Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4468: 5-person team

   Lin Ling shook his head, the position of his heart was very painful, Lin Ling still hid it well, but his body swayed slightly, Lin Ling turned his head to prevent others from seeing it.

"It should be dinner too. I will prepare a table. Let's welcome the schoolgirls to be our neighbors, and then we will win this mission!" Zhao Qin went to the kitchen. The layout of the upstairs and downstairs is the same. As familiar as his own family, Qin Sang has already called Zheng Hao and Li Ren over there.

   Three people pondered, five people set off, just right.

   "We also want to take the mother-in-law there, but the mother-in-law has just given birth and is not suitable for going out." Zheng Hao took the initiative to explain to Lin Ling, "I won't bring it this time, I will bring it next time."

   Lin Ling nodded and sat there quietly. After a moment of silence, he said, "I need those inner alchemy, you guys..."

   "We just need to divide some materials. Although the inner alchemy is good, we don't need it. It's just that the weak dragon is a gregarious monster, and we may not be able to deal with those well."

"At that time, there will always be a way." Li Ren took a banana and ate, "If it doesn't help, let's squat for a few days to see which weak dragons go out alone, so let's take the opportunity to take a shot? We still need the weak dragons. Worried?"

   Li Ren waved his hand, "The meat of this weak dragon is delicious, plus this inner alchemy is not bad, although it is a group of monsters, but they pay attention to a lot of them, so don't worry."

   "At most, it's a little sick when fighting."

"Let me say, that pink and greasy stuff, before it was killed, it tasted delicious in the world. Since I killed the first weak dragon, I haven't eaten it for three years. The human flesh of the weak dragon!"

   "Just say a few words about you!"

   Qin Sang hit Li Ren, and Li Ren shut up immediately.

   Lin Ling was silent and did not speak, but in his heart he muttered secretly, how did someone like Li Ren find a daughter-in-law to give birth to him?

   After having dinner, I arranged a little bit and agreed to meet in front of the teleportation array three days later, and the big guy immediately went back to prepare.

   Lin Ling didn't have much preparation, just sent a message to Yuntao.

   Lin Ling: Depart in three days.

   Yuntao: Ah, really? Will the legendary Qin Sang really protect us from passing together?

   Lin Ling: Yes.

   Yuntao: pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures.

   Lin Ling:?

   Yuntao: Honey, please help me see which one is more beautiful. This is my idol. I must dress beautifully!

   Lin Ling: Simple and light, we are going to kill the monsters, too cumbersome to wear will affect the shot.

Yuntao: Okay, let’s take a look at which color of these lightweight clothes is good. White seems to be a lot greener, red is lively, black is a bit mysterious, this pink looks cute, and this yellow is the most suitable for the skin. , Will make the skin...


   Yuntao was chattering over there, Lin Ling put down the phone directly, and said he ignored it.

   Three days later, Qin Sang arrived at the teleportation array first.

"This time, I don't know how we will gain?" Zheng Hao still looked forward to it. "My wife said, this time, let's save a little more for the children, so that we can go to the Sang Taoist immortal world. Now, children don’t need to worry about running out of money."

"Let me take it, is it too early for your plan? We are in the primordial infant stage. When we grow up, our children will almost reach this cultivation base!" Li Ren waved his hand with a casual look. Said, "This great cause is gone. If they want to become masters, they have to work hard and prepare everything for them. Then you still think they will fight in the future?"

"So, I said that in this life, I still have to go on my own. Although it is a bit painful, at least I don't need to rely on others to get over it in the future. People just have to have the courage, and only oneself can take the responsibility. Only then can it be long and better!"

   Qin Sang also nodded.

   "You see, we came here by ourselves."

   Zheng Hao smiled without speaking.

   "Ah, Lin Ling, wait for me!"

The three of them have to discuss. Someone over there is already trotting towards this side. Lin Ling walks in front, followed by a girl in a pink dress. The girl is now carrying a huge backpack and following Lin Ling with difficulty. Behind.

   The girl's cultivation base hovered up and down during the foundation period, but she had not completely broken through the foundation period.

this is?

   The three of them looked at each other and looked at each other. Did this bring a girl?

   Also, looking at the situation of the inner alchemy that Lin Ling needs, it seems to be a little bit, as if to prepare for this girl/

  Who is this girl?

   The three of them took a step forward.

   "School girl, are you here?"

   "I will bring someone, she is very good, and will not make trouble, we only need to take her out and bring her back," Lin Ling's voice was soft and soft, and his eyes swept over Qin Sang and his party, whispered.

"Senior girl, if you want to bring it, just take it. We'll be fine. Besides, we are also very boring. It's best if someone is talking around at this time." Zheng Hao said with a smile, "Presumably this one Is she also a junior girl from Xianwu Academy?"

"Yes, yes, good senior Qin Sang, good senior Zheng Hao, good senior Li Ren, I am Yuntao from Xianwu Academy, and also your idol. Your identity card is still hanging in our Xianwu Academy, I You can see it every day!"


Lin Ling stood quietly on the side. At this moment, Yuntao was completely transformed into a little cute loli, all eyes were on the few people in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other person also looked at each other, this little fan seemed so enthusiastic. A bit too much.

   "Ahem, Yuntao primary school girl is good, let's go."

   After a long time, Qin Sang found his own voice and whispered, "We still have important things, don't worry, there are many opportunities for us to communicate together at this moment."

   Qin Sang's voice was soft, and he whispered.

   Hearing Qin Sang's words, Yun Tao nodded immediately. Lin Ling walked up and Qin Sang proactively stretched out his hand.

   "Give me your backpack."

   Yuntao was still a little embarrassed, Lin Ling took it directly and waved his hand, the backpack instantly arrived in Lin Ling's storage ring.

   The storage ring flashed past, and soon disappeared from Lin Ling's hand, with only a faint mark on it.

   This is the method of the Emperor Xian!

   Qin Sang smiled.

   "Oh, Lin Ling, there are a lot of food in it, as well as the bento my mother prepared for everyone. They are all in a thermos flask, and everyone can take them out to eat."

   "It doesn't matter. Put it in the storage ring, and everything will keep its original appearance, so it tastes better when you take it out." Lin Ling whispered, "This is more convenient."


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