Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4134: Zhanxinglou (9/100)

"Lin Feng, you still have a face."

"I said, you are a leisurely club. I came up to be happy, no?" Lin Feng looked at the disciple of Qianjimen and said with a smile, "Or you don't like this for Qianjimen? If you don't If you like it, just say it directly. I am not a kind of person who is good enough to make others difficult."

Lin Feng smiled happily.

"I'll change another one, and I will go out to tell everyone that the Star Picking Building of Qianjimen has always been a business of others without love."


The disciple of the Thousand Chance Sect pointed to Lin Feng, and couldn't say anything for a while. Lin Feng's words sounded good to Lin Feng. To put it bluntly, he was just threatening them!

"Lin Feng, don't go too far!"

"I am a self-aware person. Look at me, when I speak sincerely and very sincerely, you should know that I am not the kind of excessive person." Lin Feng bit the fan in his hand and said with a smile.

"Furthermore, you said I was too much, where am I too much?"

Lin Feng walked around, with a smile on his face, "Since I can come in, then arrange the best place for me on the top floor. I want to entertain my friends."

Only then did the Qianjimen disciple look down, Lin Feng's friend, two children who seem to be young.

The fish's tail is a little better, it looks like it is 13 or 4 years old, but the other one is clearly a little baby who has not been weaned.

"Haha, Lin Feng, do you have these two little dolls for your friends today?" A somewhat ironic voice rang from inside, and Dongfang Yu walked out of it, looking at Lin Feng with disgust. , Said.

"Who are you kidding?"

Jiaojiao jumped up all over, "You kid, believe it or not, grandma, I'll beat you up!"

"Don't make trouble, let's eat here." Lin Feng hugged Jiaojiao, "Let's go, let's go up."

As soon as Jiaojiao fell into Lin Feng's arms, she immediately became quiet, with a gentle smile on her face lying in Jiaojiao's arms.

"And me." Fishtail hugged Lin Feng's arm and walked forward with Lin Feng's smile.

Quachi followed.

This guy is really not an ordinary girl to like, Jiaojiao forget it, this little girl, and Lisi too.

Only envy was left in Kuaqi's heart, the envy of Lin Feng in front of him.

On the top floor, Lin Feng found a good place to greet the three of them to sit down.

The star picking building is very high, and the entire bottom is surrounded by sea water. The sea water is blocked by the formation, but the three talents are still on the top of the sea, soft and soft, even with a bit refreshing. .

"Wait, it's only the afternoon. When it comes to night, the scenery here will naturally look good."

Lin Feng looked down at the scenery below, with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth, "It will look good when the sky is full of stars at night."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the two girls nodded, but still played around with curiosity.

Kuaqi sat there for a while before he asked in a low voice, "Lin Feng, you...can you pass me something about..." Kuaqi's face was a bit unnatural, and the whole head was down there, very Distress.

"about what?"

Seeing Kuaqi's appearance, Lin Feng blinked and asked with a smile, "Just say what you want to ask, Brother Kuaqi, I must know that I can say everything."

"About pursuing girls."

After a while, Kuaqi whispered.

"I'm not very clear about this, but I have some books on this subject here, you can take it back and read it, Brother Kuaqi." Lin Feng's mind moved a little, and he came from a pile of books in Chaos World.

"Look, "Teach you how to pursue a girlfriend", "108 Ways to Deal with Girls"..."

Kuaqi's eyes lit up immediately.

"Thank you."

Go quickly and pass by holding the book as if holding a baby, Lin Feng waved his hand.

"It's just a matter of hand, these are also prepared by my son, saying that it is to help the vast number of cultivators change the routine of pursuing true love."

Lin Feng smiled.

Of course it was Lin Bian who prepared these.

Even if the kid is single, this routine is prepared one after another, and I don't know the use of these routines, but it's not bad for Lin Feng to look at it with his hands.

"it is good."

Kuaqi was holding the book reluctantly. As for what Lin Feng said, he didn't even listen to it. Seeing Kuaqi's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head.

The second girl played on the top floor for a long time before returning to Lin Feng's side. Seeing that Lin Feng had already set the hot pot and prepared a lot of meat skewers, the second girl's face was full of excitement.

"Wait." Lin Feng smiled when the second girl looked excited, "I'm still seasoning the sauce."

Lin Feng can’t take the hot pot made with Lingshui, neither Jiaojiao nor Yutail is a human race. The second daughter can’t eat those hot pots prepared with Lingshui. Lin Feng can only prepare a pure hot pot for the second daughter without any inclusions. .

"It's so fragrant." Fishtail's eyes gleamed with stars and looked at the hot pot in front of him, all lying on the table.

Seeing Fishtail's happy look~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng smiled.

"Wait a minute, it will be done soon."

Lin Feng prepared while Kuaqi skewered meat next to him.

"Oh, it smells good!"

Dongfangming stood beside Lin Feng and saw what Lin Feng had prepared, his eyes flashed brightly, "Brother Lin is a good craftsman, why don't you add me?"

Dongfang Ming sat in front of the hot pot himself, his eyes swept around inside, "It's really fragrant."

While talking, Dongfang Ming sniffed, "It looks purer and more fragrant than the hot pots at the Heroic Restaurant I bought."

Lin Feng's mouth twitched.

This time, Lin Feng used a big cauldron to make hot pot. The most important thing was that the previous hot pot could no longer be used, and Lin Feng could not prepare more enough. Thinking that this big pot seemed good, Lin Feng took it out and used it. .

Five people were sitting around the cauldron, underneath was a faint flame burning.

"It's you?" Jiaojiao turned to look at Dongfang Ming, her eyes burst into anger, "I'm going to kill you!"

With that, Jiaojiao's body aura suddenly lifted up, and then she rushed towards the big guy in front of her.

Seeing the guy rushing over, Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and the smile on his face became more gentle.

Dongfang Ming clasped Jiaojiao's body. ,

"I said little girl, we have no grievances and no grudges. You suddenly act at me for what you do. I will be very uncomfortable with you." Dongfang Ming looked at Jiaojiao helplessly, and said, "Do you think ?"

"It's going to you, grandma and aunt are also... anyway, she is also a beautiful girl, if it weren't for you, would I be this stupid?" Jiaojiao got angry when she thought of becoming a child again. Raised eyebrows, his eyes swept over the person in front of him, "I tell you, we are not finished with this matter!"

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