairs together, Huang Yuling was panting there, and it took a long time to react.

A car stopped beside Huang Yuling.

"Don't you know if you are not allowed to drive in for study?"

Huang Yuling's temper was raised immediately, and when she turned around, Huang Chaofeng got out of the car.

Huang Chaofeng looks pretty good, and his facial features are handsome in the words of a girl nowadays, but his temperament is a little gloomy. Lin Feng stood upstairs and looked at him, but he didn't like it very much.

Huang Yuling was stuck for a moment because of Huang Chaofeng's appearance.

"Yes... It's Chaofeng. Why does Chaofeng have time to patrol the school today?" Seeing Huang Chaofeng, Huang Yuling immediately put on a flattering face, "My office has got some new strange things, or Chaofeng you Sit in the office with me?"

Huang Yuling smiled and rushed to Huang Chaofeng, "Let's talk about the construction of a new teaching building, how about?"

"It's easy to talk about the new teaching building."

Huang Chaofeng put his hands in his pockets, his gaze fell on Huang Yuling's body, "Sanyi, one thing, the Huang family can invest, but..."

Huang Chaofeng glanced at Shuhai Middle School, "As you should know, Sanyi, the Huang family will never make indifferent sacrifices, nor will it give a school that ranks second in Shuhai with so much investment for no reason. unless……"

"Unless what?"

Huang Yuling raised her head and looked at Huang Chaofeng, "Chaofeng, you have to believe that there is a reason why Shuhai Middle School is unable to develop now. You see, our teaching buildings here are very old. It is fixed. As long as we build a new teaching building, our enrollment can go up immediately, so the strength will naturally go up."

Huang Yuling smiled, "Sneak, you have to trust the third aunt!"

"I naturally believe in Sanyi."

Huang Chaofeng put his hands on Huang Yuling's body, "Shuhai Middle School is also one of my Huang family's properties, but..."

"Chaofeng just had a small request."

Huang Chaofeng smiled, "Sanyi, Teacher Xu from the second and third class of high school, I really like it, or else, Sanyi will help me talk about letting Teacher Xu and me have a meal, as long as Sanyi can do it. , Investment matters are in place immediately!"

Huang Chaofeng put his hands in his pockets, "It's 8 o'clock in the morning, I remember that Shuhai Middle School ends at 12 noon, so let me go for a walk first, wait for 11:50, I'll just wait here Auntie, waiting for your good news."

Huang Chaofeng snapped his fingers, his face was a little more evil.

"As long as things are done, Sanyi's request, I will definitely do it!"

"Good good!"

Watching Huang Chaofeng leave, the smile on Huang Yuling's face immediately disappeared.

Xu Minjing, of course she knew that as soon as Xu Minjing entered the school, she immediately caused a sensation throughout the school. I don’t know how many students with excess hormones admired this teacher. Huang Yuling is still satisfied with Xu Minjing. At least she is teaching. He really has his own abilities and teaches the students very well.

What Huang Yuling did not expect was that Xu Minjing was so low-key that Huang Chaofeng still found it.

Things in the previous school almost went to the news media. Despite this, there was still a lot of gossip spreading, which had a big impact on the enrollment of Shuhai Middle School in the past two years. If he continues to let him mess around in the school if……

But if Huang Chaofeng is not agreed, the school’s new teaching building will not be completed...

Huang Yuling stood there, unable to speak for a long time.

"It seems that this yellow hen is not completely ferocious..."

Lin Feng and Xu Minjing stood upstairs, seeing Huang Yuling's appearance, whispered, "This woman, at least, has some conscience."

Xu Minjing smiled upon hearing Lin Feng's words.

"Although Mr. Huang's teaching method is a bit more traditional, he is sincere to the school. Don't always trouble her."

Hearing Xu Minjing's words, Lin Feng shrugged with an innocent look.

He really hasn’t been to Huang Yuling’s troubles. It’s because Huang Yuling has troubled him time and time again. Lin Feng's heart moved a bit, turned to look at Xu Minjing, and said, "Ms. Xu, you won’t Do you really want to promise Huangmu?"

"Why not go to a new teaching building for a meal?"

Xu Minjing smiled, "Huang Chaofeng can't do anything to me!"


Lin Feng shook his head directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You still have a long time to recover from your first cultivation base, so I can't let you take this risk! "

Lin Feng directly rejected Xu Minjing's request, "It's just a teaching building. When we have money in the future, we can directly fund it, but now, you can't go."

"The money we make is also money. Besides, we also need to take action in Yanran's affairs. This Huang Chaofeng is the second generation ancestor of a prodigal family. Maybe I can help him lose a good time!"

Xu Minjing said with a smile, but Lin Feng grabbed Xu Minjing's hand with seriousness on her face.

Seeing the seriousness on Lin Feng's face, Xu Minjing's smile also faded.

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