Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4159: There is also mixed [34/100]

Candle Yin said with a smile, "So, keep this vitality, how nice."

"One by one is owed."

Lin Feng shook his head, and said helplessly, these guys really felt uneasy for a while, how long it took, and instantly began to scorn.

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng was instantly enveloped by the familiar breath, and instantly became a lot more calm.

"I started."

Lin Feng put the two dragon bloodlines together.

Putting the dragon's blood together, the power of the two began to merge in an instant, and the restraint was continuously releasing light. The light wanted to envelop the dragon's blood, but it couldn't cover it at all.

The power of the two constantly collided, and all the power instantly crushed towards Lin Feng.

"Bumpy, click..."

The strength was crushed in an instant, and this crush completely crushed Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and his mentality was also much more comfortable.

"Master, come on!"

The candle shade whispered on the side, "Come on!"

Lin Feng nodded when he heard the candle Yin words.

That power slowly passed, Lin Feng's body relaxed a little, and he just breathed a sigh of relief, another force with even more powerful energy instantly pressed Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng lay down on the ground. Lin Feng's body trembled, and his entire bones seemed to be torn apart.

Lin Feng lay all over on the ground, with a mouthful of soil in his mouth.

"Master, are you okay?"

Xingzheng came over.

"You all walk away a little bit, has this restriction broken away?"

"It's early!"

Yushi sighed and said, "It will take at least a hundred rounds before it is possible to remove the prohibition."

Lin Feng paused for a moment.

"This..." Feeling this, Lin Feng's expression instantly became a lot milder, and he felt a lot more comfortable seeing everyone's faces.

"What to do?"

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at six.

"Hurry up and help me figure out a solution."

"Master, we can't help you." Zhuyin Yiben said earnestly, "So come on, Master, you will get used to it naturally, and then it will be different."


Lin Feng's mouth twitched.

The next force rushed towards Lin Feng once again. When this force rushed, everyone's expressions were crushed in an instant, and the surrounding strength became even more gentle.

Six lie on the ground.

"Why are you attacking together?"

"Of course, you helped me withstand an attack. Aren't I more comfortable?" Lin Feng stood up with a smile, and then shook his body, and said, "Is this comfortable?"

"Of course it's comfortable."

"The spiritual package prepared by the host must be particularly comfortable."

"Then continue to bear it a few more times."

As soon as Lin Feng's voice fell, a bunch of painful wailing sounds came from below.

"Oh, the master can't do it, it's so easy for the body we carry to get into trouble!"

"Yes, Master, don't mention how miserable we are now, Master, please help us!"

"Master, we really can't do it!"

"In this way, we will be lost in spirit!"

A group of people were clamoring there. Lin Feng sighed, then shook his head, and said, "Don't cry, resist a few times, I will make a transfer formation and transfer cooperation."

Lin Feng paused and said in a low voice, "Otherwise, if hundreds of ways come over, my small body can't bear it either."

The candle shade was silent immediately.

"That master, don't worry, we can still bear a few words!"

"I can too."

Seeing Wusuo's appearance, Lin Feng hesitated and began to study instead.

It was just a few, until more than a dozen, and several companies could not bear the approval, and Lin Feng slowly took all the pressure.

"Is the master taking revenge on us!"

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, they reacted for a while and whispered, "It always feels like we were deceived by the master. The master definitely didn't want to help us, but wanted to bully us."

Everyone glanced at each other, then turned to nodded and said, "I guess so."

"It seems that you are not completely stupid." After a while, Xingzhen said, "The master clearly bullied you just now. You were too gloating just now and the master was worried about it."

"Say as if you didn't speak!"

"Don't be so shameless!"

Ji Suo sneered and said.

"I have always been shameless, and I have always carried forward the spirit of shamelessness."

Xingzheng calmed his mind before he smiled and said, "But compared to you guys who are being bullied, I'm much better."


Everyone pointed at Xingzhen, Xingzhen was healing his wounds, his expression relaxed.

After taking a break, Lin Feng's expression was very bad, but he still clenched his teeth. Seeing that Ji Shuo's smoke had never been done before, Lin Feng had to ask for his head. It really looked like a young man. At this time, he did not. Feeling scared, not like him. At this time, all his thoughts were in front of him. Thinking of this, Lin Feng shook his head again.

At this moment, he understood that none of these guys are fuel-efficient lamps.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed.

"Okay, don't make a fuss." Lin Feng sat up reluctantly, "This attack comes down one after the other. If you talk about it, I can't bear it anymore."

This is the prohibition of the Immortal Emperor.

Coupled with this original strength, even if Lin Feng wanted to get free, but facing such a power, Lin Feng couldn't get free at all.

Too strong.

Each of the crushed auras has an attacking appearance of a strong immortal emperor level, which is almost the same as Yushu's feeling.

Although this is still within Lin Feng's tolerance ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, as the number continues to increase, Lin Feng's body obviously can't bear it.

It's so uncomfortable.

Feeling what he looked like, Lin Feng's body trembled, and feeling the strength of his body continuously infiltrated, Lin Feng's whole body became very distressed.

How to deal with this is also a problem.

Feeling the more and more unbearable power on his body, Lin Feng lost his weapon, and a small formation wrapped Lin Feng's body.

However, before the formation was opened, the power directly destroyed the formation, Lin Feng's body trembled, and the next moment, even more powerful force continued to spread around Lin Feng's body.

"Nima, are you here to mix?"

Feeling the power of the blood of the two dragons rushing towards him, Lin Feng's body quickly backed away, and that power followed Lin Feng silently, and Lin Feng's body kept running around, avoiding With this power.


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