Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4165: Can't heat [40/100]

The disciples behind continued to retreat, but for the disciples of Qianjimen, it was impossible to retreat at this time.

Lin Feng's shot was quick and accurate, and at this time they weren't Lin Feng's opponents at all.

However, facing such a situation, Lin Feng didn't seem to have seen it at all, but he still looked at the scene in front of him with a smile.

"You...who are you? Don't forget that we are not at the mercy of others."

Several disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect were killed by Lin Feng with a single knife. The disciples behind couldn't help but step back a little, their eyes fell on Lin Feng, and they trembled and said, "The Thousand Chance Sect will not let you go!"

"Let's talk about it." Lin Feng waved his hand with disgust on his face, "Although I think you are very cute, but in the face of the facts, I think you should say a few words."

"What's the fact?" The lead disciple of the Thousand Chance Sect fell on Lin Feng. He always felt that Lin Feng was very familiar with this appearance, but he couldn't remember where he had seen Lin Feng.

Could it be that the inner disciple of Qianjimen failed?

Or, which powerful disciple in the Thousand Chance Gate waits?

The disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect looked at each other, and they were all in the same group.

They are responsible for the development here. They are all the outer disciples of Qianjimen. Although their combat power is strong on the outside, they are far behind those Qianjimen disciples in the inner door. Especially the people in front of them are not only very powerful. Powerful and looks outstanding.

The disciples of Qianjimen glanced at each other, and the arrogance on their faces disappeared, and each of them became more cautious and careful.

"Your Excellency?"

"Me." Lin Feng pointed at himself, showing his white teeth, "I am Lin Feng."

"you are……"

The disciple of the Thousand Chance Sect hadn’t reacted for a while, and he thought about who was Lin Feng. The next moment, this disciple’s eyes widened, his pupils shrank suddenly, and Lin Feng’s white feather sword pierced through. After passing his body, Lin Feng shook his head in disgust.

"The outer disciple of Qianjimen is still too weak. With this reaction speed, it is no wonder that he can only become an outer disciple."

Lin Feng's voice was full of disgust, the disciples behind had already reacted, and they stepped back. When they looked at Lin Feng, the guard in their eyes did not decrease at all.

Lin Feng!

This is the number one person to be killed by the Qianjimen now!

This kid is too shameful, even at this time, he is still here and he is still pretending to be x!

"Lin Feng... don't mess around, this is the site of Qianjimen, if you dare to mess around, Qianjimen will not let you go."

"Another sentence."

Lin Feng sighed, "I can hardly hear these words. Also, isn't this the murloc site? You really don’t remember anything about the murloc site. If you leave, you will call it your own turf if you occupy someone’s turf, shamelessly."

Lin Feng said with a bit of disgust on his face, "What is the number one hermit in the world? It's clearly a robber."

Lin Feng's voice was icy cold. Hearing Lin Feng's words, the disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect looked at each other, and the next moment, a wall of spiritual power rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

"Brother Dongfang is here!"

I don't know who shouted, and a young man appeared opposite Lin Feng.

"I'm Dongfang Shuo, Lin Feng, I'll catch it with my hands, I'll give you a whole corpse!" Dongfang Shuo's eyes fell on Lin Feng's body, holding the spear in his hand and shaking, half of the void shuddered.

"Shuo? Rubbish?" Lin Feng shook his head, "Your father's name is really bad for you. Let me tell you that this name is also very particular. If you don't have a good name, it will be easily crushed. Let’s take Dongfang Ming and Dongfang Yu for example. Which word is better, it means that Mingzi is more flavorful. So look, is Dongfang Yu always being beaten by Dongfang Ming?"

Lin Feng's gaze swept over Dongfang Shuo's body, "You are even more miserable. You are called Dongfang Garbage. This shows that you can always be under them. If you want to surpass them, you will never be able to do it in your life. !"

Lin Feng shook his head, and Dongfang Shuo's expression was taken aback for a moment.

"Lin Feng, you are looking for death!"

Dongfang Shuo's body came towards Lin Feng Chong'er, and the surrounding spiritual power quickly wrapped Lin Feng's body. The corner of Lin Feng's mouth was hooked. When Dongfang Shuo's spear was about to pierce Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng's body disappeared in front of Dongfang Shuo.

"I'm behind you!"

Lin Feng stood behind Dongfang Shuo with a smile and said, "This speed is not good!"

"Screw you!"

Dongfang Shuo turned around and attacked Lin Feng. No, it was the same. Lin Feng had already avoided his body before he could react.

Lin Feng's speed is too fast, Dongfang Shuo's eyes are all looking at the person in front of him coldly, "Lin Feng, you..."

"I am what I am, even if my cultivation base is taken out, it is definitely the best cultivation base. I told you that you can fight against such a good person as me. You should know that this is outside, you can think about it. It was unexpected."

A little bit of Lin Feng's finger, a bit of sword energy suddenly became big in front of Dongfang Shuo's position, Dongfang Shuo's eyes flashed a touch of panic, and his whole body quickly moved back. Before he could react, Bai Yujian had already rushed in front of Dongfang Shuo.

The sword spirit was loud, and Dongfang Shuo only felt his head dizzy. The next moment, a big hand grabbed Dongfang Shuo's body.

"The little ones can't beat the old ones." Lin Feng hooked the corners of his mouth and said with a sneer, "Tsk tsk, but this time the old things are also a bit worse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Tianshang's mid-term cultivation base With such a low level of cultivation, how did you feel embarrassed to come out and scorn the market?"

"Enough for you!"

A flash of coldness flashed on Dongfang’s freshly repaired face, and he grabbed Lin Feng’s hand directly, "Boy, blame yourself for your poor level, this time if you lose here, I will take you back and take your work. of."

"Do you know?" Lin Feng shook his head, "Tang Zaitian was more domineering before. Your temperament is obviously worse, and your level is not good."

Lin Feng's expression was serious and earnest. Hearing Lin Feng's words, Dongfang justxiu's face became colder and colder. His eyes swept across Lin Feng's body, and he gave a cold snort. The next moment, a stronger vigor turned towards Lin Feng washed over, feeling Dongfang Gangxiu's move, Lin Feng shook his head, a pity in his eyes.

Although this guy's strength is also great, it's still a bit short.


Lin Feng shook his head.


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