Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4373: 9 outside cities

Xuan Yu whirled around a small piece of things and said with a smile.

"One hundred million high-grade fairy spirit stones!"

Lin Feng muttered about the price.

Hearing the price, Xuan Yu immediately became quiet. One hundred million top-grade fairy spirit stones are obviously not so easy to earn. The most important thing is that Xuan Yu knows that he does not have 100 million top-grade fairy spirit stones!

"It's really good to buy a life with one hundred million top-grade immortal spirit stones." Lin Feng also nodded and said with a smile.

"Then Big Brother Lin, do you need it? If you buy Big Brother Lin, give me some fun!" Seeing Lin Feng changed the subject, Xuan Yu rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

"I do not need."

Lin Feng put the things back in their original place, "So, I don't plan to buy it. This thing is too expensive. Besides, there are so many dangers to seal us off!"

While saying that Lin Feng had already gone outside, Xuanyu and Zhao Xuan both looked at the hospital stuff reluctantly, and finally they could only follow Lin Feng out of the shop, one hundred million high-grade fairy spirit stones. It is estimated that even the entire dragon clan can't get it out!

Seeing the two people looking regretful, Lin Feng smiled and said:

"It's not that there is no way to buy it, but it requires the two of you to go together."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the eyes of the two people immediately brightened.

"any solution?"

This time it was Zhao Xuan who spoke.

"Mission Hall, we passed by the Mission Hall just now. I glanced at it. There are a lot of tasks on it. Some of them, as long as they are completed, there are tens of millions of fairy stones. This is tens of millions of fairy stones. , Do you want to try it?"

Lin Feng encouraged the two guys.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuanyu and Zhao Xuan looked at each other, and followed Lin Feng back to the previous street, where the words Mission Hall hung on a small shop.

Three people walked in, and a big man opened his eyes.

"Is it here to take the task?"

"Yes!" Xuan Yu nodded, "We want to see the mission of tens of millions of immortal spirit stones!"


Seeing what Xuanyu said so directly, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, Zhao Xuan's gaze swept across the wall, and he chose a task instead.

"This task, we can." Zhao Xuan placed the task in front of Xuan Yu, "Kill the Demon Emperor, 30 million high-grade fairy spirit stones."

"You can't go alone?" Xuan Yu rolled his eyes, "You earn what you earn, and I earn mine. You see, if we each have one task, we will each earn so much."

"Unable to play." Zhao Xuan said very bluntly. "The combat power of this Demon Emperor is comparable to that of the fourth-ranked immortal emperor. The two of us can fight beyond the ranks. It would be good to be able to kill one immortal emperor alone. Emperor, don't even think about it, but if you do it together, it's still possible!"


Xuan Yu was still struggling.

"The remaining tasks are basically millions of top-grade fairy spirit stones, this one is the most expensive!"

"That's it!"

"Just register it. You can complete the task of killing the Demon Emperor, 30 million high-grade immortal spirit stones at any time. The time for the task is until someone completes the task."

Dahan made a simple registration, and then left the identity information of the two.

"let's go!"

After taking the task, Xuan Yu couldn't wait to leave, but Zhao Xuan didn't. Instead, he began to learn about the Demon King's information in the store.

Since it needs to be dealt with manually, Zhao Xuan is out of the wall, this thing is not so easy to deal with, so in this matter, Zhao Xuan can be said to be quite cautious, understand first, then fight!

"I said Zhao Xuan, you are so boring!"

Xuan Yu said helplessly.

"Zhao Xuan did the right thing." Lin Feng said in a low voice, "If you don't know the strength of the Demon Demon Emperor, and if you don't know the situation, you may not be able to kill it. Maybe it will become his dish. You Do you see it? There are already a few failed experiences here."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuan Yu sat down quietly, looked at the documents Lin Feng pointed out, and looked at the registration on it bit by bit.

Just as Lin Feng said, this Demon Emperor has a lot of information. This thing takes pleasure in killing the cultivator and devouring the cultivator. For the time being, no one has seen this Demon Emperor really look like it, but the ability of this thing to swallow is very good. powerful.

"Looking at it this way, I thought it was gluttonous!"

"It's just gluttonous!" Lin Feng said in a cold voice, Xuan Yu's body shook, and then he showed a helpless smile at Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, don't scare me!"

"Second, gluttony is also an ancient sacred beast, you think this ancient sacred beast will come out as soon as you say it, besides, if it is really gluttony, it will be your turn to shoot?"

Xuan Yu gave a dry smile.

If it's really gluttony, he knows, of course it's impossible for him to take the shot. Although gluttonous is a bit greedy, it's a good thug and mount. Therefore, even though gluttony is very powerful, this guy is still everyone's favorite. food!

Thinking of this, Xuan Yu smiled.

"That...that guy is scary enough!"

Xuanyu looked at the information on the left and right, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Brother Lin, are you going with us?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"I won't go, I'm short of money, I also earn a little fairy stone."

Lin Feng took three mission registrations, and this mission hall can receive up to three missions.

Lin Feng glanced at the task card, and after removing the three task cards, he smiled and said.


Xuanyu nodded, the three parted ways at the entrance of the mission hall, and Lin Feng took the mission out.

His task is simple, to dig out some materials.

There are not many fairy spirit stones for such tasks, but if Lin Feng is lucky to find a vein, he will make a lot of money. After all, the number of tasks required is limited.

What Lin Feng was going to was a planet that had long been annihilated.

There is a kind of soul stone called Landi produced on this planet. The number of this soul stone is very rare. This task requires a total of three, one million high-grade fairy spirit stones.

This is almost the price of this stone.

Lin Feng pondered about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After confirming the route, he went straight there.

There was a teleportation array on the planet, and when he arrived on the planet, Lin Feng's mind swept around.

Mind can't penetrate into it. Some cultivators saw Lin Feng's appearance, smiled, and said: "Don't think about it, here is the isolation of the soul. If you want to find the Blue Emperor, you must rely on your own hands."

The cultivator pointed to the hole he dug out, very helpless.

"I have been here for seven days, but I haven't dug one."

"That's it."

Lin Feng glanced around, nodded, and said, "Thank you."

Hearing Lin Feng’s gratitude, the disciple lowered his head and continued to dig. The number of Blue Emperor Soul Stones is pitiful, especially with the continuous digging of cultivators over the years, the blue background marriage can be said to be almost extinct. Said, so the price has risen again and again, once only needed tens of thousands of top-grade fairy spirit stones, now it has risen to hundreds of thousands.


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