Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4238: Selfishness

"We are already cultivators, and our descendants have basically entered the world of cultivation. Now, our younger generation is rising, and will only become stronger and stronger in the future, and even be able to compete with the big families outside. Ping, you said, such a good opportunity is here. You have to fight for a dragon tomb. Do you really think it is worth the death and injury at that time?"

Dewo sighed and spoke for a while before saying: "I didn't let you go, I wanted to retain our best strength now."

"But the patriarch is also right. In any case, we have come here for so many years. The things we should guard and shouldn’t guard are now in our hands. If this is the case, we will always take our guard. Isn't it good to go down?"

Everyone looked at Dewo and whispered, “With so many guardians in our hands, we don’t need to worry about our future lives at all. As long as the Dragon Tomb, our strong men can continue to appear. Better than now!"

"Yes, we would rather fight than be a turtle!"

"Let's go to fight!"

The people below started shouting, and Devo frowned and stood watching.

"You are right, you should fight!"

Lin Feng walked out from the dark, "Fight well!"

"Who are you?" Dewo's whole body instantly stood on guard, squinting his eyes and swept over Xuan Yu and Zhao Xuan, "What is the Dragon Race here for?"

"Sorry, we just passed by." Lin Feng smiled and said, "Seeing that everyone is so indignant and wanting to fight, I think, as an excellent cultivator, I need to come out and say something for everyone. ."

With a smile on Lin Feng's face, he said with a smile, "After all, this battle is not easy, isn't it? If everyone is unwilling to fight, our lives will not be so easy in the future, since everyone has come forward now. , I am willing to make a blood for myself, of course I have to come out and encourage everyone."

With a smile on his face, Lin Feng said with a smile, "I think, this is what everyone wants to see."

The disciples below, look at me, and I look at you. They stepped back a little, still looking at Lin Feng with alert.

Seeing the appearance of these disciples, Lin Feng just smiled.

"I know that everyone has more or less opinions in their hearts. I am not surprised at this result." Seeing everyone's appearance, Lin Feng said with a smile, "But in the battle, my wish with everyone is The same, the main battle!"

"Go away, we don't need your dragon clan to intervene in the affairs of our own family!"

Dewo directly pushed Lin Feng away.

"Hey, hey, I said, why are you toasting and not eating fine wine? We, Lin Dage, came out to raise the flag for everyone, why are you still dealing with our brother Lin!" Xuan Yu snorted and said loudly.

The disciples below were quiet, and all of them looked curiously at the uninvited guests in front of them.

Lin Feng just smiled.

"Xuanyu, how many times have I told you, treat people kindly, these people are our good friends, you have to put your own attitude."

Dewo frowned and stood there. Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, Dewo's expression suddenly began to slow down. Looking at Lin Feng, his expression was still on alert, but it was better than before. After a lot of time, Lin Feng smiled when seeing Dewo's appearance.

"Presumably your Excellency also listened to me, right?"

"What's your name?"

Dewo stood there with his hands behind his back, signaled to be quiet, his eyes fell on Lin Feng, and he laughed, "I haven't appeared in these years. You suddenly appeared, isn't it a bit abrupt?"

"What you said is wrong."

Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "What is meant by the dragon clan has never appeared before, the dragon clan has been here many times, but it is mainly the original thing, and we are ashamed of our hearts, so we have not disturbed your life, otherwise, you Say how many years it has been, how can you live a stable life until now."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "This is a stable day, but no one else can ask for it."

Dewo was stunned.

"This cultivation, not a dragon tomb can solve your problems." Seeing the expressions on these guys' faces, Lin Feng smiled and started to ridicule, "But since the Dragon Race wants to give you freedom, of course I must also be responsible for you. In the past, you depended on the dragon for survival, and you didn't have the power to protect yourself."

Lin Feng greeted Dewo to sit down, "Elder Dewo, did you say so?"

Dewo was greeted suddenly by Lin Feng, and his heart trembled.

Although Lin Feng's voice was not high, but these things got together in a mess, causing Dewo's whole heart to tremble, and his instinct told him that Lin Feng should not be allowed to speak anymore at this time, if Lin Feng said it again Go on, maybe the trouble is theirs!

This guy's tricks are too strong!

"Boy, if you have anything, we can talk privately." Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Dewo said with a cold snort, "Come with me."

"Actually, I think it's good to say it here." Lin Feng said with a smile, "You see that the scenery today is also pretty good, since we are all here, or else, let's make things clear here, everyone is here. Isn’t it better if we have a problem to discuss together?"

Lin Feng looked down.

Xuan Yu and Zhao Xuan nodded immediately.

"I also think that everyone is a group. No matter what matters, it should be better to deal with them together. It would be too much trouble if everyone were to separate them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone has the right to know."

Xuan Yu also nodded and said loudly, "In this case, when facing dangers, we can also come up with the best solution, right?"

Devo's face grew colder.

No matter how things develop, Lin Feng is always there with a smile. Dewo can't wait to tear up Lin Feng's undue beating face at this moment. This kid is really too much.

Seeing Dewo's appearance, Lin Feng smiled and said: "In fact, when facing things, everyone has the same idea. If it can be solved right away, it is the best thing, even if it can't be solved right away, then We have to discuss it together."

"You came here to tear down the platform on purpose, didn't you?"

Dewo snorted coldly, "Boy, let me tell you, let's not talk about the long distance between us and the dragon clan, even if you tear down the platform now, I can kill you directly!"

(End of this chapter)


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