Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4147: Singing (1) [22/100]

"Master, it's time to go." The candle Yin whispered to Lin Feng, "This should be just the beginning. It will take a while before we get to the place."

Lin Feng nodded when he heard the candle Yin words.

"Which dragon tomb is here?" Lin Feng suddenly asked in a low voice.

"The breath is like that guy, but if it's the one, I don't know if I get in." Chitaki walked around and said, "This guy has a pretty good personality. Master, you can rest assured that you will be with us. To you, master, it will be a matter of time before this guy is taken down."

Chitaki said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Master, then we will go in first. After all, this is his site. We won't be able to come out if we don't have to." Compared with Chitaki's randomness, Zhu Yin said seriously, "This experience was originally for the master. What you prepared, if we intervene, the difficulty may increase."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lin Feng, let's go." Fishtail turned his head to look at Lin Feng, and said with a smile, "This is my first visit to this place, Lin Feng, what do you think we will get from here?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

The two of them moved forward slowly, Fishtail followed behind Lin Feng, with a gentle smile on his face, "Lin Feng, you are talking!"

"Lin Feng, it's really quiet."

After walking like this for a while, the fish tail was whispering behind to arouse the atmosphere, but Lin Feng did not speak.

The environment here was completely unfamiliar. Suddenly a little fear arose in Yuwei's heart. There was goose bumps on his arm and he got up. Fishtail hugged Lin Feng's arm.

Lin Feng turned to look at the fish tail.

Fishtail's face was a little pale, and Lin Feng's brows frowned. Just as Lin Feng was about to comfort An Yuwei, suddenly, a crisp song came from all directions.

The singing seemed to come from far away, bright and tactful, and very beautiful.

"It's the mermaid singing." The fishtail whispered, "there are murlocs too?"

Lin Feng shook his head. Of course, this was not a murloc. It should be a formation or a refraction or a singing voice that has long been retained in it.

Lin Feng continued with the fishtail, his singing became louder and louder, and fishtail's face became paler.

A warm breath fell on the fish's tail, and Lin Feng turned to look at the fish's tail, with a little worry in his eyes, "Are you okay?"

"I..." Fishtail turned to look at Lin Feng, then shook his head, "I'm fine."

The fishtail slowly broke away from Lin Feng's comfort, looked at the front and took a deep breath, and quickly adjusted his state.

"How are we going to get there? The singing of the murlocs is very beautiful, but there are murderous intentions hidden under such beautiful singing." Fishtail paused, and whispered, "It is still a little difficult for us to pass our homework."

"Let's go one step at a time." Lin Feng continued to move forward.

A light and graceful voice lingered around, and there was a bit of tenderness in that voice. In this tenderness, Lin Feng only felt like a spring breeze.

The fish tail fell behind Lin Feng unknowingly, frowning, as if thinking about something.

Lin Feng turned around and wanted to shout Yuwei, only to realize that the world in front of him was completely different.

The graceful voice became louder and louder, and Lin Feng only felt that something was constantly extending around him.

Lin Feng's body trembled. Those notes rushed over in an instant. The notes turned into combat power and rushed towards Lin Feng. Under this dash, Lin Feng's body trembled slightly, and then he held his hand. He rushed up with the white feather sword.

The speed of the notes is getting faster and faster. As the notes speed up, the attack speed also starts to get faster. Lin Feng's body shuttles between the notes, and countless notes attack Ai Lin Feng's body, and the sound becomes heavier. The hair became sharp.

The voice became louder and louder, with a somewhat harsh voice lingering around Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng was fighting, the musical notes penetrated directly into Lin Feng's body and spread towards the depths of Lin Feng's mind.

"From inside and out?"

Feeling that the musical notes had entered into his body, Lin Feng's mouth hooked, and the breath of the whole body was lifted again, Lin Feng's eyes fell in front, his eyes became more and more cold.

The speed of the battle is getting faster and faster, and the speed of the notes below is getting faster and faster at night, and as Lin Feng's time continues to increase, the surrounding environment has begun to become stronger and stronger.

Lin Feng kept fighting.

At this moment, a pleasant voice lingered in Lin Feng's voice.

As soon as this sound appeared, Lin Feng felt his whole body suddenly relaxed, and Lin Feng's whole body became loose, and his whole person became comfortable.

The speed of the notes began to slow down continuously, feeling the slight changes in the breath, and the smile on Lin Feng's face began to soften.

With this gentleness, Lin Feng's shots became more and more rapid.

The notes began to weaken continuously, and Lin Feng's shots became more and more rapid, and under Lin Feng's quick shots, the note array began to slowly collapse.

Fishtail sat on it, looking at Lin Feng with a gentle smile on his face.

Lin Feng gave a thumbs up at Fish Tail.

The fish tail landed beside Lin Feng, he smiled, and said, "How about it, how good is it?"

"It's amazing." Lin Feng gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, "It would be much harder for me to crack this level without you."

"This attack from your murloc is very powerful."

"Of course, the singing of our murloc people is the most beautiful in the world." The fish tail hummed slowly in front, and the corner of Lin Feng's mouth hooked. Suddenly, Lin Feng's heart moved.

"Fishtail, do you understand the sound of the first level just now?" Lin Feng turned to look at the fishtail, and asked in a low voice.

Fishtail shook his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ don't understand. "

Fishtail shook his head and said straightforwardly.

"I just listened to it. It's a song in this aisle." Lin Feng turned to look at the fish's tail and whispered, "This song is very powerful. It should be the treasure of your murlocs. Learn it. "

Fishtail's face was immediately drooped.

"I...but it's too difficult, I don't want to go." Fishtail muttered, lowering his head.

"What if this is a test?" Lin Feng looked at the front, "Look, there are traces of the formation in the front! If you can't play the first track, you can't play tricks in the back."

Fishtail turned back reluctantly, Lin Feng sighed, and the hand holding the Baiyu Sword shook for a while, and then put aside the things at hand.

Of course he was not trying to force the fishtail back, but at this time, Lin Feng knew what was best for the fishtail.


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