Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4170: Talking [45/100]

"This...very good." Seeing that Lin Feng seemed to be a little dissatisfied, the shop Xiaoer whispered, "It is not easy to get this body, adults...I am very happy that adults can prepare for me. "

Dian Xiaoer raised his head and glanced at Lin Feng, and said cautiously, "This...I didn't even think about it in my dreams. I thought I would survive in a muddle-headed manner. I've always insisted on it. I just want to live in time, but now, I got something unexpected to live and I am very happy."'

The shop Xiaoer hugged the body and whispered.

"Satisfied people are always happy!" Chitaki whispered when he saw this, "I feel comfortable these days."

Lin Feng nodded when he heard Chitaki's words.

"In the future, if you want to, you can still stay in Danpu to do things. If you want to develop in the lower realm, tell us, Danpu, we will rearrange people. All of this is done in accordance with your own wishes. can."

Xiao Er nodded.

"Yes, my lord, don't worry, if I am going to leave, I will inform the lord. I will also want to do things here in the future. After staying in the city for a long time, I actually like it better."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded when he heard Xiaoer's words.

"By the way, is anyone coming to me?"

"Several groups of people have come to look for you, the adult, I have all prepared things for you, and you can see it when you go up."

Lin Feng nodded and turned upstairs.

The first one was left by Xuan Yu.

It's about Taeyang.

Tai Yang's recovery was very good. In the back, Xuan Yu left a time for his next visit.

After all, there are only five or six days.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mood improved instantly. After preparing the things, Lin Feng calculated the time and entered the soul forest.

Lin Feng went to Soul Forest to find the person Wu Daozi wanted him to find. If he really finds it out, it will take some time. The most important thing is that it is a little troublesome to cross there.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed.

This soul forest is not so easy to travel through.

The soul beasts outside are generated randomly, but the soul beasts inside are not random. The soul beasts inside are just like the soul beasts below. It will definitely take a lot of time to deal with. It's not a big deal, but it's really not an easy task to deal with weakness.

Especially, Lin Feng didn't know when the soul beast would appear or whether it would appear in front of you.

If an immortal emperor-level spirit beast suddenly appeared in front of you, it would be impossible to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed. Thinking of the previous things, Lin Feng's expression softened a lot.

Lin Feng slowly moved towards the depths. Lin Feng carried a lot of soul sources on his body. After almost four days of walking, Lin Feng could no longer get in. A huge soul beast blocked it. After Lin Feng’s path was taken, before the soul beast attacked him, Lin Feng ran out like a madman.

"Isn't this Lin Feng?"

Yuan Chen was killing the soul beast. Seeing Lin Feng rushed out like a lunatic, he immediately approached with a bit of curiosity. The next moment, an attack rushed towards Yuan Chen directly.

"Oh my mother!"


Yuan Chen ran wildly with Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, I found that it was a mistake that I met you. No good things have ever happened to your side!"

Yuan Chen and Lin Feng exchanged angles and rushed toward that side, but the soul beast made a profit and rushed toward Yuan Chen.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the soul beast rushing towards Yuan Chen, shook his head, turned and headed directly towards the Soul City. This time, Xuan Yu should also enter the Soul City.

As soon as Lin Feng arrived at the entrance of Danpu, Lin Feng went lively.

"I said Xiao Er, Xiao Er, don't you really know?" Xuan Yu held Xiao Er's hand and swayed constantly.

"Since that guy is here, he must not necessarily be gone, is he still here, is he?"

"is not it?"

"Oh, I was really in a hurry to find that guy, just tell me, where is that guy?"

"Little Er..."

"Little Er, we are all so good, can't we?"


Xuan Yu was chattering in the store, and all the souls who wanted to go in to buy things stopped going three meters away, and everyone was expecting Xuan Yu to leave.

Lin Feng shook his head. He was completely helpless at this moment with his stubborn ability.

"Stop it." Lin Feng said helplessly.

"I didn't make trouble, I just came to ask someone, I said you, I'm not such a bad person, so you don't think so much. When I wait for the person I want to wait, I won't make trouble."

Xuan Yu waved his hand and said, the next moment, Xuan Yu turned around, staring at Lin Feng with rounded eyes.

Lin Feng thought Xuanyu had stopped, but...

"Oh, why are you here at this time? I have come to you many times. Have you seen my message to you? But I have left everything in every detail, Lin Feng, Lin Feng, this is faster It’s time, where have you been, you don’t know, Tai Yang asks me about your news every day, and I almost get asked by that guy, I don’t know how to answer."

"Lin Feng, you said, didn't you say you wanted me to come to Soul City to find you?"

"Why are you not here when I arrive?"

"Are you deliberately bullying me?"

Xuan Yu was chattering, Lin Feng only felt a very pain in his head, Xuan Yu seemed to be more and more skillful in saying this.

"Let's go up and talk first." Lin Feng sighed, "Do you see that, the guests dare not come up."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuanyu nodded and babbled along the way.

After a full hour, Xuan Yu just shut up.


Xuanyu snorted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then he nodded and said, "Okay, it's okay."

"How is Taiyang?" Lin Feng asked in a low voice, "Basically it's all right, but what about Taiyang, because this sentence of body, after all, has been asleep for so many years, it is much smaller than the average dragon clan, and it needs some things. To improve."

Xuan Yu placed two pills in front of Lin Feng.

"These two pill prescriptions are enough. They are both immortal grade 9-level pill medicines and need to be refined."

Lin Feng took Danfang and glanced at it.

They are all nine-level immortal pills, and the amount of herbs needed is also very large.

"These kinds of herbs are only owned by the Dragon Clan. I have prepared five of them for you. You need to find the remaining herbs yourself." Xuan Yu looked at Lin Feng and said with some uncertainty, "You ...Can anyone refine it? If no one can refine it, I...I can find someone."


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