Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4234: stubborn

"Ah, by the way, although your three brothers are as close as a family, there are some things that can be said clearly not in a few words about brotherly feelings. When the cover is broken and everyone runs for their lives, do you think your two brothers are Should you take your tribe with you or leave your tribe?"

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Dongfang Jiuxiang, who stood there without speaking.

People are selfish.

"When you die, everything is empty. Before you hang up, you are the only immortal emperor strong here. After you hang up, the first thing your tribe talents have to deal with is the Qianjimen, and finally the remaining old, young women and children, etc. It's all cumbersome, everyone will take care of themselves first."


Dongfang Jiuxiang's voice suddenly rose, "If so, how can they meet me under Jiuquan!"

"You are stupid, they are all cultivators. Maybe they have to forget how long they can live. At that time, you really thought they saw you and wanted to confess to you?"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes, "Old man, you don't even understand this."

Dongfang Jiuxiang looked at Lin Feng with complicated expressions. Lin Feng stood there with a gentle smile on the corners of his mouth, as if the things just said had nothing to do with him. Dongfang Jiuxiang took a while to ease his mind.

"We don't need you as a kid to take care of our affairs."

"You're really right. I am not in the mood to take care of your broken things. I am just interested in the Dragon Tomb and want to go in and take away what I need. Or we can cooperate and I will give you a living Where, how about you give me the Dragon Tomb?"

Lin Feng looked at Dongfang Jiuxiang with a squinted smile, and said, "I can't give this kind of opportunity when I'm free."

"Dragon?" Dongfang Jiuxiang sneered, "Do you think we will trust the dragon?"

"It's not the dragon, it's me." Lin Feng stood up, shook his body, and said with a smile, "As long as you want, I can swear in my own name to give everyone here a way to survive, as long as you open the dragon tomb. , Let me take the blood of the dragon."

Dongfang Jiuxiang looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's eyes were sincere, but in the final analysis, the blood of the dragon was still flowing through his body.

"You dragons, you can't be trusted!"

"You keep me here, don't you just want to leave a post for your tribe?" Lin Feng smiled, "I said, you even have the idea of ​​a post, and it's fine in advance. Let's get together early. , Didn’t you just give up your wish early? Actually, you and I know that you are not opponents of the Thousand Chance Sect at all. Why should you seek your own death here?"

Lin Feng squinted at the person in front of him with a smile.

Dongfang Jiuxiang's face grew gloomy and he turned and left.

"What a stubborn old man."

Seeing that Dongfang Jiuxiang was unmoved, Lin Feng sighed, feeling somewhat regretful. If he could persuade this old man, it would be the best, but now it seems that this old man is not very good at talking.

"Trouble, trouble."

Lin Feng murmured in his heart.

"Master, why don't you go to Jonah?" Xingzheng said in a low voice, "It might be faster to shoot from this guy."

"That fellow Jonah is a gunpowder keg. If I rush to the door, I guess that guy will fight me directly. This is not wise." Lin Feng shook his head and said helplessly, "Furthermore, one Look at that guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp, we will still suffer by then."

Lin Feng shook his head, and suddenly Lin Feng thought of Dewo.

Jonah and Dongfang Jiuxiang are not good, but Dewo, there may be hope.

"I see, let's go to Dewo."

Lin Feng had a smile on his face, "Dewo is the most thoughtful of these three. Maybe it's easier to find him."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jisuo immediately cheered.

"Hey, master, you are right, that kid is the one who thinks the most, find that kid, you're right!"

"It's the master that you are considerate."

Jisuo cheered and felt Jisuo's joy. Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "Everyone be quiet, don't be so noisy, although I may have to talk a little bit better, how can we pick it up on time now? Still a trouble?"

Chitaki chuckled when he heard Lin Feng's words.

"Master, let Xuanyu and Zhao Xuan directly come over and pay a respect to the dragon clan. The inside is the dragon clan, and the outside is the Qianjimen. Doesn't Dewo naturally have a scale in his heart?"

Lin Feng nodded when he heard Xingzheng, his face felt a little more thoughtful.

After a while, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "This method is good, but the most important thing is, don't forget, the outside is guarded by the disciples of Qianjimen."

"Hey, Master, this is easy. Don’t Dongfang Jiuxiang want to go out and fight Dongfang Batian? As soon as Dongfang Batian is gone, this full-fledged guy is more powerful, but he has to deal with Xuanyu and Zhao Xuan. That still needs to be considered."

"The two boys are not as harmonious in character, but the fighting power is still there. At that time, even if the outsiders want to keep them both, it will be impossible to do so."

"We took action at that time to deal with these guys. We don't need to show a too good attitude. Maybe we just need to say that and these guys just agreed, right?"

"How can it be so easy?"

Lin Feng smiled bitterly, "But when Dongfang Jiuxiang and Dongfang Batian made their move, Xuan Yu and Zhao Xuan could indeed find such a chance to come in, I also miscalculated."

Lin Feng did not expect ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that these three tribes would eventually become a unified big family, and have their own cultivation civilization. From now on, these three tribes live fairly well. As for their tribal life, these guys have long been forgotten.

Such forgetting is actually not a bad thing.

At least, the abandonment of the tribal civilization saved them and allowed them to become stronger on their own, but without the tribal civilization, the resentment they once imposed on the dragons is nothing more than empty talk.

It's just that the resentment has been passed on from generation to generation, these guys lack a person who will take everything calmly to the world.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's take a good rest. At this moment, there is not much room for us. The current performance stage is the Qianjimen here and outside."

Lin Feng smiled and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Shuo nodded, letting go, and followed Lin Feng to the front.


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